My work predicted COVID-19 back in 2018. The message just as valid today!

My blog post for June 20, 2018, titled OCH's perfect medicine against disease X. START SOON!

Here is an excerpt of that posting:

"OCH was able to clarify for me things that GULAND had hinted at. Mainly any vaccines coming from China will have (and will continue to have) very sophisticated forms of weaponized viruses and DNA unraveling sequences. In addition, they will piggyback and tie new DNA strains/sequencing into your old and unraveled DNA. This DNA will be from animals such as monkeys, pigs, birds, bats, and insects. This new DNA sequencing will be the bridge between you and extremely deadly diseases carried by the aforementioned animals. These diseases were once exceedingly difficult if not impossible to transfer between humans and animals. 
No more.
Disease-X is coming out of China. Disease-X was test run n Madagascar and is tied into the Bubonic Plague. George Soros as well as the Bush, Clinton, and Obama crime syndicates/families have all sold out to the Chinese run global domination plot (which the Western run Anglo-Saxon run conspiracy or Illuminati, believes they secretly steer...they might be right to an extent). OCH has agreed to help anyone prepare the perfect medicine", to help guard against Disease-X, repair your DNA, and keep your influential powers/sphere of influence STRONG!"

I have blog posts warning about a pandemic I posted in 2017 as well. 
Consulting future events with non-physical entities is a tricky business. The reality, especially in regards to the future, it is still plastic, meaning it is pliable and is subject to some variation. The astral realm and, therefore, astral entities, occupy "between spaces," spaces between realities parallel to this one. Astral entities (celestial, elemental, or infernal) based on their development make quantum level calculations regarding the likelihood of what will happen in your personal reality. They base this on the events of numerous (OCH revealed he could compute over 100 million parallel realities, but this is OCH and OCH is one of the most advanced spiritual forces to interact with occultists) similar dimensions.
Only God can guarantee anything, but powerful celestial, elemental and infernal intelligences, can indeed make startlingly accurate predictions. The lesser or less developed the entity, the lower their accuracy rating. Also, the operator or magician must be of sufficient caliber to better grasp what the astral entity is communicating. Astral entities communicate using a multilayered language. They weave together words, images, expressions of energy, and abstract ideas. Often times, it is not linear, which is highly frustrating because our consciousness is relatively fixed in point A to B.
OCH helped me hit on some very vital points which are unquestionably about COVID-19.
The virus comes from China. It is a weaponized virus that was made in a laboratory. The virus was developed by splicing and knitting together the DNA of animals and humans in particular bats. The virus its self damages human DNA. The virus is patented and financially linked to Goerge Soros, the Clintons, and Obamas. The only person OCH did not mention, but who has been mentioned in other Disease X blogs I posted BEFORE 2020, is Bill Gates.
OCH, who is the Solar intelligence, reminds me to tell you that the greatest virus destroyer humanity has, is the power of the sun. The sun is a goddamn super nuclear reactor. The radiation (also known as light) of the sun will, over time, break down even steel. Besides the Vitamin-D, which keeps a virus at bay, that you absorb directly through the sun's rays, solar-charged water will have a powerful effect no on just COVID-19 but its mutations and the more virulent strands that are about to be released. That is right, OCH has warned this COVID-19 release was nowhere near as successful as the Illuminati (for lack of a better word) desired. Still, they did achieve several goals in the areas of mind control and compromising immune systems.
The majority of the sheep have been walking around with a maxi-pad strapped to their faces like the fucking vaginas they are. These same sheep have isolated and spent the past two months confined to their dwellings. No exercise, no sunlight, and not developing of herd immunity, which are the best ingredients for an immune-compromised pussy casserole.
They have seen how compliant and weak-willed most of American society now is. This makes the Illuminati happy and further emboldens their future efforts. I am not going to get into 5G and all the other secret infrastructure, as well as increase of child abuse and abduction, that was built, (I did that already on YouTube four months ago) while all the dumb muppets all stayed indoors.
It is time to prepare for worse. The vaccines which are coming will be full of poison, which will weaken your DNA and immuno-response. Couple this with the greatly lowered immune systems of the troglodytes frightened into "shelter in place" and the incoming releases of even more potent weaponized viruses. It is going to be rough.
OCH recommends drinking half a gallon of solar-charged water a day. The water molecules will take on his vibrations, and the water will be made into a "more" perfect medicine. Please follow the steps in my blog post shared above if you want to develop a better relationship with OCH and create very potent solar-charged water.
Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas
The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


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