
Showing posts from March, 2016

Case #8 Missing 411 German ancestry revelation. Nazi fifth Column, the eye of the M'pungo and the eyes of Exu.

*DISCLAIMER*  I in no way represent or work with either  Missing 411  or  David Paulide s. I am a priest of Palo Mayombe and a concerned individual inspired to help find answers. These are spiritual and psychic investigations done by me using authentic spiritual/magical/religious methods. These methods where passed down to me by my Godfather. These procedures are not found online or in any book. You must have the proper spiritual initiations, license and training to preform them. As these are indeed only spiritual and psychic investigations they in no way serve as actual evidence or proof of anything. For legal reasons, and I am sure other reasons as well, my findings must be considered as entertainment only.******** Da vid Paulides of the CanAm Missing project and Missing 411 made the statement which the vast majority of individuals who fit the Missing 411 profile/clusters are both male and interestingly German in decent.  Thes...