An email I received by Kevin Wikse


Kevin Wikse

"Dear Kevin (I am not sure what name you are using now),

Please know your work and commitment to bringing Johnny Gosch home are threads sewn into this movie (Sound of Freedom).


I am awe-struck at such a compliment. 

It is finally going mainstream. We are winning! After nearly 20 LONG years of doing everything we could to wake people up to the heinous reality of the Global Pedophile Network and horrors beyond the imagination of what happens to those children, after being called crazy and insane, after being attacked, threatened, and doxxed, the lance of Saint George has begun to pierce the heart of the monster. 

So many people have told me such a fight is pointless. That there is no way we could win. Give up. Nobody cares, no one supports you, and no one believes you can make a difference. 

How fucking wrong are they?! How wrong have they ALWAYS been? I remember who you are, every single one of you pathetic cowards. 

I promised you victory would happen. 

I promise you our assault on this evil has only just begun. 

There is no one and nothing that can rightly say that WE have not been a primary driving force behind this. No matter who got in our way, we have trampled over them and left them broken in our wake. Leave those worthless villains in the dust. We ride to where the dragons are! 

When you consider that a cabal of psychopathic pedophiles are literally hunting, raping, and eating the future of humanity, our children, only fire should be in your heart with lightning coursing through your veins. 

God is watching, don't be a bitch. 

-Kevin Wikse


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