A deadly cereal of deadly serial killers. CIA and Palo Mayombe. The Hand of Death Cult.

Keeping a blog of my psychic investigations has attracted some interesting attention and on my part at least, cautionary attention. I have received in the last week anonymous emails and text messages, which lead to phone calls.

The person on the other end of this communication says they are an independent researcher who was startled by my accurate psychic hits, and picking up on the much darker connections especially where the CIA and the recruitment of prisoners or serial killers, is concerned.

This researcher says they had stumbled over the same connections a few years ago in a document unearthed at the estate sale for a deceased CIA agent. The document confirmed there was a drug running operation that lead up into Canada, and that the natives where subjected to CIA manipulation. The document also acknowledged the CIA recruitment of assets, and the names of those assets correspond to known or suspected serial killers.

This is all well and good, I am sad that the unfortunate circumstances I was able to pick up on from working with the dead, the M'pungo, and or Goetic Daemons was confirmed.

I am not impressed with myself so I will not be flattered into being manipulated by someone else who may or may not have ulterior motives.

This researcher went on to provided me with leads of there own, and while I was already aware of certain events they brought to my attention , I was not aware that many of them could be connected be more then just common themes.

The auspicious nature in timing for this convergence of coincidences hit me like a ton of bricks...." things that make you go hmmm".... that sort of thing.

I am currently working with an individual who also was presenting me information about the EXACT same people and or groups of people, but who is not connected (at least as far as I can tell) with the researcher.

Both the person I am working for, and the researcher presented me with the same internet link:

There is something about Henry Lucas by David McGowan

Just a hunch ladies, but I think Henry might be single, wink-wink
A very pointed, information packed, and exploratory essay regarding Henry Lee Lucas (one of the most prolific and sadistic "known" serial killers in American history) and his connection to other well known serial killers, in particular Ottis Toole who is famous for the abduction, murder via decapitation of Adam Walsh (son of John Walsh) which inspired the TV show America's Most Wanted.

I strongly recommend that you read this article, as it will clarify and add in to the psychic investigations I will be making.

Henry Lucas claims, as well as Ottis Toole, both claim to have been recruited into a nation wide Satanic Network/Cult known as "The Hand of Death".

Henry makes the claim that he was schooled in the arts of assassination, arson, abduction, and extortion, at mobile paramilitary training camps in the Florida Everglades.

If the idea of a Satanic paramilitary training camp is too fantastical for you, consider an extremely similar situation, and one which is completely steeped in fact.

The Black Hand organization (many consider it to be the precursor to the Italian mafias) was an Italian run extortion and murder for hire syndicate which operated in the United States cira early 1900s. The Black Hand recruited and trained members at mobile paramilitary style camps, in which the arts of extortion, murder, and fleecing where demonstrated.

The Black Hand specialized in Italian stiletto fighting, garrote, small caliber firearms and the usage of improved weapons (a topic that will come up in the shared essay by David McGowen). There was also a dark occult theme initiation, which the member renounces his family ties, and pledges fealty to a mysterious shadowy figure (who I believe to be an Italian "Lord of the Hunt" but that is purely intuitively based).

Adolfo Constanzo-The Witch Doctor
It was a lot of information to take in and process, however my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead all priest and priestess of Palo Mayombe pact with at the time of their initiation) got really loud about a person named Adolfo Constanzo .

Adolfo was son to Cuban immigrants who settled in Miami, Florida. In his teens he became the apprentice to a Haitian Palero (priest of Palo Mayombe) and eventually took the rites to become a full Palo priest himself.

Adolfo found himself in trouble with the law and Miami based crime syndicates at both the street level and the more organized kind.

My Nfumbe tells me he was involved in at least still unsolved murders. Two where homosexual males Adolfo had relations with but the other two for some reason I cannot see. All four where butchered, minced, and my Nfumbe shows me they where made into shark "chum" or bait.

Adolfo would later move to Mexico and make a name from himself as a seer, and sorcerer.

Aldolfo Constanzo performed Palo Mayombe black magic offering human sacrifices over  his Nganga or Prenda for drug dealers and hit-men, who desired being invisible and invincible to the law and their enemies at a destitute ranch in Mexico.

