Foul Wind: Urgent warning from the Daemon Guland.

In order to maintain correct accounting of my occult investigative work I will keep the original posting (11/16/2017) "as. I made. Underneath I will include updates.

Original 11/16/2017 post

This is an urgent blog update that will be updated tonight. Gland warned me in a dream last night that Africa would come under a foul wind. A highly resistant Black Death plague will be released to depopulate Africa. I see this news release this morning.

More to come soon!

El Patron


Further consultations with the daemon Guland has yielded the addition information.

In the next few days there will be a media black out regarding the Bubonic Plague in Madagascar, save one caveat, that the epidemic has been contained. That is a lie. Madagascar is an isolated island, with a population who is easily marginalized and cut off from the outside world. Those factors make Madagascar an ideal site for the research and development of weaponized diseases.

Madagascar is secretly under quarantine. Travel to Madagascar will be severely restricted. Those engineering this highly medically resistant Bubonic Plague are posing as humanitarian aid/doctors. They are studying any auto-immunity responses in the infected for the purpose of both anticipating and defeating the auto-immune responses within future targets.

Madagascar is home to animals which live nowhere else in the world. Guland claims a horrific human/animal chimera program is happening in an undersea base directly off the coast of Madagascar. A main goal of this program is to create deadly zoological diseases incubated in the bodies of these human/animal chimera/hybrids.

The re-engineered Bubonic Plague will most certainly be the vanguard of any chemical/biological attack. However they plan to later release developed zoological diseases on a diseased ravaged population to stifle immune responses they could not anticipate.

Lastly the daemon Guland says both Soros and Rothschild money fund this project (where some of George Soros's 18 million went). According to Guland the Madagascar Black Plague is set to be released on the American public if they cannot impeach, or assassinate President Trump in the upcoming year. Guland reveals that Vice President Pence is an Illuminati compromised plant, placed to hand America back over to the pedophilic Luciferian elite when he is put in power by Trump's removal.

There is more, but these where the main points.

-El Patron.


  1. It's a different strain, more deadly than the one released by the witches of rome


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