
Showing posts from December, 2015

Dream premonition?!: Season's Greetings from Ottis and Henry with a special holiday message.

Season's greetings from Ottis and Henry.  Our hearts go out the the victims of the 2015 Christmas tragedy! Have a very merry crisis and a happy new fear!  ***I hope I am completely off base with this. I woke up from after a nap today 12/24/15 at 3:33 pm. In the dream I received a Christmas card from Ottis Toole and Henry Lee Lucas (I have done my best to re-create it using pixlr).  The message inside it read as follows, "Season's greetings from Ottis and Henry.  Our hearts go out the the victims of the 2015 Christmas tragedy!  Have a very merry crisis and a happy new fear!". PLEASE be careful out there and I hope its just a dream. 

Palo Mayombe makes the Toole that is Ottis useful against the Hand of Death Cult and a parade of other absurd idiots. Consultation part 1.

**What follows is the details of my personal consultations with the spirit of the serial killer Ottis Toole utilizing the magical and religious traditions of Palo Mayombe. Palo Mayombe is a Congo based religion which is built on the foundation of necromancy, veneration of the dead and honoring of ancestors. As these are consultations of the dead, and a medium can be induced in error, nothing can be taken as fact nor presumed to be truth from a legal perspective. This and for I am sure many other reasons, must be viewed as " for entertainment purposely only"  then same or a little better than Faux News, CNN, and MSNBC. ** If eyes are the window to the soul, Ottis has a largely vacant stare. In his physical life Ottis Toole was a cowardly pan-sexual murdering, raping deviant pedophile monster of opportunity who was also a necrophiliac with cannibalistic leanings. He delighted targeting the weak and defenseless, namely children and disabled. With such sub-human affluence...

The Moon Landing Hoax's Hoax.

A strange video bubbled up on YouTube today claiming to be an interview of Stanley Kubrick confessing that he was indeed asked by President Nixon to create a fake moon landing film, and orchestrate one of the largest con-jobs perpetuated on the American public and in truth the world at large...second only to 9-11, and slightly more meaningful than the admitted Gulf of Tonkin staged event that lead Americans into the Vietnam war. The gist of the video is that this interview should only be made public 15 years after Stanley's death, and the date of the video indicate that it was supposedly made only 3 days before Stanley died... and evidence suggests...murdered. I do not for one second believe that what was shown to the American people as the official moon landing was authentic. There was just too many unknowns, and unknowns are not something any Government wants to allow it's subjects to make up their own minds about. I fully believe that Stanley Kubrick did truly stor...