However, Adolfo ever the enterprising opportunist, eventually came to the inevitable conclusion that he would profit more from running the cocaine and marijuana himself. His black magic rituals now centered on protecting his cult and his shipments from Mexico into Texas.

The 2007 movie Borderland  is a loose portrayal of the events which took place at that ranch, and the cult run by Adolfo Constanzo.

You are a long way from the Shire 
My Nfumbe began reminding me of that movie also, but in particular the character played by Sean Astin (Samewise Gamgee), a low-life scum-bag sociopath named "Randall" who admits to hurting women really bad in the desert.

The character Randall seems extremely out of place in relationship to the rest of characters. He just seems to be there, and past his attraction to the power the Adolfo Canstanzo character has, there is no reason given how he would know about Palo Mayombe or Adolfo Canstanzo in the first place.

Why my Nfumbe was so adamant about Adolfo Canstanzo became clear once David McGowen's article mentioned Matamoros, Mexico. The location of the ranch used by Aldolfo Canstanzo and his cult.

The article will intelligently speculate that Adolfo was also a member of the Hand of Death Satanic cult, and that either Herny Lee Lucas and or Ottis Toole spent time on that ranch in Matamoros, Mexico.

Matamoro Ranch. A prenda or Nganga sits in front of the open door.
The character of Randall now suddenly makes sense to me. A low-life, deviant sociopath, with a pretense towards brutal violence against woman could easily be Henry Lee Lucas or Ottis Toole, and possibly even a representative character composite of Henry and Ottis, or another "gringo" of the Hand of Death Satanic Cult, hiding out at a ranch in Mexico.

Herny Lee Lucas makes at least two statements that I can find in which which he says he would found out in Mexico when he was either instructed to (instructed by whom??) or when he felt that the heat was too much. If he was with Ottis Toole at the time I can only speculate, as they where gay lovers who often traveled together, and the pair seems to have been selected as opposed to happenstance.

Railroad Killer AKA Pornstache slasher
The "Railroad Killer" Rafael Ramirez (not to by confused with the "Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez) was born, wait for it, in Matamoros, Mexico and would frequently traipse back and forth between Brownsville, Texas USA and Matamoros, Mexico (a scant 2.7 miles apart) and leave a trail of at least 15 (maybe more) bodies in his wake...a wake that extended out to, wait for it, Florida.

If Rafael Ramirez ever spent time with Adolfo's cult at their ranch in Matamoros I do not know. Intuitively I feel he did. At the very least he had insider knowledge of what was happening at the ranch and I am getting a strong impression he spent time with either Henry Lee or Ottis Toole (could be both), and even traveled with them back to Florida.

If you have never heard of the "Finder's Cult", its worth a Google, essentially a creepy new-age cult who says they maintain relations with foreign dignitaries but not their governments.

Strange however that many of the members' names are on CIA papers.

In 1987 in Tallahassee, Florida, two men in their late 20s where found to have six children in the back of their van. They had stopped at a convenience to get sodas. A patron of the convenience store witnessed two of the six children running around the van, acting feral and growling like dogs.

She noted that these children where very dirty, looked abused, and acting like animals.

She called the police.

The two males where arrested and the children said they where on their way to, wait for it, Mexico (Matamoros, Mexico was marked on a map found in the van, along with a few other places in Mexico, but which I do not know0 to attend a very special school for very special children.

My Nfumbe says this situation is exactly as it sounds.

The Finder's Cult trafficked children from Florida, to Mexico for sexual slavery for pedophiles, snuff films, and possible human sacrifice as it was rumored Adolfo did sacrifice children as well.

One of the men mentioned they where connected to the CIA and that nothing would ever happen to them.

The follow criminal investigation into the Finders Cult, and the two men was blocked, by the CIA and nothing ever did (at least legally, my psychic investigation shows me that they murdered, and one of these men in particular in an extremely gruesome manner as punishment).

The whereabouts the those six children presently is also a mystery.

There is an odd connection with Matamoros, Mexico and or just Mexico and Florida at say that least and one worth considering.

