No Agenda? CPS is Government sponsored Kidnapping. How the hell are other occultists not seeing this?!

Some time ago, a couple of highly effeminate males decided they would spread a lie suggesting I had broken my agreements with the Palo house for which I am a priest or Tata of Palo Mayombe. This embarrassing and appalling level of cowardice was born out of their deep-rooted fear and jealousy of me. One of them attempted to tell others there was no such thing as the "Illuminati" or "Anglo-Saxon" conspiracy. That no criminal organization in the Government was stealing children for human trafficking and that I was a liar, and no Global pedophile ring existed.  I had been talking about this and organization occult resistance and activism against this since 2009. I named names and pointed to the Clintons and even Jeffrey Epstein a decade before what is public knowledge now(this is demonstratable). How foolish that that clown looks, and it makes me chuckle every time I think of it.

The following video was sent to me by someone deeply concerned about what is happening with CPS or Child Protective Services. She quoted me from something I wrote years ago that was repeated verbatim in the video, "CPS is Government-sponsored kidnapping." The video makes my fucking blood boil, and I mean FUCKING BOIL!!!!!! She asked me a very pointed question, "how is it your spirits tell you about this, but not other priests and priestess?", and in truth, sadly, I cannot fully answer that. Maybe it is not their work in the world to confront global evil, and that is ok, we all have our great work. However, in this particular case, one of these two douchey fools actually told people the Loa told him there was absolutely NOTHING like what I was talking about going on. Well, and I will speak from what I know of this person and ONLY this person in particular when you don't have a spine, and your sack is as empty as his, there is no connection to the Loa, to begin with. So the only thing he is talking to is idiotic delusions and imaginary friends. He looks like Pedophile and NAMBLA I wonder.

I am developing a longterm work to begin combating the sickness which has infected CPS, and I will let everyone know what I plan to do soon. For now, here is the video.

These fuckers NEED to burn. I am becoming less and less tolerant of idiots. So let it be known. You get in my way, or you attempt to sabotage my work, I will consider you part of the problem. Ask David Rockefeller and George H Bush how being part of the problem ultimately ended for them.

Dog will hunt.


Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, and offers services through his Online Shop. Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.


  1. So many do not truly step into their power of self. I find the answers I receive or glean or divine contradict others as well, yet I'm certain I'm more correct. People, even occulyists, fear speaking up.


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