Andromalius says Gimto (Gauntanamo) is for Cho-Mos (Clintons, Bushs, Podestas and Obamas). Executive order IS an Incantation against evil!

When the slime cover shit log who congealed in the gutter and crawled out as the sub-human garabe known as Eric Schmit stepped down from his position as Alphabet's executive chairman...or chair puss-bag....its hard to pin down exactly the type of filth this child hunting maggot is, I knew...President Trump administered the long awaited antidote into the vein of this septic Illuminati globalist system.

Eric Schmit is just one of the many elite evil billionaire rats you will see run, or commit suicide, to avoid the Executive Order Trump put out and the prison he is preparing for them.

Over twenty years I made it my mission to topple the New World Order, by physical and or occult means. Some of you reading this know to what lengths I speak and the fire-brand revolutionary spirit I channeled. The work we did is coming into fruition! Now is the time to charge again! The tip of the spear of still thirsts for the blood of tyrants.

Behold the Executive Order that IS the manifestation of true rebellion! The Executive Order that IS the anti-venom! Beware you filthy child molesting, and human trafficking hoard, for here comes righteousness! An argent cavalier has set his lance against thee! I cried when I read it. It is the poetry of swift and hard justice. I ask you to read the words of purifying fire here. Speak the words aloud as a grand incantation against evil!

I am hard at work. My Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead all priests and priestess of Palo Mayombe pact with) and I took out David Rockefeller, and we have "others" is our sites. It is open season on the elites and dog will hunt.

For sixteen years (the nightmare that was Bush/Chenney followed by Obama/Biden) we heard about Gauntanamo Bay or Gitmo (the super max prison, and CIA run black site, for the recruitment and training of who is now ISIS) but no upper level presidential administration members traveled too.

People in the Trump administration recently made trips to Guantanamo Bay. I thought that was interesting. My Nfumbe whispered in my ear, "they will rot, and they will die, in house of horrors they built". I suddenly understood.

Trump is a special kind of good guy asshole who would totally imprison Bill and Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama a.k.a Barry Soetoro, Joe Biden, their criminal  associates, crooked business partners, and members of their respective administrations (hell even G.H and G.W Bush if Trump could reach deep enough into the memory hole of America to make people remember what the lobotomized retard from Texas and his sadistic child raping father tried to accomplish) in Gauntanamo Bay.

Oh sweet fucking justice...let it be so!

ANDROMALIUS for President 2024!
There is a daemon from the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Ars Goetia, whose counsel has proved invaluable regarding these matters. The mighty Earl, number seventy-two, ANDROMALIUS.  The Lesser Key of Solomon says this about ANDROMALUS:

The Seventy-second daemon is named ANDROMALIUS. He is an Earl, great and mighty, appearing in the form of a strong man holding a great serpent in his hands. His office is to bring back both a thief and the goods which be stolen; and to discover all wickedness, and underhanded dealing; and to punish all thieves and other wicked people and also discover treasures that be hid. He rules over 36 legions of daemons. 

In my conjuration of the mighty ANDROMALIUS, the daemon confirmed President Trump means to use Gitmo for its true purpose, a prison for terrorists. Bill and Hilary Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden, as well as the Podesta brothers are all terrorists and guilty of cartoon level evil. I am talking Cobra Commander and Skeletor level cartoon evil, but with pedophile rings and child sex dungeons, and child rape and snuff films... abysmally evil...on a scale few people can fathom (a good and bad thing).

Andromalius advised Trump's BIG fish are George Soros, members of House Rothschild, and the British Royal family. Trump knows the Clintons will roll over on George Soros for lesser sentencing. President Trump has talked with Russian President Valdimir Putin about aiding in the international and, as impossible as it might sound, off world and or interdimensional man hunt that would ensue when George Soros, members of House Rothschild, and the British Royal family are actively pursued.Trump and Putin are both aware of the possible implications for both their countries as China is a soft ally of Rothschild, Rockefeller and Soros. North Korea is a military puppet of China, and I firmly believe that it is Chinese hostilities masked behind North Korea which is presently threatening the start of WW3.

However China might welcome to chance to rid themselves of western based parasitic elites, why do they want the meddling of western vipers in their den of authoritarian dragons?

I am starting another major group ritual directed towards justice, and the return of pilfered goods with ANDROMALIUS, in order to bolster President Trump's breaking the back of the western run pedophile network, wealth flooding back into the United States and fostering the possibility of the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, Soros, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Podestas, etc breathing their last in a dark Gitmo dungeon. I will launch the details of this ritual from my patreon page .

-El Patron


  1. Trump has EARNED my respect.....and anyone who fucks with him...fucks with me!!! I am a AMERICAN and this country is is mine!!!

  2. Trump has EARNED my respect.....and anyone who fucks with him...fucks with me!!! I am a AMERICAN and this country is mine!!!


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