Munzo "Dream Inc" a personal interest case and the "Ever Dream This Man" social conditioning experiment.
* I have returned from my final work excursion into rural Oregon and Idaho. I am behind on a great deal of projects and I am doing my best to get caught up. If you have contacted me, please know I am now back and I will be with you shortly. A personal interest case which has nagged at me for almost a decade now. I am will not be approaching this case in my usual manner as I do not want this case to reach a sense of finality just yet. If I am having this experience others might be also. The phenomenon I want to draw attention too is the possibility of a broad blanket dream manipulation program by either advertisers (commercials broadcast to your dreams) or intelligence agencies (as if the one is not probably the other) or even the distinct possibility of an actual interdimensional anchored manufacturing company who fashions the appliances and other products we see and interact with while dreaming. My dream journal 2003-2007 In numerous dreams before and since, in...