Case #12 Why the case of Darwin Kenneth Vest should be a Missing 411 case.

* I would never presume to tell David Paulides how to do his job or how to approach his work. His Missing 411 CanAm project has reinvigorated a vital subject of inquiry that NEEDS to be doggedly pursued by investigators with a wide spectrum of angles and interests. I write this only to bring attention to a case I have been following since I stumbled across it 16 years ago. I thank David Paulides as he has brought back into consciousness what Butch Witkowski introduced when speaking openly about UFOs and "human mutilations" circa 2013. The number of people having gone missing, the lack of FBI and Law Enforcement files on these missing people who disappeared without trace, and whom have never been found, as well as the early mentioning of people gone missing from National Parks and Forests, is of noteworthy mention.

Darwin Kenneth Vest
I propose that the case of Darwin Kenneth Vest should be reviewed as a possible Missing 411 case as there are definite parallels with the events surrounding Darwin Kenneth Vest's disappearance and the requirements used to determine if a case meets Missing 411 criteria.

I also notice that many of the websites which I often re-visited to source information from are becoming broken URL links and available to purchase from GoDaddy web addresses. This posting, I intend, to serve as an archive of Darwin's missing person case for future legitimate researchers.

Lets begin with who is Darwin Kenneth Vest.

Darwin Kenneth Vest, who went by "Dar", was a self taught toxicologist and authority on poisonous spiders, snakes and plants. He did not receive formal education in the field of toxicology, as he was self trained, but still ran a lab, Eagle Rock Research, with his sister Rebecca in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He was called to testify as an expert witness in trails concerning poisons and poisonings. Darwin had also been consulted by both the FBI and CIA, and was also featured on the Discovery Channel.

The Hobo Spider because 1 out of 4 veteran spiders are homeless.
Darwin's most notable contribution in the field of toxicology and entomology was the classification of the Hobo Spider (Tegenaria agrestis), a spider often misidentified as a Wolf Spider or the Brown Recluse. Darwin helped educate doctors, and residents about the Hobo Spider, and the effects of it's bite. Darwin Vest was considered "odd" by some residents of Idaho Falls, and was accused of being gay. The population of Idaho Falls is heavily Mormon or LDS, and his possible sexual orientation did not win him many friends. However it seems he more likely leaned towards being asexual and even a little anti-social, enjoying his interests more then engaging with the majority of the public.

* As a personal interjection, I believe that Darwin Kenneth Vest, may have been autistic and maybe even an individual with a form of high functioning Asperger's Syndrome. I can find no recorded documentation of this, and is only speculation.

Darwin enjoy walking alone at night. He had been assaulted and robbed a few years earlier to his disappearance (police say they questioned the man who assaulted Darwin, and it was determined he had nothing to do with his disappearance). Also prior his disappearance, Darwin told his sister, Rebecca, that a business in Oregon was interested in purchasing and selling a Hobo Spider trap he invented. The business proposal was supposedly quite lucrative.

Details of Darwin Kenneth Vest's disappearance.

48 year old Darwin disappeared on a windy and rainy early morning on June, 2 1999. Darwin had met a friend named Eric Seneff at a local bar, the Frosty Gator, and both where latter joined by James "Lee" Curtis, to play a trivia game. Around midnight they, all three, walked to the Golden Crown Lounge for a night-cap. Darwin had indeed been drinking that night, and authorities claim he was not known to hold his liquor very well, however how drunk Darwin supposedly was is disputed by his family.

Darwin is said to have declined a taxi ride and decided to walk home alone in the rain. Darwin was known to be fond of late night walks. He was never seen nor heard from again. It is theorized by authorities Darwin may have walked along the Snake River which cuts through Idaho Falls, possibly to study spider habitats, and being heavily intoxicated fell into the river and drowned. Darwin's family disputes these claims, not only do they say Darwin was not a heavy drinker, but that he also hated rain and would likely not have walked home on a rainy night without some type of intervention or coercion. His family feels strongly there was foul play involved.

There are reports that Darwin spoke too, maybe even argued with, an as of yet, unidentified man at the Frosty Gator, but I can find no other information about this.

A few hours after (after Darwin is thought to have fallen in the Snake River) a woman who lived a couple miles south of Idaho Falls called the police to report she had seen a body floating down the river, however the body has never been found and thereby not identified. A few years after the incident, a police officer, admitted to seeing a man laying by the river bank that same night, but assumed it was transient person.

Darwin's family feels that it is highly uncharacteristic of him not to have called them and to have just left and vanished. The local authorities seems to also agree that they do not believe Darwin Vest would have simply walked away on his own accord.

Darwin Kenneth Vest was declared legally dead on the first week of March, 2004.

