Full Indio Spiritism, Prosperity, Protection and Purification!

On Wednesday March 30th 2022 I will be preforming a full Indio Cordon and Espiritual. All Seven Lines of Indio Spirits, the Cemis and the Spirit of Tobacco called and petitioned. The Indios acknowledge this world is sinking into darkness. 

I make no apologies. There is no more "teetering on the brink." We are long over the edge now and being pulled, through calculated measure (so not to disturb the sleeping masses) down into the mire of suffering and slavery. If others did not predict COVID-19, did not warn or your children being taken, etc, etc as I did, it is time to admit they don’t have a fucking clue.  

I don't know if there is a way that we can pull ourselves out of the mess we find ourselves presently. Too many liars, too many unqualified, corrupted, compromised and extorted people in positions of power. Too many lazy, self entitled, greedy people choosing comfortable slavery over hard work and freedom. Too many babies aborted on the altar of Mammon. Too many children kidnapped and snuffed out on the altar of Moloceh. 

Children are humanity's future and too many allowed the stealing of that future, the sacrifice of it. They will reap what they have sown. Unfortunately. Those of us who have known better will share the collective fate of humanity's fear induced indifference and willfully ignorance. 

The Indios agree its NOT fair. To help us in this dire time they have proposed a "walk softly but carry a BIG stick" spirirual policy. We can petition them to help us navigate through these very uncertain times, help keep us hidden, aid us in finding the resources we will need and if worse comes to worst, give us the strength to hit harder and faster than the other guy. 

There will very likely come a time when the insane and lunatic neo-liberal communists wi be unleashed. A horde of hungry, selfish, self entitled, mentally ill,  off their MANY meds, infected with Piron crystals and nanotechnolog in their brains as well as an HIV equivalent from the "vaccines" in their bloodstream. These debased, deranged, dangerous and morally bankrupt soul-less meat sacks have been powerfully indoctrinated to be offended by anything and everything. They justify their violence with disturbing ease. They are the disposable zombie army of the world elite. 

In the work of my Temple, we ask the intercession of the Indios, honor them, pray for them and ask for their benevolence so that what happened to their people will never happen again to anyone. The Indios know how to hide, and forage. They know how to stalk and hunt. They know how to fight, from the shadows or up close. They know what it is to suffer and to feel unimaginable loss, loss of their children, their future.  They do not want that to happen to us. 

The far left are pro-pedophile. They WANT free reign over YOUR children. To rape them. To enslave them. To sacrifice them. The Indios hate these sub-human monsters so much I can feel their general cool watry nature boil over with scalding steam. 

So while the rest of the world may finally get what they deserve, what they have asked for through generations of apathy, vice and debauchery, the Indios will help us keep clear of consequences's wrath and circumvent the machinations of the Devil as he takes his throne the psychopathic elite have bubuilt for him ( physically, spiritually and interdimensionally...via CERN). In this way, while the idiot masses cannibalize each other, we stay out of sight. We survive and find like minded people to "tribe" with as the idiot masses turn on one another. We stay healthy as they grow ever sicker. We live and they die, should they leave us no choice and no other option. 

As my Indio liberator is fond of saying "root, hog or die." The Indios promise to help us come to terms with the current reality and in that true find peace and protection, rather than chaos and insanity. 

This will be a mighty undertaking. Help would be appreciated. I plan to video and post this work so that you can play this Indo Cordon whenever you need their blessing. 

For donation of $15 I will name you (or use a nick name you pick) directly to the Indios. Give them a cigar, a special drink and a candle in your name, I will ask for blessing for you specifically and that an Indio spirit be a true friend to you individually.

In addition I will ask the interercession of Raphael the Archangel who walks with Tinjo Alawe, the Loa and Chief of the Indio Division. I will also call upon the spirits of the Four Winds and the Spirit of Tobacco to watch over and bless you specifically. 

The work takes place Wednesday 30th. 2022.


Papa Machete que gana todas Las Batallas El Matador de Dragones 

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.  

Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.


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