Full Indio Spiritism, Prosperity, Protection and Purification!
On Wednesday March 30th 2022 I will be preforming a full Indio Cordon and Espiritual. All Seven Lines of Indio Spirits, the Cemis and the Spirit of Tobacco called and petitioned. The Indios acknowledge this world is sinking into darkness. I make no apologies. There is no more "teetering on the brink." We are long over the edge now and being pulled, through calculated measure (so not to disturb the sleeping masses) down into the mire of suffering and slavery. If others did not predict COVID-19, did not warn or your children being taken, etc, etc as I did, it is time to admit they don’t have a fucking clue. I don't know if there is a way that we can pull ourselves out of the mess we find ourselves presently. Too many liars, too many unqualified, corrupted, compromised and extorted people in positions of power. Too many lazy, self entitled, greedy people choosing comfortable slavery over hard work and freedom. Too many babies aborted on the altar of Mammon. Too many child...