LEGBA NATION PUBLIC RITUAL! Closing individual CERN/D-Wave portals. Verification of predictions, upcoming expansion, and Collins Elite.

I have a feeling things are about to get interesting, but before I get to why, I want to showcase what others have been sending me. The current fires in Malibu,California seem to sync up with what the demon FLEURETY from the Grimorium Verum predicted (February 2017) how the elite will steal the State of California for their own. You can read the blog post here, and see if you agree. In the same blog the demon FLEURETY speaks about a military invasion from Mexico in conjunction with fires and earthquakes in California. I would call the army of immigrants coming up right now (as of the date of this blog post) a military invasion force.

Speaking of both situations and very recent events coming to light concerning the immigrant army, it was my Indio spirit (Strong Turkey) very accurately broke down the content, context and character of the immigrant army. The diseases, weapons, and types of people planted in and infecting the caravan. A Trojan horse style event. This was posted BEFORE both alternative, and then, begrudgingly, main-stream media began reporting on it. See for yourself if Strong Turkey was on point here.

Lastly is Oumuamua, the cigar-shaped "asteroid" which visited our solar system back in November-December of 2017. The demon SEERE from the Ars Goetia was clear, this was no asteroid but in fact an alien probe. Harvard just recently (a couple days ago, as of the date of this blog post) issued a paper stating just that, both CNN and CBS carried the story here. You can read my December 2017 blog post about it here.

Now the interesting part...

I've been contacted by someone who was, and still is, involved/associated with (what has become collectively known within Ufology) the Collins Elite. There has been a few books published on the subject by researchers who have all eagerly bit on the baited hook of disinformation, seeing the red-herring, but not realizing the ploy. I will start becoming vocal about what I am being told and why. It relates directly to what CERN is doing, and their true purpose. Back in 2009-2012 I ran a YouTube channel which I discussed humans being used as "anchors" for inter-dimensional entities in our reality. These entities where (are) being aided by rogue governmental, private, religious and corporate sectors who helped their transition from their dimension into ours, as well as terra-forming our planet to make their living here more comfortable. All this in exchange for advanced technologies and access to higher level physics. My YouTube channel disappeared with no explanation.

At the time CERN was not really on the radar (not like it is now), and this is how I first got the attention of my source within the Collins Elite.

Here is an exceedingly brief, and somewhat non-linear, rundown of the Collins Elite:

Circa 1950, a group was formed by a shadowy compendium of Government, Military, Intelligence Agencies and Private sector alliances (multiple groups but most remained hidden) made up of mystics, psychics, mediums, witches, and remote viewers, to develop and refine magic for military application. However other agendas existed (I have spoken about them before) including the creation of a "new-age" movement that could be steered by social-programmers, as a way to disrupt societal norms, fracture psyches, and ease in a new world order (transitioning of non physical entities into our world).

The British government, and MI-6 (Crown Intelligence) already began their operations by infiltration and splintering esoteric, and metaphysical groups (namely the Golden Dawn) emulating the directives of the Thule Society. Aleister Crowley, a pedophile, junkie, and MI-6 asset, (created the O.T.O from and for this project) contact of LAM (the grey alien and Alesister's favorite anal prober ) provided minor inspiration for the Collins Elite project.

Due to successful experimentation by both Nazi and American scientists (America aided by Nikola Tesla) in the fields of radionics, frequencies, and time, and space distortion/alteration, it was conclusively proven we are NOT alone. We are part of a galactic and intergalactic  community full of both extra and inter-terrestrials. We are in communication with extra and inter-dimensional entities. We mirror parallel realities, and inhabit tangent and collapsing time lines. As above, so below and in all directions. Humanity better fucking get right with what that statement really means and has always meant.

A hostile or "negatively" aligned collective of non physical inter dimensional entities made communication with the Nazi's pre-WW2. Soon after a counter collective of non physical entities began communicating with the American government. Do not think of this as a good vs. evil scenario. WW2 was and still is, an outsider vs. outsider war which became a human on human fight. Neither collective was, or is, particularly pro-human or benevolent. As irksome as the truth is, the Nazis won WW2 when they perfected their Die-Glocken or The Bell (an inter dimensional, and parallel reality time travel machine powered by red-mercury). With this near ultimate weapon, the Nazis forced America and Europe to concede defeat, and submit to the Nazi's Fifth-Column victory strategy. As part of their surrender America and allied powers, would pretend to win the war, and thereby educate (indoctrinate) future generations with false information concerning WW2. In addition America, and most of the world, would raise generations of idiots slaves; watching, drinking, eating and interfacing with Nazi technology (now fully integrated within the American corporate power structure).

Soon after operation paper-clip, there was a coup within the Pentagon that weakened Nazi influence.  An event occurred in which race of extraterrestrials offered to help America deal with our inter-dimensional problem. The details of which are well beyond what I can disclose. However a new and secret war began, nearly destroyed the earth many times. Maybe one day I will be given the green light to fully disclose. I will hint at the Solway Firth indecent (dedicated research required) as just one of the deactivated E.LE.s (extinction level events) which almost occurred.

