Case #5 Serial Killers or Serving Up Serial Killers on a White Plate or Inspector Wataraimba.
*DISCLAIMER* I in no way represent or work with either Missing 411 or David Paulide. I am a priest of Palo Mayombe and a concerned individual inspired to help find answers. These are spiritual and psychic investigations done by me using authentic spiritual/magical/religious methods. These methods where passed down to me by my Godfather. These procedures are not found online or in any book. You must have the proper spiritual initiations, license and training to preform them. As these are indeed only spiritual and psychic investigations they in no way serve as actual evidence or proof of anything. For legal reasons, and I am sure other reasons as well, my findings must be considered as entertainment only.********
One of the more convenient explanations for the thousands of people who go missing in America's National Parks, is a serial killer and/or the involvement of serial killers.
Movies and TV programs (emotional and mental or "question-response" conditioning tools -TV "programming"- used by governments on the public) often "suggest" serial killers to have been actively hunting for years with victims numbering in or near the double digits. These films or shows also often depict the discarding of victim's bodies in the forest, or wilderness.
I decided that this should be an ongoing psychic investigation.
I am a preist of Palo Mayombe (a Congolese religion which focuses on the veneration of the dead and the raw powers contained in all aspects of nature/Malongo) and one of the M'pungo (powerful deity-like spirits of Congo Africa) I am most close with is Watariamba, Cobo Rondo, or Palo Forte (meaning Strong Stick). He is a hunter par-excellence and considered to be a type of detective or policeman in Palo Mayombe, serving justice and looking into activities of others.
I have been actively using my M'paka (an animal horn filled with sacred and secret ingredients, finally capped with a round mirror) a scrying-divination tool of unrivaled efficiency used with Vittiti Congo (a form of psychic remote viewing)
However my nfumbe insisted that I use another method of scrying-divination with a "dilango" or white plate.
I began by drawing Watariamba's firma or spiritual signature on on the ground, and affixing a candle to the center. I then light the candle reciting prayers with offerings of cigar smoke and rum sprayed with my mouth over the firma and candle.
Entering into the correct state of trance for divination with the dilango using the right inhalation/exhalation pattern with tobacco I felt it's shivering mind altering affect a long with the presence of Watariamba.
There is a song I sing and I make requests that I am shown a magical image.
I take the plate and slowly work it over the candle flame, as I sing, and feel my hands guided by both my nfumbe and Watariamba.
I also receive flashes of images in my magic or third eye.
I see the sign to Yosemite Park, and a get a quick glimpse of a handsome young male, maybe mid-20s and clean cut.
He looks mostly average in build, not the circus strongman build I have from years of bending steel, pulling chain links apart by hand, and juggling kettlebells weighing in the triple digits.
Why this stark comparison was made so vividly I am not sure.
He looks to be an avid hiker, camper and maybe even enjoys mountain biking as I am shown a mountain bike separate of him.
I am now seeing him befriending young girls in Yosemite, inviting them to go on hikes or camping trips.
I also now see him drugging, raping and strangling them.
I see him Kayaking, he hides the bodies in a place only reachable through kayaking.
I am being shown that the bodies of four women are hidden there.
I come back to my waking consciousness.
One the white plate the flame as burned a very peculiar image.
I can see a face which is near exactly the fact I saw in my vision, but also other things which make me believe he is being watched and his activities are known to people who could stop him but for some reason do not.
This fits into what I have psychically investigated prior and could have some relevance to the missing 411 phenomena.
I will keep this plate.
I will do more Palo Mayombe magical and spiritual work over it to try to divine further what Watariamba is showing me.
Through this image I can even attempt to dominate him, or worse.
At some point I might take a picture of the plate and post it on a upcoming blog post but only after the work I must do has been completed.
-Papa Crocodile.
One of the more convenient explanations for the thousands of people who go missing in America's National Parks, is a serial killer and/or the involvement of serial killers.
I understand why this seems to be logical.
Serial killers are by definition killers who have killed at at least 2 or 3 people (agencies will argue those numbers where it is 2 or 3 victims which bestow the title "serial killer" and no longer just a murderer).
Movies and TV programs (emotional and mental or "question-response" conditioning tools -TV "programming"- used by governments on the public) often "suggest" serial killers to have been actively hunting for years with victims numbering in or near the double digits. These films or shows also often depict the discarding of victim's bodies in the forest, or wilderness.
The vast expanse of National Parks would certainly make a National Park an ideal dumping ground for human corpses and it is feasible, at least partially, that a highly active serial killer or serial killers could easily disappear a large number of people in a National Park.
However there are some issues I have with this explanation.
A serial killer (not including the the high profile serial killers) on average only kills 3 to 5 people.
