Immediate Denunciation of ANTIFA member and CNN plant: The Buffalo Bitch Jake Angeli
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A clown dressed up as a bestiality sex doll. |
Among these rotten ANTIFA twats was one notable looking jack-off named Jake Angeli, or as I have dubbed him, the Buffalo Bitch. A member of ANTIFA. I instantly noticed his obvious PR roll-out by the systematic and incremental laying of attention on him by mainstream news outlets and Snopes (could it get more obvious) de-bunking Jake's Antifa affiliations (in less than 48 hours). I chalked it up to an interesting phenomenon that would likely reveal itself in time. It did. Jake's commencement struck me as similar to how CNN introduced David Hogg (remember him?) of Parkland School's false-flag mass shooting fame. The same David Hogg who needed assistance sounding out words of simple scripts and bunged every narrative they force-fed him. However, David Hogg still proves more convincing than the "Q" Shaman.
That is just fucking sad.
I was informed I needed to tune into today's Alex Jones Show. Alex would be interviewing Q-Shaman, the Buffalo Bitch, Jake Angeli. That I might notice some anomalies in his story. Alex Jones did a fantastic job of outing Jake Angeli. Noting that he was full of shit, an intellectual lightweight, and spewed nothing but insufferable garbage—Alex Jones, right on all counts. Jake's dismal understanding of metaphysics and reliance on New-Age pandering illuminated him for the shill he is. Sprinkled in between Alex's masterful dressing down of Angeli was the anomalies I was tasked with finding.
Jake claims his YouTube was deleted for being too controversial. He also claimed to have worked with children and was chased by one wielding a knife. I found this interesting because they are elements of my own experiences. Coincidence? Unlikely, but maybe. My source, someone who has proven trustworthy and has deep roots in Pheonix and Tucson, Arizona, then informed me that Jake Angeli (an actor) used me as a character study to prop up his Norseman/Native American medicine shaman shtick.
For those who try to bridge occultism, exo-politics, and resistance movements, I am utterly unavoidable. You will undoubtedly find my writings and videos. I have almost single-handedly set the standard and penned the lexicon for these combined subjects. It appears Jake thought he could base his "character" off the real-life me, and none would be the wiser. It would not be the first time. However, I am THE Priest and THE Magician, THE Pagan Strongman and unwavering occultist Patriot. A Trump supporter and defender of America Nationalism. #Trumpwizards is my own original idea. Jake's based attempt to duplicate is piss poor, at best.
My experiences are well known and shared among many communities. My first two YouTube Channels were deleted in 2010 and again in 2012. My content was considered truly dangerous (even then) as I was among the first individuals to layout clearly that there was, in fact, a Global Pedophile Network and why Black Magic/Satanic Rituals performed by the Elite where fear-based ritual dramas used to charge/saturate the blood of children with adrenaline/adrenochrome. One of the many topics for which my videos set both the tone and structure for nearly all others would follow.
In 2018 I correctly COVID-19, and current the global pandemic as far back as 2016. I predicted a pandemic would be used to meddle in the 2020 election also. No other occultist can say that. I am regularly contacted by high-level individuals for purposes of research and private consults. These have included Heads of State (from various countries) and governmental aides on behalf of senators, congresspeople, and governors. In 2016 I was recruited into a think-tank dedicated to preparing for 2030 and the intergalactic implications inherent within 2030.
My vitriol for Buffalo Bitch is primarily reserved for the reason behind Jake's using me for his character creation, not that he did it. With my street cred is to be expected. All little "g"s come from big daddy "OG"s. It's just nature.
Jake Angeli's character Q-Shaman is "mystically" bonded with the spirit of rank bullshit that is "QAnon." I have written extensively on the dangerous psy-op that is QAnon. None of QAnon's predictions, except for only the most trivial, have come to pass. If, and it's a big if, QAnon was ever legit, the minds behind it were co-opted early on and long ago. Whatever QAnon was, or may have been, is no longer.
Through his Buffalo Bitch Q-Shaman character, Jake Angeli has been seated to be THE face for bat-shit into ape-shit crazy QAnon/Trumpism. That did not happen organically. Q-Shaman is a media/CNN plant to aid in the humiliation of Trump supporters and embolden the Left to further ignore the legitimate crimes of their Democratic leaders as loony-bin QAnon conspiracies, now mouth-pieced by a fucking clownish weirdo dressed up as a Beastiality sex doll. A giant buffalo sized festering turd in the punch bowl of National Populism.
The spectacle this asshole is set to make is potentially problematic.
Jake Angeli is an Antifa shill, CNN plant, and disinfo agent. I publically denounce him and call him out for what he is.
Papa Machete queue gana todas las batallas El Matador de Dragones
The Machete leads the way and defense all who follow.
Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.
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