It became evident that the opening of portals, summoning of entities, trafficking with invisibles and pacting with extra and inter dimensional entities, as well as the communication with the dead, was nt only possible but not paranormal, or even supernatural (once the science is known). Attempting to mimic British MI-6 success, America began it's own psychic and occult militarization, partially also spurned on by the fear of the Russians, who reportedly had mastered their methods

Sheeva's CERN portal. 
This is how the Collins Elite began and started making contact with extra and inter-terrestrials, as well as extra and inter dimensional entities. As they progressed, different groups seemed to specialize in contacting certain types of entities, or grades of beings. This could be attributed to the overall, collective tonal or frequency emitted by each group. Each groups individual member's cultural beliefs and personal experiences contributing to the overall harmonic. As such, multiple agendas began to play out. Some where squashed, while others prevailed and continue to this day. Some agendas actually benefiting humanity, but most bringing about it's end, either for all, or for all but a chosen few. I am told the infighting and jockeying for rank among these groups was intense and its ramifications exist even today.

One of the most notable is the entity calling itself Sheeva, or Shiva (made contact with a Hindu Swami heading one of the major and original groups). This Sheeva is the same Sheeva currently guiding CERN. My source says many at CERN do not want help Sheeva's agenda, but have had the safety of their families (as well as their personal safety) threatened if they abandon CERN or speak out. CERN higher ups are either completely on board (committing atrocious to prove their loyalty to Sheeva )or  fully taken over by inter dimensional entities. Over a year ago, a massive (weighing 25 tons) chunk of condensed dark-matter was pulled through CERN's main portal. This chunk of dark matter is what Sheeva uses to anchor itself to our reality. My source also says this entity calling itself Sheeva is not the Shiva worshiped by the majority of the Hindu people.

Start listening at 6:42 for direct effect and disclosure.

Tim Cook behind an inter-dimensional glory hole. 
Silicon Valley has been infected with entities riding in on D-Wave. Creepy as fuck Tim Cook (Apple CEO) is rumored to speak with "Lovecraft like" dwellers of the thresh-hold. He maintains an all day state of Adrenochrome, not LSD, micro-dosing to better speak with them, consulting them on all decisions, be it business or personal.

Part of the weaponized new-age agenda is to severely weaken humanity's spiritual frame. Authentic occult traditions are kept complete, and intact. They effectively influence and manipulate reality, ours and others (especially that of non, or mostly non, physical). Ceremonial pacts are made with entities who agree (when covenants are kept) to empower and support the operator. Authentic lineages took hundreds of years to fully formulate, and required thousands of committed followers to become a true power base for its adherents.

The socially engineered new-age offers none of the above benefits. Rather, the new-age establishes a continually collapsing energetic/spiritual framework, pulling the life force and sanity of the occultist down an astral drain to chaotic, predatory dimensions of inorganic beings. These are the non physical entities contacted by various groups tethered to the Collins Elite. Incomplete or non-existent energy transmissions, dismally weak astral structure, disregard of tradition (traditional methods actually renew, and strengthen the spiritual frame) and scattered focus of the new-age was designed to bring ruin. The frequencies created by new-age occultism are disruptive and inharmonious on purpose. These frequencies promote mental and emotional instability, physical disease, as well as attracting predatory entities to feed off new-age occultists, using the dupes to anchor themselves to our reality thereby gaining access to the others around them. This CERN/D-Wave enabled extra and inter-dimensional cancer has established a foothold and is set to exponentially metastasize.

DO NOT be stupid. These entities are NOT demons in the main stream Christian ideological view. Stupid ass Bob Larson can't do (as if he could do anything to anything) shit against them. The Catholic Church sold out this this years ago. Your pastor doesn't have a clue. That is one of the MAJOR disinformation pieces spread by the Collins Elite, that aliens are demons, and to confuse an already clueless public to respond in the most ineffective ways possible. 

My contact from the Collins Elite searched the internet for an occultist who has both extensive and advanced level understanding of exopolitics as well as the occult. After 6 or 7 years of looking, and methodical deliberation, I've been recruited to help spearhead counter measures.

Our first step is to close and seal shut the individual opened, or opening, CERN/D-Wave portal for everyone on the planet. This is a tall order and one that can only be fulfilled step by bold, but meager step.

Make sure your doors got STRONG locks!
To begin I will be conduct a public ritual to and veneration for, the Legba Division, or Nation. This division is headed by none other than the one and only Papa Legba. Each person on has a personal Legba assigned to them. You may work with, or request intercession of your personal Legba through the Papa Legba, but until you have received authentic transmission into a legit Vodou lineage you may not readily contact the Papa Legba, nor may you request or affect another's personal Legba. The Legba Nation is made up of near innumerable amount of "younger" and "older" Legba's whose spiritual mission it is to help their charge navigate through life, and open the doors to destiny, based on the choices of each individuals and the will of God, or Papa Bon Dios.

Developing a relationship with your personal Legba is vital to your spiritual progression, as they open doors for you, but just as they open doors they can also and very effectively (sometimes more importantly) close doors which calamity, mishap and evil use to reach you. These CERN/D-Wave portals are among these malign"doors" or "gateways".

On Monday November 26th I will be offer a large veneration for all who desire to participate, to the Legba Nation, directing your personal Legba to close the CERN/D-Wave portal and seal it shut. I will also be speaking with each person's Legba, asking whether they are "younger" or "older"Legbas, and to participate move actively in the participant's lives in terms of opening up doors to health and abundance, and closing doors to calamity and ill fortune. No tiers, the donation requested is $21. Pictures will be taken and each person contact directly about what their personal Legba reveals. Use the paypal button on the top right.


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

"The Machete leads the way and defends ALL who follow".


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