Harambe: Murder for $$$ and updates on current cases, including the strange case of a modern day Spring Heeled Jack cultist.

I received a message asking for my intuitive sense concerning the Gorilla named "Harambe" recently shot to death in a Cincinnati Zoo. It is a tragic event and from the little I have heard about it, I believe that Harambe did not need to die. I had not really followed the story. However this request sparked some curiosity, and to be frank, with the extremely heavy investigations I am presently conducting I could use a change of focus.

My psychic research into Johnny Gosch is very Palo Mayombe dominant and is yielding deeper and darker discoveries than I am immediately ready for. I must take what I am being told in bite sized pieces, process and validate what I learn bit by bit. The spirit of Ottis Toole claims he has helpful information regarding the people who took Johnny Gosch, and I must take what he says both seriously and cautiously. 

In respects to Harambe, I turn to the daemon Sirchade of the Grimorium Verum, and his supernatural expertise concerning the affairs of beasts.  

At midnight I draw the sigil of the daemon Sirchade on the ground before the great force of the Most High, and the triangle of infernal powers consisting of Lucifer, Astaroth and Beelzebuth whom prayers, offerings and evocations had already been given. 

Lancing the side of my left thumb I placed a single drop of my blood in the middle of Sicharde's sigil. Over that drop of blood I whisked a flame under the base of a prepared red candle dripping the wax, and then affixing the candle onto Sirchade's sigil. 

Next I offered Sirchade stout whiskey by spraying it over his sigil and candle with my mouth, blew cigar smoke over his sigil, and finally placed a glass of clean water on top of his sigil. I lit the prepared candle intoning an evocation to Sirchade, and before I could finish the conjuring, the water in the glass looked as if I had poured champagne with the amount of bubbles suspended in the water. 

The daemon Sirchade came in with a roar! The Man-Beast came up screaming hot and erratic. I tapped my wand on the ground and set a specially made charm on his sigil which acted to stabilize his presence. Astrological and atmospheric conditions as well as planetary alignments can effect the daemon's evocation. Sirchade's attitude took a notably change towards less erratic and fiery, now more a caged ferocity.  

Once calmed, I greeted Sirchade and poured him another swig of whiskey over his sigil. My intention was to question the daemon Sirchade about Harambe, but Sirchade was well ahead of me and answered my question before I asked it. 

"They killed him for the insurance money", Sirchade blunted stated. 

To which I replied, "go on....".

I will not make public the discourse between Sirchade and I as he intermingles information about the Gorilla Harambe and nefarious activities involving animals near me in such a way that it is difficult to untangle the two subjects. I will give a abridged accounting concerning Harambe. 

Sirchade claims that the Cincinnati Zoo is in dire financial straits. Cincinnati Zoo administrators had been brain storming the possibility of fabricating a publicized animal death or tragedy which could draw attention to the zoo and cash in on the insurance money for the animal's death. Harambe's death has increased the number of visitors to the Cincinnati zoo, not decreased. Sirchade says that the killing of Harambe was not staged, but an opportunity which was seized on. Killing Harambe under the justification of protecting the life of a child is about as emotionally exploitative as you can get and the insurance company will have a hard time finding fault in the zoo's action in putting Harambe down. 

Satisfied with my consultation with Sirchade, I gave him another round of whiskey and tobacco. I close my session with Sirchade by speaking the appropriate dismissals and preforming the necessary banishments.

Spring Heeled Jack attacks!
Another message recently came my way and honestly, I am excited about its possible implications. An older man from Europe tells me he is part of a nearly extinct "brotherhood" or "cult" whose members spawned the tales of "Spring Heeled Jack". For those who have not heard of Spring Heeled Jack, Spring Heeled Jack is a frightful, devilish figure with sightings from Great Britain to Scotland in the early 1800s. 

This man says the name Spring Heeled Jack is not the name they go by. Spring Heeled Jack is what the 1800's news/media dubbed them, but they did adopt the moniker to some degree. The name "Jack" was used to refer to a man and in particular a man full of vigor, known for violent actions. To get "jacked" or get "jacked up" is commonly used to denote getting stronger, more muscular or becoming injured. 

Jack is also linked to the word "Devil". A "Devil" before Christianity's reign of terror, and convert or die campaign in Europe was what powerful spirits or Gods of European tribes or villages where called. The Gods of Europe needed to inspire toughness and resiliency in their people's hearts as Europe could be a dangerous place. The early Devils of pre-Christian Europe where not part of the "Satanic" notions of today. 

Devils where nature spirits or gods of the wild such as Pan, Faunus, the Satyrs, the Fauns, the misnamed Cernunnos, and Herne. Powerful masculine spirits merged with the powers of the beasts (powers contained below the waist: hips, groin, thighs (loins) and calves)the people felt deep kinship with and venerated. As such Devils oversaw essential functions of daily life like hunting, combat and fertility. In the middle ages how well developed a man's thighs and calves where was a sign of his vitality and sexual prowess. Men's fashion of those day tended to show off his legs rather than his arms and chest which is the norm for the modern day. 

Feats like jumping the Beltane fire or jumping the broomstick all have deep cultural and spiritual significance in Europe. Being able the jump over something such as a person or animal, was to claim ownership over it. The nursery rhyme "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over a candle stick. Jack jumped high, Jack jumped low, Jack jumped over and burned his toe". Jumping the candle had magical and divination meaning; the less the flame was disturbed the more good fortune would follow, with the opposite being true. 

This man claims his brotherhood was formed from of a particular "Devil" from a specific area in Europe. Jumping and leaping was developed to a high degree as a form of religious devotion, which made the men of this area renown for great feats of leg strength, running and excelling in hunting and combat. The Christian church targeted this group rather harshly because they feared these leaping Devils and committed near genocide on this people of Europe. In response a portion of this religious devotion went underground and a secretive brotherhood was formed.
Jack strikes again!

This man claims that this brotherhood had numerous incarnations, and often times existed as bandits targeting merchants and nobility. It was latter they turned to vigilante actions, and they where demonized in the 1800's media as attacking innocent women when in fact they where targeting corrupt local officials, and law enforcement. While he says that is highly possible members turned to criminal activities, the brotherhood saw its self as a protector of the people. 

He has shared with me many of the exercises of his brotherhood. Not surprisingly knee-bends or body weight squats are the foundation and done in very high volume. There is however many isometric, plyometric, and weighted variations. The variety of variations regarding foot placement, depth of squat, speed, and breathing methods is impressive and for me lends credibility to his claim.   

I have been promised if I am willing to learn and disclose information only as a directed, he will do all he can to pass on this linage before it is gone forever. I am hopeful he is legitimate and  I will share with you all what I can, when I can, 

-Papa Crocodile. 


  1. ORRAAAAA!!!! Great post per usual tata, always pumps me up. Tell this man there are willing people to listen and follow the tradition!


    this explains why my middle shook teachers used to call me a "little demon" or devil when I'd jump over all the benches and obstacles on our playground. I'd very much like to practice any and all excercises that will build an awesome posterior chain. I think it might go hand in hand with the dreams I have of training like Atlas, except I won't just be able to lift my dreams and hold them, i'll be able to leap with them and deliver them to their appropriate place of manifestation.

    "THUNDER thighs" really can enable lightning-like manifestation for retribution of any kind, I would imagine.

  3. I would definitely like to learn this craftwork.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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