Update for "Baby -X 1989 Rupert, Idaho. Personal threats indicate accuracy." by Kevin Wikse.
UPDATE June 24,2023 I originally posted "Baby -X 1989 Rupert, Idaho. Personal threats indicate accuracy." on July 4, 2017. Since then, I have received more than a few requests for further information. I have become the sole obsession of a mentally ill neo-liberal podcaster and messages from individuals claiming to be connected to the case. In August of 2022, I had an exchange on Social Media with a woman named "Darla." Darla seemly highly credible through the validity of the information she provided me, and she claims she was a high school student in Rupert when the incident occurred. She gave me names and dates. She filled in something the other researcher had briefly mentioned, a drug trafficking ring and the name of a Sheriff who ran a small organized crime ring. She even named Timothy's father as potentially an informant. She doesn't believe the Satanic element to this; however, everyone else I've spoken with confirms that there was an element of...