An Indianan University (IU) News article released 8/27/2017 (today auspiciously...) claims that serial killers may be responsible for up to 10 times the previously estimated number of U.S deaths. The article did not focus on National Parks, but instead the total of murders in the U.S. The victims include prostitutes, transients, "throw-away", foster children, and teens, gay-street hustlers (why doesn't gay-street hustlers doesn't fit in the aforementioned categories?).
I immediately have some intuitive red-flags go up reading this article and my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead every priest or priest of Palo Mayombe makes a blood pact with at the time of his or her cutting or initiation) began flashing images of CIA MK-Ultra articles, and of University Berkeley, California.
The CIA has long used Universities as a front for both highly illegal unethical human studies, a hunting ground for unwilling victims, and area to scout out individuals they can exploit and or manipulate. The CIA awarded lucrative research grants and scholarships (as well as protection for crimes committed) for professors and students willing to be on CIA pay-roll. I also know these professors and students often became the pasties for CIA set ups if or when the project becomes compromised.
The CIA also has a longstanding history of using University New Papers to disseminate propaganda.
In the wake of Missing 411 becoming a hot topic and the realization of a lot of people just missing in general, I think they are beginning to sedate the intellectual curiosity of the public with embellished "claims" of higher than once suspected serial killer victims.
I would not be surprised if "Dexter" was not a forerunner to help shape public consciousness, and neither will I be shocked if a new movie or TV show is released in the near future about a Park Ranger serial killer or killers...or... about serial killings as National Parks as a back drop.
I feel the the IU article could likely be a CIA manipulated news piece, a further red herring of sorts, to throw the semi-invested pseudo-researcher off the trail as it where.
I do fully believe that a serial killer or serial killers have and will use National Parks as both hunting and dumping grounds. I believe that there is currently, right this very moment, a serial killer who stalks and ambush victims at National Parks (Yosemite in particular). The validity of a serial killer is not in question, what is in question is the the sheer number of missing people being the work of a serial killer or serial killers.
Even if serial killers are responsible for these disappearances, and as the IU article states serial killers "might" be responsible for 10 times the number of deaths once thought, the missing number in the thousands.
That is an extremely high success rate percentage, and not one I believe serial killers capable of.
Something comes to mind...
A lot of NASA scientists have died in the past couple years (74 or 75), ruled as accidents and suicides of course... my favorite being suicide by multiple nail gun injuries to their own head, face and torso... yep that makes sense.
Many of these scientists had been working on projects related to the discovery of water on mars, and or been working on AIDS/Ebola research,
Also interesting is that some of passengers on the "missing" Malaysia flight 17 where top level AIDS researchers.
Of further interest is the number of missing 411 files that would include the cluster of engineers, chemists and others who are considered top in their scientific fields of study.
I can't help but feel like there "might" be a connection between these missing people and the "upcoming" (translation: well underway) mission to colonize Mars.
The need for engineers, chemists and other "hard science" types would prove useful in the establishment (I believe its more like the continuation) of a martian colony.
For those of you having a hard time believing a government would kidnap scientists and through threats of violence against them and their families hold them against their will you do not know the history of the Atomic Bomb.
There is now a TV show (more "programming") called Manhattan on WGN, to tell you the "story" of what happened and to spin your view of the situation "should" it happen again or be happening currently.
I hear a spirit whisper three possibilities:
1. The man made made AIDS (German science conceived but American Military Industrial Complex viral weaponization achieved) could be restructured to kill off an existing martian population making a take over of Mars easier.
2. The AIDS virus could be used as a kind of immunity towards a disease or bacteria on Mars. If the AIDS impacts immunity, it could potentially increase/bolster immunity instead of suppress it.
3. The AIDS virus could been used as a leverage tool, infecting these scientists and promising them the cure if they cooperate.
I firmly believe the "serial killers" who could be behind the disappearances in National Parks are not the serial killers that public has been conditioned to think of.
I come to this conclusion because some of the more high profile serial killers such as Aileen Wuornos (Portrayed in the movie "Monster"), Charles Manson, and David Berkowitz aka "Son of Sam", have stated that Federal and State Law Enforcement Agencies where long aware of their activities and would even instigate their behavior and/or help cover it up in order that they could continue.
It has been theorized the Manson "family" was directed to kill actress Sharon Tate because she knew too much about her husband Roman Polanski's pedophile pretenses and the CEOs, bankers, Senators and Congressman who would all have sex with children together.
Roman Polanski was also linked to snuff films of children too.
It has been theorized the Manson "family" was directed to kill actress Sharon Tate because she knew too much about her husband Roman Polanski's pedophile pretenses and the CEOs, bankers, Senators and Congressman who would all have sex with children together.
Roman Polanski was also linked to snuff films of children too.
In my first case about the Highway of Tears, I discovered that serial killers where both lured and recruited to help in what was then called the "Thinning" a drug running, culture destroying and de-population joint military operation by both US and Canadian intelligence agencies.
I am also informed that US prisons are also recruiting ground for black level operation military operatives.. or ghosts.
