Spirits warn Sentinel Island set to be publicly invaded, its native people exploited, and validation of prior prediction.

On November 14 2017 I was issued a warning from the demon GULAND, form the Grimorium Verum, during a Ceremonial Magic conjuration and mediumship session. GULAND gave a number of warnings, however in respects to current events, GULAND warned about Sentinel Island. You can read the blog here, but this is what GULAND relayed to me:

Originally posted 11/14/2017

Human Trafficking

Guland confirmed another suspicion of mine in regards to modern day slavery and human trafficking. Guland focused briefly on Sentinel Island within the Indian Ocean. This island is home to an exceedingly isolated tribe who are just now emerging from the stone age. This island has been classified off limits for any type of tourism, as this population is extremely vulnerable from, as well as hostile towards, the outside world. Guland says that many isolated tribes existed on tiny, largely uncharted ( in the conventional sense), islands...as shortly back as the 1940s. The world elites have been kidnapping these tribes and using them as slaves, sexual exploitation, snuff films, and blood sports for decades now. Silent genocides the rest of the world will probably never know about. Guland warns the tribe on Sentinel Island is in danger of suffering the same fate.

John Chau
Just recently Sentinel Island became a blip on the radar of national news when third party interloper John Chau rented a boat and trespassed on Sentinel Island, not once but twice. He was chased off the first time and barely survived. The second time...he should have prayed for better judgement. His reason for doing so? To bring Christianity to the Sentinel Island natives. The same bullshit justification Christian churches and ideologies use when seeking to militarily invade people for the purposes of profit driven human and environmental resource exploitation. We need only look to history; the African Diaspora, all the island chains from Africa to the New Word (North and South America), and as recently as the Christian Churches caught trafficking children out of Haiti. That alone should be enough to legally prosecute for crimes against humanity and sue these slaving fucks into oblivion, but I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the Catholic schools for the Native Americans (North and South), and Canadians. I cannot think of one indigenous peoples, who within the last 300 years has not been negatively and violently impacted by Christian militancy, made easier by the intercession of Christian missionaries. 

On Monday night I began preparing for a strong working with the Legba Nation in order to close CERN portals surrounding individuals. In my preparations and communicating with spirits of the Legba division, I was approached by an Indio spirit, who (respecting his wishes) I will refer to as Legba Indio. In other words an Indio spirit who also walks among the Legba nation. Accompanying Legba Indio was a curious spirit dressed as a Catholic priest, but looked to be a native himself. I will (respecting his wishes) refer to him as Sentinel Priest. Legba Indio asked if I would enter into a passe or "two headed possession" with Sentinel Priest, that Legba Indio would help facilitate communication, and I agreed. The story which unfolded was pretty captivating. 

Sentinel Priest, in his life (Circa late 1400s), was a Sentinel native training to be both a hunter and priest of his people's religion. For centuries there had not been a formal warrior class. There was no need as the people on Sentinel Island had long been united. Other than personal disputes which could be settled by duels, and sometimes wholes families might join in, there was no longer warring tribes. The natives on Sentinel Island have been visited many times by outsiders for thousands of years. Yogis, Buddhist monks and occasionally pirates (Asian in decent) being most common. Sentinel Priest says tin his life  a new visitor started appearing, Spanish explorers. The Yogis, Buddhists and even the pirates often succeeded in establishing friendly relations. The Spanish however where much different. They marched in, built encampments and took prisoners for interrogation. The native Sentinels where able to repel them, and the Spanish eventually gave up their conquest in this part of the world. It was during one of the Spanish attempts to gain a foothold on the island, that Sentinel Priest was taken as a captive and eventually sailed away from his home in shackles.

At first he was just a slave, however Spanish Catholic priests learned Sentinel Priest was part of the Sentinel Island's religious class, and wanted to learn what they could (to latter misrepresent, twist and demonize) for when they returned to the Island. Sentinel Priest says that he did not know if they ever went back, and it was many years before he learned Spanish well enough to talk to the Catholic Priests. By that time he had been building Spanish missions and outposts on Islands within the north Atlantic ocean. Sentinel Priest eventually became a Catholic priest, but says he practiced the religious ways of his people in secret. He also showed other native people how they might still practice the religion of their people in secret while accepting Christianity, or at least appearing too. 

