Clauneck speaks! The hidden horror of the Marxist run agenda to Normalize Pedophilia revealed, by Kevin Wikse.

Clauneck Kevin Wikse

 *A consultation with the demon Clauneck from the Grimorium Verum takes a stark turn as he begins discussing the societal and economic purpose of the Marxist-driven LGBT+P agenda to normalize pedophilia and their future implications, which are unsettling, to say the least. 

All forms of communism are the same, at least in their initial takeover phase, and that is this: "gain control of the children no matter what the cost." They don't care much about the non-compliant population of adults. By gaining control over the children, the Communists can turn them against their parents, causing nearly irreparable and reconcilable division. Next, it is just a matter of rewriting history, erasing established traditions and values that serve as anchors inside the cultural fabric to provide stability and guidance, or altering their original meaning to suit the needs and desires of an authoritarian State instead of the culture. 

Since the radicalized youth will have been inducted to not trust the words of anyone else but their indoctrinators, those who are rewriting children's cultural history, altering the past, will go largely unnoticed and, if discovered, will be fettered away by the youth's instilled cognitive dissonance toward anything not matching up with the State's "approved" narrative. 

Sexuality and its associated biochemical responses offer direct access to the unconscious mind, bypassing critical thinking barriers and hardwiring behavioral directives into the subconscious. Sexual activity, especially traumatic sexual experiences, alters brain chemistry and can slow or stunt the development of specific components of the Central Nervous System. Hindering or halting the development of a child's Central Nervous System will generally result in the child's arrested development. It keeps them childlike, naïve, overly emotional, and fearful of but paradoxically deeply trusting in authority figures well into adulthood. Totalitarian States see great value in this. 

Children abused by same-sex often come to see their offenders as parental figures. They can take on mentorship-like roles in the child's life, which creates unnatural and unhealthy emotional bonds based on injury, secrecy, and extortion. A systemic societal poison coursing through the population, fomenting the collapse of traditional cultural values, tearing apart the family unit, and uprooting heritage are all necessary steps if the State is to become the focal point of the citizen. 

To know this is to understand why the LGBT movement has been politically weaponized to provide ideological cover for the normalization of pedophilia. This insanity must be stopped. For our children to be openly sexualized and predated upon renders all things good and decent effectually dead. What moral credibility is maintained by people who allow their children to be used like sex dolls? Their future has been sacrificed on the altar of Moloch, and any birthright transferred to the State. 

This is the stated goal of the Marxist LGBT+P agenda. To take the future of humanity, our children, and pervert, corrupt (Clauneck likens this to "seasoning" or "flavoring" them to suit Moloch's palate), and devour them as a sacrifice so they now have our collective birthright, directing it toward their own efforts, which will mean the end of us. 

It would help if you lived with the complete understanding that what is coming in 2030 is THE reason we, as a people, are undergoing so much global and societal upheaval. Incoming forces want us severely disenfranchised and dehumanized (genetically as well as ideologically, in the form of m/RNA gene therapies (the vax) to change our human DNA into a more universally compatible creature) so that we martial almost zero resistance and possibly willing to leave with falsely "perceived" saviors of our own free will. The ruling psychopathic elite has deemed the rest of us "chattel slaves" and promised us as tribute in exchange for immortality.  

*Clauneck gleefully admits to having been consulted on brokering that agreement. 

Fear and silence are among "the normalization of pedophilia," agenda's best allies. Do not entertain either one. The stakes are far too high! Fear and silence will profit you nothing! As I predicted in my 2023 reading for the year, humanity is on the precipice of having the reality of extra-terrestrial and interdimensional entities revealed. Disclosure will happen, but it will be a lie draped in the truth, and many red herrings have already been planted to purposely create division and confusion. The normalization of pedophilia and the State exercising its power to take children in 2023 is primarily to mentally condition the public to accept it as standard practice for when 2030 arrives. 

Clauneck affirms that it will ultimately be less costly to mount resistance against this now, while it remains a human-on-human struggle, before "horrors beyond imagination" take the stage. 

-Kevin Wikse


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