Why do I believe the case of Darwin Kenneth Vest fits the Missing 411 criteria?

Heritage: The last name of Vest, is linked to German origins, and it could be that Darwin Kenneth Vest is of German decent. Males of German decent tend to occupy a high trend among the cases which are categorized as Missing 411 cases.

Intelligence and mental defects: People with higher than average IQs, and individuals with types of mental defects also hold a high trend in the cases which qualify as Missing 411. It sounds to me that Darwin comprised a high level intellect and narrow focus, or fixation. He was self taught in toxicology and quite successful. This means to me he was of higher level intelligence. However, he seems to have displayed traits which could indicate he was autistic or having Asperger's Syndrome, especially concerning his asexual, lightly anti-social and specialized field of interests.  It seems Darwin fits both categorical requirements for Missing 411 case trends.

Weather conditions: The night of Darwin Vest's disappearance the weather was windy and rainy. In many missing 411 cases the weather turned unexpectedly stormy, and seemed to hamper search crews looking for the missing person. It could be a stretch, but I believe that this might play a role in qualifying Darwin Kenneth Vest's case as Missing 411 worthy.

Plenty of water in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Water: In almost all Missing 411 cases, the person is found to have gone missing near water, either a lake, pond or river. The Snake River features prominently here.

Intoxication/Inebriation: In many of the official Missing 411 cases the person goes missing after leaving a bar. That night Darwin visited two drinking establishments. The Frosty Gator and the Golden Crown Lounge. While his level of intoxication is in question, he was almost undeniably inebriated, and possibly drugged from an unknown person.

Decisions inconsistent with past behavior : A number of the Missing 411 cases feature people who made odd choices, or took options that surprised people who knew them. In respects to Darwin Vest, he hated the rain, but yet choose to walk home alone in the rain rather than accept a taxi. A seemingly minor issue, but if rain normally would have been a heavy deciding factor, it seems a little too coincidental that his hate of rain which would have presumably seen him home safe in a taxi cab, instead was ignored on the night he disappeared without a trace. His family has issued statements they believe Darwin may have been drugged and that is why he made the choices he did.

My personal feelings, conspiratorial links and magical perspectives : I feel that Darwin's involvement with both the FBI and CIA, as well as the unusual inclination towards venomous creatures, and poisonous plants might have placed Darwin on a unique list of persons of interest. I know that the CIA has spent a lot of time, effort and money in developing weaponized poisons, and mind altering drugs. The CIA jizzed their pants over the aerosol delivery system of the powerful drug scopolamine, also known as burundanga, or Devil's Breath which places people into deep stupors where they where highly suggestible. The now CIA employed Solomon P. Wasser to study the Amanita muscaria or Fly agaric mushroom for its reported effects on Germanic Berserkers and its possible role for a mind altering super soldier concoction. The CIA funded Timothy Leary's research into LSD using it in their MK Ultra mind control program and finally employing super shill Terrance McKenna to steer an embarrassingly obvious controlled counter culture for pseudo-psychonaughts/intellectuals and preconditioning a person's experience with DMT and psychedelic mushrooms ( I believe people such as Joe Rogan are very minor replacements for Terrance McKenna).

Hail Mighty Sergulath!
I have a strong intuitive feeling that the CIA in particular might have been interested in spider or snake poison for weaponization, and or even mind altering effects, as well as a delivery system. Hobo spiders are aggressive, likely to bite, and are mobile hunters. The goetic daemon, Sergulath, a master warlord and tactician reminds me of the anthrax carrying fleas. During WW2 Japan's Shiro Ishii, came up with a rather devious plan to release hundreds of pounds of anthrax carrying fleas from either planes or modified weather balloons, over Southern California, in an operation called Cherry Blossoms at Night. Sergulath showed me a report on NASA's research into giving spiders doses of different drugs, and seeing the effects in their web building.  Sergulath prompted a unplanned remote viewing of a military project where Hobo spiders are given what seems to be caffeine and cocaine, and made even more aggressive, willing to bite and less fearful of people. These ground crawling spiders could be released en mass into urban areas carrying deadly poisons and or mind altering drugs in their venom as a natural deployment system for a unexpected biological attack.

I intuitively feel that Darwin's involvement with the CIA and or other military development programs went deeper than perhaps even he knew and this plays a very real part in his disappearance.

I will be conducting deeper psychic and magical investigations into Darwin Kenneth Vest, and I will post my findings as time permits.

-Papa Crocodile.


  1. I'm still unsure about the taxi part. Being a little anti-social myself I hate being around people and avoid them as much as I can...but then again it does seem odd that he hated rain and still "chose to walk" home that day. But this post is very intriguing tata :)


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