In response to fakers,imitators an pretenders.

This is a strange turn of events. I was sent links to four online metaphysical shops this last weekend operated by individuals all either claiming some sort of relationship with me, or straight-up copying and pasting content from my old online shop to add to theirs. They thought I'd never notice. I did swear off running an online shop after all the attempts at sabotage by jealous idiots who...for some reason...are no longer around either. I wonder what that might be about. will hunt.

Love me or hate me, my content and my style is 100% me and is in no way duplicatable. People can imitate and do impressions, sometimes even really good ones, but duplicate? Never. I am one of a kind who has unquestionably changed the face of occultism forever and I am willing to help you find your own one of a kind nature to do the same. Truly powerful people are not afraid to show others how to be strong also. My rivals do not even know what strength except for when I've let them have taste of it with the back of my hand.

In response, I have relaunched my storefront.

Papa Machete's Magic Shop

I have also cleaned up my blog specifically on Puerto-Rican Vodou.

Temple of the Machete Blog

Take a spin and let me know what you think. More services and information will be added on a regular basis.


-Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batallas

The Machete leads way and defends all who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


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