DIRE 2023 Warnings from the Inido Commission, but I NEED to establish their credibility first by Kevin Wikse.


Indio 2023 Kevin Wikse

2023 Warnings from the Indios will be posted soon! However, I want you to understand just how accurate they have been. In this video posted in 2019, Indios warned me about a disease (I am calling it Ebola because, in 2019, I had no idea what COVID-19 was) that would very soon be released to the global population. 

This weaponized disease would be a gigantic smoke screen for authoritarian agendas, voter fraud, election meddling, The border crisis, kidnapped children, medical tracking measures, and other pharmaceutical tyrannies. Notice that they mention the Media insanity, hype, and push the disease would receive. 

And what happened? Exactly what they said would. Did anyone else even come close to this? No. Not even close, which begs the question, why do you even concern yourself with those so-called remote viewers, psychics, and mediums that DID NOT see something this HUGE coming? This video was posted in 2019, on the verge of the 2020 release. How fucking amazing is this?! 

So when I post what the Indios say about the next couple of years, you NEED to listen because, unlike everyone else, I have proven myself to be fucking legit.

-Kevin Wikse, a.k.a "Chief Fire Breaker" in my Indio Spiritism Tradition.


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