
Kevin Wikse predicted the 2nd Assassination attempt on Trump on Friday the 13th 2024!!!!

The Text Message Evidence (Posted TODAY on 9/15/2024, BEFORE 10 PM, just to keep everything nice and chronological. My predictions come with evidence. I practice OBJECTIVE occultism, not your weak-ass subjective fucking bullshit occultism).  Temple Member's texts are in Gray. My replies are in Blue.  My reading occurred on Friday, 9/13/2024.  The text exchange occurred on Saturday, 9/14/2024 at 10 PM. The 2nd assassination attempt on President Trump occurred on Sunday, 9/15/2024. The night of Friday, September 13th, 2024—a date of unmistakable resonance in the fabric of time—when I found myself performing a powerful ritual from the deep shadows of Palo, the Rule of the Congo. The air was thick with anticipation, as if the very atmosphere sensed the gravity of what was to unfold. A temple member had come to me, seeking answers, a glimpse into the forces at work in the coming months and guidance on how to navigate the turbulence of this strange epoch.  I began with the ancient practi

Kevin Wikse is back on TUMBLR!

I return to TUMBLR!  Kevin Wikse ( @kevinwikse  I am b ack on Tumblr, baby!!! And it feels like stepping into the gender-confused lion’s den of degenerates—a true blessing to be scorned and eternally loathed by the Devil himself. His minion horde, a sad, sorry assembly of micro-penis'ed, horse semen-chugging commie "White Dudes for Kamala Harris," card-carrying members of NAMBLA, and their 500lb blue-haired baby-murdering ogress counterparts shrieking in tandem at my posts. This is the battleground where the damned come to wail, and I couldn’t be more at home. Bring it the fuck on! Who am I?  In a world teetering on the brink of the unknown, where shadows whisper secrets and the night holds its breath, one man stands as the last sentinel against the encroaching darkness. Meet Kevin Wikse, the modern-day conjurer who wields ancient wisdom like a sharpened blade. With a mind as sharp as a ritual dagger and a wit as quick as a spectral apparition, Kevin delves int

The Demon Guland WARNS Ebola and Denver is CONFIRMED by Kevin Wikse.

It takes about 5 minutes of research to discover that I have been sounding the alarm regarding a weaponized Ebola outbreak for at least 5 years now. This, in addition to being the ONLY, and I mean ONLY, psychic/medium/occultist to have predicted EVERYTHING regarding COVID-19, the vaccines, the smartphone tracking, the Chinese connection, etc. I did this through my conjurations of the Demon Guland, who, as I have described many, many times, appears as a vampire and or bat.  In one of my videos, I stated there would be an issue with the 2020 elections due to a pandemic. This I posted in EARLY 2019.  NO SERIOUSLY, from 17:00 to 21:00 the Indios LAY OUT NEAR EVERYTHING THAT IS JUST ABOUT TO HAPPEN. They were speaking through me so loudly. I was hearing so much I couldn't fully place everything, and also the term "COVID" wasn't coined yet, so they used Ebola. VIDEO Let me be clear. No other medium or psychic did this. You are right. I harp on this. Why? Because results are

Who or What killed Christopher Alan Whiteley by Kevin Wikse

  1/11/24 *I am the  first  to suggest a Jaguar as a potential killer of Christopher Alan Whiteley. I want to state this upfront as the typical internet podcaster or blogger tends to give little to no credit or explain where their ideas stem from. Popularity, "likes, and subscribes" are their only real motivation. My reasoning for a Jaguar will make sense, and I want to honor where my idea came from as it has genuine real-world implications.  I've found an interesting parallel between a man named Christopher Alan Whiteley and a topic I posted an article on in 2017 or maybe 2018, and in doing so, I became a principal and often cited contributor to the narrative known as the " Dog Woman of Watts ." I raised some eyebrows when I speculated that perhaps the Dog Woman of Watts was potentially an agent of retribution. I conducted a phone interview with a man named Clifton. He was an eyewitness to the Dog Woman and shared proximity to the rumors that circulated in the

Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear 2024 by Kevin Wikse

  Merry Crisis and a Happy New Fear everyone! Welcome to the nightmare that will be 2024. In a last-ditch and desperate effort NEVER to be held accountable for their ongoing and ever-increasing psychopathic crimes against humanity before hurdling head-long across the 2030/Magnetic Pole Shift Global Catastrophe finish-line (when much like the morning of 9/11 most will forget about what was admitted to on 9/10) and to secure the near and total end of the human species forever, our Global overlords are set t unleash all manner of "horrors beyond imagination" to keep the public in a crippling state of fear and persistent agitation.  Old Plagues are new again. Bird and Monkey might be in fashion this season. But weaponized Ebola/Marburg Virus is the chosen favorite of the elite. Swine-flu? Maybe... it's a dark horse, but a few big players secretly put some big money behind it.  WW3? That's a near guarantee. A favorite of the old guard and a delectable choice. CCP/China is

My Hopes for 2024 by Kevin Wikse

  If only..... Maybe an internet campaign supported by a large-scale open ritual is in order here? Yeah, I think it is. -Kevin Wikse, 

Never Forget 9/11 was an inside job by Kevin Wikse

  It's still more believable than the official story.  -Kevin Wikse