The Lighthouse of Spiritism! Twenty-one-day Spiritual Liberation and Elevation for yourself and Isaac Kappy with Loa Met Agwe and the Court of Sailors. Further supported by 7 days of Spiritual Liberation and Defense by Loa Ogun Balendjo and the Court of the Saints for the same reasons!

The Lighthouse of Spiritism!

Twenty-one-day Spiritual Liberation and Elevation for yourself and Isaac Kappy with Loa Met Agwe and the Court of Sailors. Further supported by 7 days of Spiritual Liberation and Defense by Loa Ogun Balendjo and the Court of the Saints for the same reasons!

Helping all souls find shelter!
The events surrounding Isaac 'Kappy's murder are still being brought to light. For his flaws, and really who 'isn't flawed anyways, he was a righteous warrior for truth. Did he get manipulated and used? Yes, but many other famous warriors have, and they all sought to right the wrong. Look at General Smedley Butler, tied for the most decorated marine in United States history, he got tricked and hoodwinked. However, he wrote a book, "War is a Racket"" and went to Congress to expose a coup by foreign money powers who recruited him to lead an army and overthrow America (seriously...look it up).

Thank you Isaac Kappy
Isaac Kappy could continue to be that kind of fighter for what is good and right in the spirit world. But for that to happen, we need to make sure he gets that chance. Form my work, I have learned Isaac Kappy is spiritually dominated. There is an attempt to force Isaac into an earthbound state and enslave him as a servitor. Isaac's murder could act as the 9-11 for the global pedophile network. The Elites thought 9-11 would bring about their New World Order, but in fact, it failed. Instead, it acted as a galvanizing event and ignited the modern day conspiracy platform as we know it. They felt Isaac's murder would silence and frighten those fighting against the Global Pedophile network, let's make them wrong again and turn the hoped-for silence into thunderous roars of outrage.

For my campaign of Spiritual Warfare, I will be employing a classic shock and awe military tactic. I will be recruiting the great Loa Naval Admiral Met Agwe and Loa Army General Ogun Balendjo as well as the Court of the Sailors and Court of the Saints.  I already have scouts from the Court of the Indios through the mighty Loa Indio Tinjo Alawe, doing recon and what else I shouldn't say.

Met Agwe ferrying the dead with Ghede
Our objective in this working is the liberation of Isaac Kappy's spirit so he can go through the natural progression from life into death, the material world into the spiritual world. Also aiding the spiritual progress and protection for all of you who lend their support in this working.

What do your donations help me procure? Offerings and gifts for the Loa and the spiritual courts. Do use some for my time? You bet, but it is minimal (I buy an energy drink and put gas in my truck).  These donations help me wage spiritual warfare and protect my temple.

Donation Tiers

Indio Loa Tinjo Alawe
Tier 1: $20 donation, you will be named every one of the 21 days and included in prayers which are not public (all for your spiritual progress and protection). Also intuitively feel out which of the Loa:

1. Met Agwe (Naval Adrimal)
2. Ogun Balendjo (Army General)
3. Tinjo Alawe (Indio Chief)

from whom you would like their direct blessings from, and I will make an offering on your behalf to them.

Tier 2: $40 donation merits all the benefits of previous tiers but also sets you directly in front of either the Court of the Sailors, Court of the Indios or Court of the Saints.  Offerings are made, and prayers are given on your behalf for 21 days to the Court of your choosing.  No Court is better or stronger than the other. It is a matter of vibration and frequency. If the Sailors call you louder than the Saints or vice versa, go with whichever your intuition sways you to.

Tier 3: $60 donation merits all the benefits of previous tiers, but you now can ask for the blessings of another Loa and another spiritual Court. You can also have me throw the shells (just as I did in the video) on five yes or no questions, of any topic you wish.

Tier 4: $80 donation merits all the benefits of previous tiers, but also includes a MAJOR offering to one Loa and spirit Court of your choice. You may ask for a specific boon and blessing, which is directly specific to your life's circumstances and needs.  Please include this request in your message. You may send an additional five yes or no questions to be asked, to a total of ten.

Ogun Balendjo in battle
Tier 5: $100 donation merits all the previous tiers; however, all three Loa and all three spiritual Courts receive offerings from you. Also, MAJOR offerings to two Loa and two spiritual Courts will be given on your behalf. You will also receive a specialty prepared candle for any of the three Loa to work with them further after this main work is done(include your shipping address).

Tier 6: $120 donation merits all previous tiers, but now all offerings to the Loa and the spiritual Courts are now MAJOR offerings.  You will also receive a protective amulet made on the point of all three Loa.

Donations accepted here!

If you have ever wanted to be part of a righteous and robust spiritual temple, full of truly amazing people, then please consider joining our temple!


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.


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