DREAM: Voudu Loa Met Agwe "speaks". Path of HAARP driven Hurricanes purposely follow colonial slave trade route.

Met Agwe by Nic Phillip! Spot-fucking-on! My last night's lucid dream I firmly believe to be validation regarding a particular line of thinking I have been following for a number of years now. In a series of upcoming posts I will detail my personal thoughts and investigative findings in respects too: 1. Why the Illuminati (Khazarian-Ashkenazi) fear African spirituality most of all, including all out growth variants (Palo Mayombe, Voudu, Santeria, Ocha De Regla, Espiritismo, Candomble, Umbanda, Kimbanda, Obeah, etc). 2. Targeted weather and earthquake weapons against the entire African Diaspora to murder the population, displace children (for easier kidnapping for the purposes of sexual exploitation, slavery, organ harvesting, drinking blood for anti-aging and snuff films), and full western powers occupation of these islands via FALSE"rebuilding" and "humanitarian" efforts; financed by American tax dollars and FAKE donation fronts...mainly the Red Cross....