I have strong spiritual connections to both the religions of Voudu, and Palo Mayombe.

I am a priest of Palo Mayombe, however I am not yet initiated into Voudu (neither Haitian nor Dominican), however I am "on point" with a few Loa (spirits of Voudu) those being Candelo Cedfie, Met Agwe, La Sirne, and Simbi Makaya. This means that these Loa themselves came down in possession for someone and they gave to me directly their "points", or made it so I can call on them as if I was initiated but only for those particular Loa.

This actually makes me what is called a bokkor in Haiti.

My first Godfather was Cuban born, and a Houngan Asogwe (Highest level Priest) of Haitian Voudu. Because he was gay , my first Godfather was barred from entering Palo Mayombe (an interesting conundrum when weighed against Adolfo's romantic activities), but instilled that Palo Mayombe was something that he felt called to me.

He was correct.

I believe that the CIA has a fatalistic obsession with both Haiti and Cuba.

Warned not to smoke cigars for a week, Fidel avoided the CIA exploding cigar.
Its no secret Fidel Castro employed Cuban Espiritismo mediums and priests of Palo Mayombe to help him overthrow the American backed government of Cuba.

Fidel asked these psychics to spy on the movements of enemy troops via remote viewing or trance mediumship, and direct spiritual attacks on military officials.

Fidel Castro was also able to evade each and every assassination attempt made on him (there where a lot) by the CIA and other covert American intelligence agencies through the warning of Palo Mayombe priests, and or priests or priestess of Santeria (Castro was warned by a Palo priest not to smoke cigars for a week. The CIA decades latter admitted they placed a cigar in Castro's weekly box of smokes containing an explosive charge which would have taken Castro's face off had he lit it. Castro smoked only fresh cigars, at the end of the week those untouched old cigars where discarded, and new cigars provided).

Fidel Castro was made a Palo priest himself, but mainly for the power and protection that title confreres upon a person.

How maddening it must of have been, and my Nfumbe tells me that is was terribly so, for these ego-inflated CIA operatives to be undone time and time again by the powers of an invisible world.

*Powers the Nazis would only whispered about, having come face to face with them via means of combined high science and high Germanic magic, and learning the hard way these entities where not apt to be shackled by the Third Reich. Through the Nazi Fifth Column and CIA run operation "Paper Clip" scores of Nazi Scientists (including psychologists, propagandists and biochemists) where given clemency and high ranking jobs here in America in exchange for access to their knowledge. *

In Haiti the CIA encountered a similar phenomena with the Voudu Loa.

Papa Doc
In an effort to hamstring the island of Haiti and keep it under control for emerging American corporate interests( the CIA has never once actually served the interests of the United States Government. The CIA have always been a for hire cabal of spies and assassins and The US Government just aint got the cash and their credit is no good) the CIA implanted "Papa Doc" Duvalier as a political strongman over Haiti.

Papa Doc was probably not a Voudu Houngan (priest) as he claimed, but a bokkor, and was a member of a few Haitian based sorcerous secret societies.

Regardless of the CIA's plans, Papa Doc had his own agendas, and the CIA experienced fail after fail in attempting to dethrone him from the seat of power they sat him in, giving Papa Doc's ass sweet kisses and nuzzles before his bottom touched the lavish cushion of full dictatorial powers over Haiti.

Once more the CIA found themselves over another barrel by yet another African occult power splitting their pasty white Zionist backsides.

Looks like Uncle Fester humped the Cabbage Patch Doll
The Nosferatuian man-child Aleister Crowley, founder of the O.T.O (Ordo Templi Orientis) along with the equally silly Thelema was without question British Intelligence for the Crown (what would became MI6 essentially the CIA across the pond).

Crowley is a lesser John Dee (trust me his standard isn't particularly high either) and in some conspiracy circles the real father of Barbara Bush (I see where she gets her looks....yikes) who was tasked to infiltrate the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and either steer it towards the will of the Crown or destroy it.

Aleister sort of accomplished both.

