Sidragosam's Sex Bot Assassin prediction confirmed by secondary main stream media.

Monday, September 11th, 2017 I posted a prediction made by the daemon, the mighty SIDRAGOSAM. The Grimorium Verum says this about the daemon SIDRAGOSAM, can make any woman dance in the nude. I discuss both the deeper meaning of SIDRAGOSAM, including his dominion (can make any woman dance in the nude), and most importantly, in respects to this post; the prediction by SIDRAGOSAM that A.I sex bots (child sex bots) will be used as tools of assassination. You can read this post here.

Posted by Drudge Report, the Indy 100, a quirky off shoot of the Independent (The Indy 100 is how the Independent reports on stories the majority of the population laugh off and still maintain its distance from conspiratorial news), reported on the warning of Dr. Nick Patterson, a cybersecurity lecturer at Deakin University, Australia. Dr. Patterson echoes the warning issued by SIDRAGOSAM , A.I sex bots will be used to assassinate via hackers employing back door protocols hidden inside sex bot programming.

You can read the Indy 100 article here, posted 12/28/2017

There are differences between the warnings by SIDRAGOSAM and Dr. Patterson, but the fact secondary main stream media is acknowledging this, is telling none the less.

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-El Patron


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