Reaction to November 4th on November 3rd.

I hate being so fucking busy. It will be worth it, I just got to get through it. The events of this morning have sent up numerous red flags. Before the day is over I want to document my immediate impressions.

Trump's personal twitter account deleted by internal defector whose identity Twitter is keeping anonymous. An incident this morning where suspicious activity on the north side gate of the White House, put the White House on lock down. Sounds like the preparations for a possible coup. Create an incident where the president, out of protocol, must be isolated and then cut of his communication to the outside world. Not good. ANTIFA has nation wide rallies/protests scheduled tomorrow. ANTIFA has been officially and rightly declared a domestic terrorist organization. The NAZI sympathizer and international criminal George Soros, recently dumped 18 BILLION in funding on ANTIFA. To me, 18 BILLION means, and signals, "all in".

In addition, a number of government agencies are planning a "off power grid" drill this weekend. How convenient. Large scale protests (knowing ANTIFA can turn violent at any time) amidst nation wide power black outs. Yeah that doesn't sound suspect or anything. Remember when other "drills" suddenly went live? 9-11, the 1993 bombings of the WTC, the Boston Bombings, and Oklahoma City bombings.

I accept that these circumstances might all be isolated events with no connections. However suspicious activity at the White House, attempts to disconnect President Trump from the public and isolate him, coupled with planned government drills, and ANTIFA (ANTIFA who is 18 BILLION dollars better funded, and who took out a full New York Times ad calling for November 4th to be the start of "the end" for Trump), and all in the same time frame? That sounds all sorts of fucking janky by even the best estimates.

*Do not tell me that edition of the New York Times is not real. I have access to a physical copy and I will gladly roll it up and spank the ever mother loving fuck out of you with it.

It is all speculation, "conspiracy", conjecture and theory, until it isn't. We are working for a SSDD (Same Shit Different Day) scenario for tomorrow. Nothing happens, and its just another Saturday. That is my hope.

If you are in a major city, find out if ANTIFA has a protest planned there, and stay away. The idiocy and mental defect of these crusty bug eating bitches is appalling. I believe a strong majority of them to be paid  Eastern European mercenaries brought into America covertly by George Soros to pad ANTIFA's rank and file, as well as, be more effective in domestic terrorist activities than the run of the mill blue haired heifer or squat beta-male piggy social justice warrior (SJW) who currently make up the activist front line for ANTIFA.

Stay safe, stay vigilant and stay away. However, if you, your family or your home is attacked, respond accordingly. If any ANTIFA cunt runs up on me or my temple, know this, there is but ONE purpose an animal serves in my temple, and that is SACRIFICE.

-El Patron.


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