
Showing posts from June, 2016

The finger of the dead on the PULSE of the Orlando night club shooting.

I was on my way back home from a job early this morning as alerts on my phone and social media flooded in in concerning a, what to me smells like a staged terrorist attack, (a mass shooting) at a Orlando night club last night. Early alerts state much lower causality and injury numbers. I woke up to seeing 8 dead and 20 wounded which is MUCH lower than the now 50 something dead. The interviewed "witnesses" seem vapid, unattached to the situation, as well as their details about the effects and functioning of the guns/weapons used are completely impossible.  This is ALL at a glance. I will take tonight to really read through and track the story back to it's first media origins as well as conduct psychic research into it. I also do not believe the bodies have NOT been shown which is also in classic false flag fashion and the "attacker" either killed or committed suicide...depending on which media reporting you are currently listening too. I do believe that people wh...

Harambe: Murder for $$$ and updates on current cases, including the strange case of a modern day Spring Heeled Jack cultist.

I received a message asking for my intuitive sense concerning the Gorilla named "Harambe" recently shot to death in a Cincinnati Zoo. It is a tragic event and from the little I have heard about it, I believe that Harambe did not need to die. I had not really followed the story. However this request sparked some curiosity, and to be frank, with the extremely heavy investigations I am presently conducting I could use a change of focus. My psychic research into Johnny Gosch is very Palo Mayombe dominant and is yielding deeper and darker discoveries than I am immediately ready for. I must take what I am being told in bite sized pieces, process and validate what I learn bit by bit. The spirit of Ottis Toole claims he has helpful information regarding the people who took Johnny Gosch, and I must take what he says both seriously and cautiously.  In respects to Harambe, I turn to the daemon Sirchade of the Grimorium Verum, and his supernatural expertise concerning the affai...