Power to overcome the Super Soldier or Agent of Darkness.

I had an interesting conversation a couple of nights ago which has haunted my thoughts, so I'd like to redress the situation on a public forum, and for readers of this blog I hope this serves to aid you in all areas of your life.

Almost a decade ago I was involved in a physical encounter which very nearly could have left me maimed (at best) and probably dead. A fiend of mine was with me during the encounter, and he too was placed in dire peril. No details, but we where able to survive because I personally was more a beast than I feel the offender was aware.

My recent conversation brought the past situation back into the limelight, and I was peppered with very pointed questions about it by someone who had a rare insight.

This person feels we had a run in with what is now, a recently outclassed generation of, in their words...a super soldier.

I am less than certain, but they did offer up a convincing argument, and to this day I am still unsure of who or what it was that attacked a friend and I while camping near a suspected military base of nefarious reputation.

In addition I have been watching a Satanic organization named the Tempel ov Blood, degenerates calling for OPEN "global Satanic terrorism, mass murder, and grievous violence". A physical training routine was posted on their blog for their agents to follow, and I speculate that this is a call to members to begin preparing. For what? Well, according to their stated goals.... nothing good.

The routine is rudimentary, and reminiscent of a worthless high school training program, only worse. Reflecting their occult knowledge perfectly, their physical training protocols are the embodiment of ridiculously shitty, the only danger truly is it signals a call to action.

 I'd like to help prepare anyone reading this blog to lay a heavy beat down whatever may or may not come their way, and weather any storm that might burst open over head.

In doing deeper research on E.A Koeting and his affiliations with the Tempel ov Blood I have talked to a number of people who have validated the testimonials of others that had this to report this on the Tempel ov Blood modus operandi:

1. Kidnap/Abduction. Forcibly, as in snatch and grab, or drugging. Sometimes luring victims.
2. Imprisonment. Keeping people against their will.
3. Mind control. Using both physical and mental torture to break their captives down to dehumanize them.
4. Human Sacrifice. If the captives do not prove to be suitable candidates, or prove too difficult to break, they are ritualistically murdered.
5. Indoctrination. Should they succeed in programming a captive, they are made "vessels" for non-human entities. E. A Koetting has back peddled on his original human sacrifice claims, and instead now says what he "meant" to say was that people are "offered" to demons for them to inhabit. This validates the indoctrination stage I have been told is used by the Tempel ov Bloob, a group that I can link E.A Koetting too. His current standing within that group is not clearly known... yet.

Part of the conversation I recently had got me thinking about the type of strength this possible super soldier possessed.

After deep introspective reflection and consultations of my Nfumbe, Lucero, and Zarabanda, as well as the Exus on my court, both Capa Preta and Caveria, and Goetic daemons such as Sergulath, Ebigor and Musisin, I feel I am able to answer that question and offer an answer to it.

The strength of this possible super soldier was cumbersome and boxy. Linear, direct, and exactly the same type of strength the Tempel ov Blood's routine would build.

Essentially crude, and stupid.

A big ugly club is crude, but if used intelligently... its a terrifyingly effective weapon.

Intelligent is not a word which could rightly be used to describe either threats.

Dangerous however can rightly be used, and I aim to prepare you to do violence, and withstand it.

Put up a vicious do or die fight with either the possible super solider or agent of darkness will almost certainly secure your victory. They are not looking to die themselves, and every man they are put down comes at great financial and status expense.

My answer to their brainless training protocol offer one of mine.

I am a trained circus strongman...among other things. People that have stepped to me end up having great difficultly taking steps to the bathroom...for the rest of the their lives.

My presented routine ups the body's natural brutality, and teaches the body to carry heavy weight through wide ranges of motion that MUST be navigated intelligently. Also by making the body stay under heavy iron, you increase your ability to handle stress, and build a hard endurance.

In looking for a video representation of a good complex, lo and behold I found this.

Note the end of the vid he thanks "Costa Mesa Crossfit".

Now I don't know this guy from Adam so I can say nothing about him personally. But it was Costa Mesa Crossfit is who contacted me in 2010 to develop their Kettlebell Complexes... and sure enough THIS IS MY KETTLBELL COMPLEX.... kettlebell complexes Costa Mesa Crossfit totally stiffed on paying my for....

Oh well (FUCK YOU Costa Mesa Crossfit), I am deeply grateful to this guy for demonstrating one of my personal kettlebell complexes (with good form I might ad) for you to learn from.

Small world....

You may use a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell for this complex.

You would simply put the dumbbell down on the ground rather than do the "hand switch".

You are to preform this complex exactly as demonstrated for 20 minutes continuously (a many times as you can in that time duration), three times a week.

Each week strive to increase the number of time you complete this complex by one.

You will develop serious fighting multi-planes of motion strength, leaps and bound past what other clowns will bring to the fight.

Remember, these assholes have boxy, clumsy, linear strength....very easy to avoid and through even minute angular shifts, utterly dominate.

The weight you start with should be be a weight you are able to press one handed over your head 5-6 times max.

I routinely preform "long cycles" of one hand clean and presses with 60-70 KG (that is 140lb) kettlebells into near tipple digit reps, so for the above complex I use my 46KG or 106lb kettlebell.

You start where you need to start, you BUILD up and you surpass me goddamn it!

That is a direct fucking order. I want you strong, tough and ready to rumble for the good and betterment of all mankind.

The only other suggestion, the cherry on top, is a serious grip training routine.

Powerful hands WIN battles...

I will post my personal routine for grip here in a few days.

-Papa Crocodile.


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