The Golden Dawn was (still is) a "Black Lodge". A lodge which recruits the wealthy and influential, but keeps most members mired in ritual busy work while bleeding them financially dry.

 The order maintains a super tight inner circle who leech off the money and power given upwards from the rank and file below.
Is Crowley daddy dearest???

Pyramidal power structures.... you gotta love them.

For the British Crown orders such as the Golden Dawn meant only competition to their own long running pyramid scheme and infiltration into the high positions of power within these groups allowed for co-opting, and re-direction of agendas.

Rather than letting Samuel Mathers (a founder of the Golden Dawn) enjoy the lucrative coin, and unhampered access to the powers of both influential people and spirits alike; Mathers was warned he would need to give the British Crown their "due and proper" or get disappeared in a more bloody version of hocus-pocus than he was accustom too.

Mathers's death certificate lists no official cause of death, and past Spanish Influenza, few others will venture a guess.

LAM ma lama ding dong
My Nfumbe says he was murdered, and sacrificed by Aliester Crowley to feed the "Secret Chiefs" a mysterious council of entities spoken about only by the higher ranking members of the Golden Dawn, most of whom appear to be extraterrestrial or at the very least inter-dimensional beings.

Study Crowley and eventually you run across mention of LAM, his "spirit guide" or "Higher-intelligence".

LAM appears much like a species of "grey alien"... the ones which have been drip feed into human consciousness for the past 50 years.

I use LAM's striking resemblance the a "grey" as support of my argument that the "Secret Chiefs"  are a council of extraterrestrial intelligences and probably well known to the British Crown.

Aliester Crowley served as the British Crown's clown prince and bonobo-chimp of a monkey wrench in the works of the Golden Dawn. Crowley acted as "friend" to Samuel Mathers before ultimately stabbing him in the back (figuratively and literally), and causing a gaping political schism within the Golden Dawn.

"Greys" just creep me out
Then and only after Crowley had stolen the Golden Dawn's highest level secrets, their occult structure, doctrines, money and a wide member base did he start the O.T.O under the direction of the British Crown who puppeteered Crowley into steering the dark New-Age to reflect their wants, and desires.

The American CIA is little more than a carbon copy of MI6/British Crown Intelligence in both form and function.

Many of the early original members of the CIA where "Bones men" members of the University of Yale's Skull and Bones fraternity brought over and based on a German occult lodge known as the Brotherhood of Death.

These occult concepts while maybe not apparent to all members of the CIA, lay at the roots of this shadowy tree, and fuel all purpose for which the CIA serve.

It is no doubt that the CIA has seen and experienced the influence of spirits, magical religions, and psychic paranormal phenomena.

They ardently but malignantly seek to understand the occult, and harness it for themselves via high science and high magic.

The CIA has also taken notice of the fanatical loyalty cult members exhibit in service to leaders they believe have supernatural powers; legit in the cases of Adolfo Canstanzo,  Papa Doc and Fidel Castro but merely perceived in the cases of Charles Manson and Jim Jones (both Manson and Jones have extensive CIA connections and both possibly groomed for their roles by the CIA in San Francisco, California).

The CIA being largely of a Western mindset and European ancestry, and who are fascinated but fearful of Afro-Caribbean-Diaspora magical practices (Voudu, Obeah, Palo Mayombe and Santeria) would start to employ a pseudo-religious "adversary" current known as Satanism or Devil worship to pad their own occult streams of sorcerous consciousness in which they will attempt to steer others into.

The "Devil" and bi-proxy his "worship" is only as old as the Catholic Church.

A type of engineered dichotomy by which opposing forces support and strengthen the whole of a bogus religion.

As real as Pro-Wrestling
Authentic indigenous per-christian European magical practices are added to this construct known as "Devil Worship" in order to stimulate deep recesses of the European psyche, and triggering unexplained emotional reactions (which I believe are encoded deep in our DNA), to give this modern fabrication of "Satanism" a veneer of ancient credibility.

As in the case of the British Crown employing Aleister Crowley to infiltrate the Golden Dawn, circumvent it and then create and run their own lodge based on the metaphysics of the Golden Dawn; I believe just about ever major Satanic Cult to be a, or now a, CIA front.

