OPERATION DARK WINTER begins! The Demon BECHAUD revels in the pandemonium. Suspicions confirmed.

I woke last night, around 3 am, in a minor panic. In a rare and unsolicited (at least by me) visitation, the demon BECHAUD entered my dream. BECHAUD appeared as an evil twister, sucking me up high within the stratosphere of my nocturnal sojourn. Violently I was tossed about in an eerie darkened yellow sky, cluttered with swirling bones, broken things, and long tendrils of ash. The intermittent screams of a tornado warning siren pierced the weird and unsettling droll of silence. Blackened ground stretched out in all directions, I could see farms and houses ripped up from their foundations, crops, cars, people, and animals, lifted off the and mangled, mashed together, torn limb from limb in the sky, scattered far beyond what my eyes could see. BECHAUD was howling triumphantly, giant dirty saffron and gray sputtering mass.

I had never seen BECHAUD in this state. Typically the demon is somewhat reserved and aloof. I quickly surmised he had been given numerous human sacrifices, among other things, recently to be capable of such a display of power. BECHAUD, who the Grimorium Verum says this:

Having power over the winds and the tempests. BECHAUD makes hail, thunder, and rain. 

However, an initiate of this tradition (the one I inherited from Haiti for which my Godfather passed on to me) knows that BECHAUD is also a demon of considerable psychic influence. BECHAUD charges the temple's psychic atmosphere for spiritual/demonic work (that knowledge is only available from my tradition). 

BECHAUD picked up on my realization. Gloated that he was once again in his rightful station, that they would learn to fear the wind and weather again. They would again cry out and beg for him to cease, and in his blood, lust would send even more torrents of rain and hail, as to roar back, no. 

We were over the Midwest. I could see landmarks in my astral reality that signified Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. Crops came up out of the ground, so did people and animals, sucked into BECHAUD's gaping maw, and in return, he sent down freezing wind and blood. I could see better now. Blackened earth was just cities and towns with no power, no lights. 

They are keeping the power off on purpose, and they are feeding you to feed the cold front, I said to BECHAUD. 

BECHAUD confirmed my suspicions. Told me Texas in particular was being punished for "speaking to power," and any more talk of secession would result in targeted mass shootings, ripped open borders for an immigrant hoard America has never seen, and the spreading of weaponized viruses. 

Next will be Florida. 

I commanded BECHAUD to cease immediately and turn against his benefactors, but this rebuked him only a little. I am one man, but BECHAUD had been summoned and fed by a regiment of true high-level occultists. He would not be fully turned or constrained by me this night. However, the category 5 monstrosity BECHAUD was shrunk to a 4.5, which is better than nothing. 

This is part of Joe Biden's promise of a Dark Winter (Operation Dark Winter) and cannot go unanswered. China is the power behind this. They mean wreck agriculture, create stress, cause breakage of the supply line for food, and starve Americans into submission. I will not go quietly into that dark winter's night.  Stay tuned for amass pubic ritual to strike back against this. 


Papa Machete queue gana todas las batallas El Matador de Dragones

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow. 

Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.


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