Daemon Andromalius " punish all Thieves and other Wicked People " Ritual Begins!
As of midnight last Saturday 1/27/2018 in what will be a long (as long as it takes) running Goetic ritual-operation was started by yours truly. The mighty Earl, the daemon of the Lesser Key of Solomon (Ars Goetis) ANDROMALIUS was conjured and given the task, by the strength and power bestowed upon me by the Most High, to punish the Clinton and Obama criminal syndicate. Details to follow on how to become involved. But in the mean time this meme (created by me) needs to be injected into social consciousness. Send a few minutes softly gazing at the meme and let it become part of your reality. In this way it will become reality. If my work speaks to you, please visit my patreon page and see if my values are in line with yours. -El Patron