The "so-called" Satanic Temple ov Blood I believe to be a perfect example of this.

The page linked above will detail out the Temple ov Blood's  main goals.

These goals include infiltrating, manipulating and disrupting the base of targeted organizations for the benefit of the Temple ov Blood's over arching goal: the creation of a "new being" or homo galactica, a sort of vampiric-alien life form.

The mysterious researcher who originally contacted me, supplied me with the Temple ov Blood's blog (*WARNING* the content is explicit, disturbing, and vulgar. However the worst of it is the writing, all that avant garde 80s style B movie horror panache but at the writing level of a "mature" 12 year old who *really* like, likes Stephen King and has almost so totally read all his books. My blog operates at a both steady and respectable 14 year old writing level) where this group openly calls for a Satanic themed organized terrorism, and MK-Ultra based shattering of the psyche to create assassins, and serial killers (interesting...) to help bring out their "hell" on earth... oh and of course slaves... always with the slaves.

How suspicious that the Temple ov Blood can openly call for terrorism (Satanic terrorism at that) in this, a post 9-11 world, and do so seemingly without repercussions.

Had they opted for the moniker "Temple ov 72 Bloody Virgins", the entire lot of them would have been sequestered away to a dark pit in the basement of Guantanomo.

My suspicion, and my Nfumbe confirms this, the Temple ov Blood is an artificial organization run by an a as of now unnamed intelligence agency. They are allowed to continue operating a blog, and maintaining YouTube channels muscling for Satanic terrorism because it is a psyop.

If the stories of Herny Lee Lucas, and Ottis Toole are to be believed or can be believed- of a militaristic Satanic Cult known as the Hand of Death with a mobile training camp somewhere in the Florida, Everglades, the Temple ov Blood supports the notion of a paramilitary style Satanic cult which is openly pandering for a bloody coupe of the United States Government.

My intuitive feelings are that the Temple ov Blood is a small collective of intelligence agents using the venue of a sadistic and violent occult lodge touting rape, mass murder and terrorism as a recruitment accessory to lure useful idiots and patsies for  later employ in achieving said intelligence agency's agenda.

Let me muse for a moment on the type of person who would be attracted....

Degenerates, sub-humans, utter outcasts, the greatly disturbed and the heavily deranged... and these would be the best of qualities.

Herny Lee Lucas, Ottis Toole, Aldolfo Canstanzo, Rafael Ramirez, David Berkowitz (Son of Sam killer), Richard Ramirez, and Jeffery Dahmer. All these individuals easily embodied multiple traits listed above.

There are some facts that support it was Jeffery Dahmer who truly abducted Adam Walsh while in Florida, and that Herny Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole where close associates.

How could this be possible without some sort of umbrella organization playing perfect-match for serial killers? This is BEFORE the internet. There was no internet serial-killer chat rooms, no 4chan forums (4chan I believe to be HEAVILY trafficked by intelligence agencies) nor electronic message boards of any kind.

Are we to just believe serial killers can just so easily recognize and forge workable relationships with one another?

I doubt it.

I briefly want to mention another serial killer from Florida my Nfumbe is currently speaking loudly about, Aileen Wuornos, who was depicted in the 2003 movie, "Monster".

She is a person I feel compassion for, as I truly believe her when she claimed to have been kidnapped, raped, beaten, forcefully made into a drug addict and tortured until she would hear disembodied voices.

She says that she was watched, followed, and even encouraged to "go kill", by local law enforcement and by whom she only names as "the government".

I also believe that a number of her victims where "johns" who had been targeted for elimination because of who they knew, and or what they had done.

She claims that a number of the men she killed bragged about how many people they had killed, women and children they had rapped, and they after fucking her she would be next.

My Nfumbe says she was sort of an "eraser" of failed or problematic earlier recruited scum-bags for such a group "like" the Hand of Death.

It would be easy to pin murders on a drug addicted, mentally unstable prostitute, keep the media circus on her, and never have to disclose much more than the names of her victims. Certainly not their backgrounds, or associations.