Sentinel priest says that his native ancestors practiced a religion which recognized the importance of venerating family dead (ancestors), embodying natural powers and phenomena, and soaking objects (stones, bones or wood) in a mixture of pulverized plant material, animal blood and human blood to bring them to life (invite a spirit to reside in them). Sentinel Priest says his accepting of Christianity was sincere, but he is soul refused conversion. He would always long for the spirits of his people, and in private speak to them, asking they tell his family he was alive and thought of them often. He claims both his father and grandfather "dream walked" to him often and relayed messages between him and his immediate family. Sentinel Priest died in his last 60s. He fell ill and just did not want to get better. He says he was greeted by the spirit I know as Caridad del Cobre and she helped him return to his ancestral spiritual linage. 

Legba Indio brought Sentinel Priest to speak with me because he has information about Sentinel Island's recent events, which Sentinel Priest would like to be made public. 

The deities watching over the Sentinelese have, for the past 100 years, been paving the way for large scale contact with the outside world. They know it is coming and will probably be forced (through political means) upon the Sentinelese. Their goal is to make contact with the outside world as beneficial to the Sentinelese as possible. Sentinel Priest warns John Chau was a useful idiot and while his intentions where to spread Christianity to the Sentinelese, he had his own ulterior motives. The people puppeting John Chau (intelligence and Corporate operatives), have exploitative commercialism in mind. Sentinel Priest explained how John Chau was secretly a homosexual and HIV positive.These facts where used to entrap and manipulate him. John Chau wished to document, and gain fame for his "adventuring", becoming the next Josh Gates. John Chau was told contact had been made with the Sentinelese people and his interactions would be friendly, but he was lied too. This is why, according to Sentinel Priest, John Chau went back after being chased away the first time and attempted re-contact, it was a set up. The Islanders where supposed to have been readied for a type of staged photo-op, the Islander's welcome Christ into their hearts or some bullshit. 

The Sentinelese  say GTFO!!!
Whoever steered John Chau knew the meeting would likely end in violence, violence they could use to introduce the Sentinelese as blood thirty savages to the world. Sentinel Priest says practices of cannibalism still remain on the Island. John Chau being HIV positive, it is possible that Sentinelese might become infected. This will help thin out their population and grease the wheels for future "humanitarian" efforts to help the Sentinelese, but in truth uses to survey the Island for a future Sandals resort and collect as much DNA/Genetic research on the Sentinelese as possible (not that they haven't done this in secret already). All while gauging where in the global human human market the Sentinelese will fit best. In the late 1980s, Sentinel Priest says that a group of Billionaire pedophiles (the usual suspects) organized a snatch and grab from the island. They raped girl and boys they captured on their boats and then feed them to sharks. Side note, and seriously, when is humanity going to turn against these fucks and skin them alive in the streets with rusty razors??? I am asking for a friend. 

International Christian groups started calling for the Sentinelese to be punished (which ensures invasion of Sentinel Island) but Sentinel Priest said this was being backed off from. However just today I read these same Christian groups now believe John Chau might still be alive. Maybe, but highly doubtful, and I believe (as does Sentinel Priest) this is a thin veiled invasion request, because armed military will need to go look for him (I am sure that wouldn't spawn more violence or anything). I doubt however this will happen. It is not in plans of whoever masterminded this, but I don't see it completely out of the question either. If John Chau is still alive I am currently being blocked from seeing/scrying to look. The spirits of Sentinel Island have created an astral fog to diminish from the world's collective attention and memory, the Sentinelese (out of sight, out of mind). I might still look with the eye of the Congo, my Mpaka (an animal horn filled with secret ingredients and caped with a round mirror), as Congo magic has the tendency to muscle past even the strongest barriers (right Mr. Rockefeller? LOL). Sentinel Priest warns that the future of the Sentinelese has suddenly darkened by this event and is requesting help. In exchange, he and Legba Indio will help in creating spiritual alliances with the forces of Sentinel Island. Who am I too refuse? More to come. 


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