Papa Machete's Heart Warming Thanks Giving message to you and a special holiday prayer.

Welcome, but where is your mask you diseased fuck?!

As trite as this will sound, happy thanksgiving to you and yours. We here at the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles want you to have the best Holiday experience possible during this unfortunate but conveniently timed PLANNEDemic, all the while remaining within the guidelines dictated by your communist leaning statist overseers. 

We recommend you gather your family around your two-way viewing screen (antiquatedly referred to as a TV), assuming your family's size meets with the approved number of participants (any additional family must be ejected on to the streets immediately to help slow the spread) and watch "One Flew Over and Cuckoo's Nest," partaking in this seditious viewing material until Antifa arrives with BLM to throw bricks (which mysteriously appeared in nice tight stacks) through your windows. 

We ask that you focus what little remains of your attention span on a character named Nurse Ratched. We believe her to be source material for the present-day Neo-Liberal. An embodiment of Leftist ideology that deserves an in-depth study. 

Nurse Ratched is cruel, self-entitled, self-serving, and most of all, vindictive. She lives to demean, belittle, and shame others. She enjoys her ability to manipulate, micromanage, and exercise authoritarian control over others. 

Educated through a state-run institution, Nurse Ratched sees her self as immediately intellectually superior to all those she forces interaction with. She calculatingly targets the vulnerable and bends them to her will through threats of violence, subtle or direct. 

Like all liberals, Nuse Ratched needs to step over and stand on others to feel tall while dictating how lucky they are to have her, how lost they would be without her. Where there is no problem, she creates one and injects herself as the arbiter of social justice. In line with Leftist ideology, she hobbles those around her. She then demands their gratitude for her unwanted and unnecessary assistance. By keeping her charges and subjects perpetually sick, she can continually justify her malice, disguised as "treatment". 

Nurse Ratched's weapons are semantics, silencing, professional victim stancing, false martyrdom, and cancel culture propagation. 

Take special note of how she despises the black male orderlies but delights in directing them for violence and intimidation purposes. Watch the same opposed black orderlies oppressing the asylum patients—a better representation of BLM serving white Democratic slave masters would be hard to find. 

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a perfect reflection of our time. We are trapped in a medical tyranny. Liberals occupy mid-level to high societal authority positions. They exploit, manipulate, and turn various classes and races against each other for their benefit—all while claiming the moral high ground during the Great Reset and Great Leap-Forward. 

Prayer to Saint McMurphy

We ask for the intercession of Saint McMurphy. Show us the way out of the asylum! We ask that you give our hands strength to not fail as you did in the time of your trial.  Make our hands, as we grasp the neck of Liberalism, into prayer hands. Make it, so our palms touch, and we finish the job. May there be many Mc Murphies, and not one but MILLIONS to fly over the Cuckoo's nest. 

Awakened and full of righteous wrath!


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.


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