A great evil banished... George Bush Sr finally announced dead.
Aw lil' G don't wanna go, but he got no choice... This vile monster has been dead for a while now (drifting in a coma of nightmares while on life support isn't living). I've told you that was his fate and a number of times. The plan was to integrate George H.Bush and David Rockefeller into advanced life extension technology. However with all the inter-dimensional interference (I wonder that came from) sometimes you don't get your consciousness uploaded to the A.I. soon enough. Bummer. But on the bright side...its minutes away from Saturday! Saturday is the best day to speak to Baron Samedi. I feel called to address Baron Samedi, and let him know a truly cancerous, psychopathic, mass murder, and prolific child killing pedophile has entered into the realm of the dead. I've already sent my Nfumbe to run GH Bush down, and like a great white shark, my Nfumbe is swimming away with a huge chunk of seal in its mouth. I imagine if I ask Baron Samedi he might be