Foul Wind 2: UPDATED warnings from the daemon Guland.
In order to maintain correct accounting of my occult investigative work I will keep the original posting (11/16/2017) "as. I made. Underneath I will include updates. Original 11/16/2017 post This is an urgent blog update that will be updated tonight. Gland warned me in a dream last night that Africa would come under a foul wind. A highly resistant Black Death plague will be released to depopulate Africa. I see this news release this morning. More to come soon! El Patron Update Further consultations with the daemon Guland has yielded the addition information. In the next few days there will be a media black out regarding the Bubonic Plague in Madagascar, save one caveat, that the epidemic has been contained. That is a lie. Madagascar is an isolated island, with a population who is easily marginalized and cut off from the outside world. Those factors make Madagascar an ideal ...