DREAM: Voudu Loa Met Agwe "speaks". Path of HAARP driven Hurricanes purposely follow colonial slave trade route.

Met Agwe by Nic Phillip! Spot-fucking-on!
My last night's lucid dream I firmly believe to be validation regarding a particular line of thinking I have been following for a number of years now.  In a series of upcoming posts I will detail my personal thoughts and investigative findings in respects too:

1. Why the Illuminati (Khazarian-Ashkenazi) fear African spirituality most of all, including all out growth variants (Palo Mayombe, Voudu, Santeria, Ocha De Regla, Espiritismo, Candomble, Umbanda, Kimbanda, Obeah, etc).

2. Targeted weather and earthquake weapons against the entire African Diaspora to murder the population, displace children (for easier kidnapping for the purposes of sexual exploitation, slavery, organ harvesting, drinking blood for anti-aging and snuff films), and full western powers occupation of these islands via FALSE"rebuilding" and "humanitarian" efforts; financed by American tax dollars and FAKE donation fronts...mainly the Red Cross. DO NOT DONATE TO ANY HURRICANE OR EARTHQUAKE RELIEF EFFORT UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIPLE CHECKED THAT IT IS NOT A C.I.A or CLINTON FOUNDATION MONEY THEFT FRONT.

3. The Illuminati seeks to own the portals these African Diasporic religions come through to interact with the physical world (Cuba for Palo Mayombe, Hispaniola for Voudu and Jamaica for Obeah). Yes there are in fact places on earth where religions are ANCHORED onto the physical world. Any "popular" occultist who has not yet explicitly stated this is probably NOT what they claim.

4. The daemons Bechard and Khil from the Grimorium Verum where extremely forceful as they appeared in conjuration raving about direct energy weapons which cause earthquakes and manipulate weather.

I am a priest, or Tata, of the magical Afro(Congo)-Cuban cult of Palo Mayombe. I am however also DEEPLY involved with both Haitian and Dominican Voudu. My first Godfather was a Houngan Asogwe (Priest of the Highest order) of Haitian Voudu. I was never able to Kanzo (initiate) into Haitian Voudu under him, but my love of and commitment to the loa of Voudu has led me to undergo, and attain the "point" of a few Loa. Loa are the spirits of Voudu, who serve the will of Papa Bon Dios/Papa Boneye, the highest level spirit or God proper. By God proper I mean the Highest of the High, Prime Creator, and Endless and Ineffable one.

In order to receive, or be placed on "point" with a Loa, the Loa themselves, or a Loa that is a "wife" or "husband" of that Loa, must come down and take possession of someone at a Voudu ceremony. The Loa must prove they are who they say they are and then must place themselves, or their wife or husband Loa, into your head via direct touch or energy transfer. No such thing as a dream, or vision, etc...this must occur by direct means.

Being on "point" with a Loa do not make one a Houngan (priest) or Mambo (priestess) of Voudu. However it allows a non-initiate of Voudu to call down the Loa with whom they are on "point" like they are initiated...but just THAT particular Loa.

Met Agwe Veve
One of the Loa I am on "point" with is Met Agwe, the mighty Admiral and captain of the Immamou. Met Agwe is the Loa of the seven seas, he ferries the dead from earth to the afterlife; primordial African paradise called Ginnea. He is the Admiral of a powerful spiritual Navy which boasts some of the strongest and formidable warrior spirits the world has or will ever know. Even with all this potential for military might, Met Agwe is a Rada Loa, or "old African spirit" who is almost always cool headed, compassionate and very understanding. Met Agwe is a Loa that defends life and wants strong, healthy and free communities of humans. Met Agwe has his pewtro, or fiery, manifestations but these are rare and Met Agwe coming down through a pewtro current to anyone outside of Voudu is near unquestionably utter nonsensical bullshit.
E.A Koetting: This soggy twat-waffle has NOTHING to do with Voudu.

In this brief lucid dream I had last night, Met Agwe was navigating the Immamou (his grand ship of ships) through the ocean. I was standing in the water on the shore. I believe I was in the Florida Keys. I was wearing a light blue button shirt and white pants rolled up to my knees. I could see the Immamou on the horizon but also see Met Agwe at the helm as if he was only a few feet away. He pointed to the sky. It looked like the world had been made concave and folded upwards towards me making a gigantic map in the sky.

Current hurricane routs  & colonial slave trade routes. 
I could see the passage between Africa, the African Diaspora and North America. A pathway comprised of dripping blood and tears etched its way from Africa to Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Cuba, and then traced its way to Florida. This I knew was a slave route that for some reason Met Agwe was particularly revolted by (he is revolted by all slave routes, but something about this particular slave route he is extremely offended by).I could see tears stream down Met Agwe's beautiful face, from eyes so crystal blue and full of compassion, each eye was like it's own miniature ocean in its own right. Suddenly an unearthly commotion of screams and roars. Met Agwe begins putting on a heavy duty rain coat. He points back to the map. Whirling vortexes begin to take shape. Pale yellow and green light beams hit each vortex from mysterious origins. There are six whirling vortexes total. I know these to be hurricanes. They begin to follow the same path as the slave route marked in blood and tears. I know of Irma and Maria, but at least 4 more are one their way.

Met Agwe's gaze falls upon me and I am reduced to an emotional mess. His strength, elevation and purity are indeed awesome. Through Met Agwe I receive telepathic transmission that the "black octopus", the "poisoned tentacles" of the Khazarian-Ashkenazi run conspiracy, the Illuminati, seek to obliterate (through weather manipulation HARRP and earthquake weapons) some of the last remaining forces still anchored to the earth which can thwart them; the spiritual forces housed in the African Daispora as well as covertly continue the slave trade by selling the children of these islands into bondage, and using them for blood sacrifice. Met Agwe also relayed that great tidal waves might be employed against these islands too...if the correct conditions can be met.

Right before I wake up I see Met Agwe securing his cutlass, and checking the sights on his pistol. I believe Met Agwe, the usually cool headed Loa whose vast depth of compassion is nothing short of awe-inspiring, means to take his mighty Navy to war in order to protect his people and their beautiful religion. You can be sure that I will be there on deck, ready and willing to run through an Khazarian-Ashkenazi motherfucker, or agent thereof.

-El Patron


  1. Immamou has an anchor in you. That is a beautiful thing and it gives me hope for the longevity of one of humanity's oldest, strongest roots. I remember first hearing about Met Agwe when you told a story of how the dagda used himself as an anchor for the immamou lol


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