The programming of sex slaves and institution of prostitution are back standbys for all intelligence agencies... that is a fact from history.

Whether or not the Hand of Death did or did not, still does or no longer exists, there is enough smoke to prove a fire... somewhere.

I will begin myself for a full psyche investigation of the Hand of Death cult and I will make my findings available ASAP.

I will also in fastly upcoming blog detail out Col. Michael Aquino, former head of the Temple of Set (possibly deceased), and headed the pentagon psy-war program for many, many years.

I believe Michael Aquino was the CIA or NSA "handler" of Anton Lavey, who headed the Church of Satan and is on record as having meetings with Charles Manson. It is believed and I will agree, that Anton (through Michael Aquino) called for Charles Manson to have his "family" murder Sharon Tate (wife of Roman Polanski who directed Rosemary's baby and Anton Lavey acted as his directing consultant) because of her husband's (Roman) extensive knowledge of Governmental pedophile and child abuse rings.
Michael Aquino, Sammy Davis and Anton Lavey

Michael Aquino is named as a driving force behind the admittance of the CIA's MK-Ultra projects which was done before congressional hearings, and according to Michael Aquino's own words regarding the recruitment of "lifers" in military prisons into covert ops/assassination, "they are already long for vulgar atrocities, why let that gift go to waste?".

Michael Aquino, then headed the Temple of Set, and simultaneously handled the activities of Anton Lavey and the Church of Satan.

Are we to believe that a man (Michael Aquino) who implemented MK-Ultra on American citizens and did even worse to prisoners in Viet Nam, also behind the Phoenix program (where soldiers are listed as dead, but in truth their identities erased and made into "ghosts" or nameless assassins) who would go on to start a religious order which would attract people of sociopathic and psychotic tendencies would somehow find a moral marker and not go on to run even more sinister covert programs like a Hand of Death cult?

I believe I can comfortable say, I feel strongly that a cabal of recruited and trained serial killers do exist, but what is the end game?

Is it as the Temple ov Blood state: the creation of a "new being" and Hell on earth?

I am getting my M'paka (a magical horn filled with  secret ingredients sacred to the M'pungo the M'paka is built under, and finally capped with a mirror to use as a scrying device) ready, and I will dare to peek and see.

-Papa Crocodile

10/05/2015 (Monday). I am not suicidal, I am nowhere near depressed, and I am not suffering from stress nor any mental imperative. The subject matter I am presenting seems to have garnered attention. I am asking that people out there who read my blog take note of my present upbeat and happy mental state, and strongly consider that I would not ever simply disappear on my own accord.


  1. its so crazy, all of this bullshit just goes to show the power of strategy.

    Through good strategy (not excellent because they are often being discovered) the elite fucking PSYCHOPATHS and SOCIOPATHS and the most low, evil kind of pieces of utter shit have hijacked the world, manipulated the Media, manipulated the World's news sources, manipulated our society, manipulated our freaking Governments & State for their own sick Agenda's. I thought the Government was meant to protect us from evil psychopaths like these people? Oh jeez... OTHER WAY ROUND!!!!!!!

    "a palero must relish the stench of decomposing flesh, for he must take the evil spirits of the dead inside him, becoming possessed by them" - what the fuck?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    sometimes these fucking researchers get me more mad than the fucking evil people themselves

    we can all check up on you

  2. Thank you :) I am ok right now and I think everything will be okay, however, somethings have happened that I feel better alerting people to please check up on me. I am finishing this post up and I will have it fully submitted.

  3. No wonder I have been worried about you. Please protect yourself! We are all with you!

  4. This just gets more interesting every update, and it fucking ENRAGES me that this is going on and people do not know about it. Keep safe, Crocodile.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi, this is a great post with a lot of information. One thing I wanted to ask: do you have a source for the Finders men having a map with Matamoros, Mexico marked on it? I've been trying to verify that, but so far, I've had no success.

  7. Be gentle with me. Be sweet ad kind, oh hell! Who am I kidding? Flip me over, ride my ass and pull my hair!. Hey, i am looking for an online sexual partner ;) Click on my boobs if you are interested (. )( .)


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