One such film (Point of No Return) features a drug addict who kills a police officer and is sentenced to lethal injection.
She awakens in a secret training center for government assassins.
She awakens in a secret training center for government assassins.
I have had sources tell me that the concept of that movie was absolutely no work of fiction, that the CIA keeps files on all the most violent lifers in all American prisons and will periodically scan for suitable candidates for various black level operation assignments.
The same is true for individuals who are currently not incarcerated serial killers... from the CIA perspective why let talent go to waste?
In the movie Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, former game show host Chuck Barris claims to have been a CIA trained operative and assassin. In the movie it is stated he was chosen because his real father was a serial killer who I believe also died in prison.
There is a new movie set to be released called Suicide Squad, a movie based on DC Comics, where super-villains are recruited from their prisons to execute government black level operations.
Comic book based movies seem to be a favorite medium for telling the public the truth but in a way that can be claimed as comic book fiction.
Films such as Iron Man 3 where the main antagonist (at least throughout most of the film) is an Islamic "terrorist named the Mandarin, who is latter exposed as a film actor playing a part/role. The acts of violence supposedly caught on film are all staged in front of a green screen. The real villains are a private weapons manufacturing and security firm who makes trillions of faking a war.
This smacks of all the CIA films of Osama Bin Laden (a human nose does NOT grown bigger and smaller through out their lives) and the ridiculous Jihad Johnny films of executed (???) journalists which even now Faux...err I mean Fox New admits was a hoax....but an ISIS hoax.... of course....
Shades of Sandy Hook too.....
These so-called "serial killers" supposedly responsible for the thousands of disappearances at National Parks around America appear to me as more a well planned and trained for military operation.
If the goal is to collect specific individuals for some type of re-population (or even colonization) program, using highly expendable agents who are either already classified as dead, or no one would ever really miss, and who are from what my nfumbe says implanted with either poison or explosives to easily terminate them should they become a problem.
Much like the character Snake (yet another recruited convicted criminal) in the movie Escape from New York who has been implanted with a time bomb to encourage him to finish the mission with the sketchy promise of removing the bomb upon completion.
I do not believe that regular enlisted Military personnel would willing go a long with this type of operation (assuming it is this), but with America having the largest incarcerated population on the planet, a virtual secret army could be recruited (forced) into participation and trained right under the American population's tax paying nose.
Who better to test highly experimental and dangerous military equipment like invisibility fields and personal flying suits (winged humanoids?).
There are plenty of examples in missing 411 where people seem to both vanish from a trail like being carried off, and or found dead with injuries conducive to being dropped or falling from a significant heights.
Reports of "winged humanoids" have also been made.
Reports of "winged humanoids" have also been made.
Many prisons are now privately owned by corporations who profit from keeping their prisons filled to maximum capacity. They sell the labor of their inmates at slave wages so why not something more lucrative like military operations and contracts.
I wonder if the prostitutes, transients, "throw-away", foster children, and teens, gay-street hustlers mentioned in the IU new article are not disappeared and housed in these prisons under fake alias, pronounced dead publicly but really serving long sentences in someone else's stead to keep profits up.
I wonder if the prostitutes, transients, "throw-away", foster children, and teens, gay-street hustlers mentioned in the IU new article are not disappeared and housed in these prisons under fake alias, pronounced dead publicly but really serving long sentences in someone else's stead to keep profits up.
People are being inundated that criminals are not "human" and such activities "might" already exist.
I decided that this should be an ongoing psychic investigation.
I am a preist of Palo Mayombe (a Congolese religion which focuses on the veneration of the dead and the raw powers contained in all aspects of nature/Malongo) and one of the M'pungo (powerful deity-like spirits of Congo Africa) I am most close with is Watariamba, Cobo Rondo, or Palo Forte (meaning Strong Stick). He is a hunter par-excellence and considered to be a type of detective or policeman in Palo Mayombe, serving justice and looking into activities of others.
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An example of a firma (not Watariamba's) and dilango plate. |
I have been actively using my M'paka (an animal horn filled with sacred and secret ingredients, finally capped with a round mirror) a scrying-divination tool of unrivaled efficiency used with Vittiti Congo (a form of psychic remote viewing)
However my nfumbe insisted that I use another method of scrying-divination with a "dilango" or white plate.
I began by drawing Watariamba's firma or spiritual signature on on the ground, and affixing a candle to the center. I then light the candle reciting prayers with offerings of cigar smoke and rum sprayed with my mouth over the firma and candle.
Entering into the correct state of trance for divination with the dilango using the right inhalation/exhalation pattern with tobacco I felt it's shivering mind altering affect a long with the presence of Watariamba.
There is a song I sing and I make requests that I am shown a magical image.
I take the plate and slowly work it over the candle flame, as I sing, and feel my hands guided by both my nfumbe and Watariamba.
I also receive flashes of images in my magic or third eye.
I see the sign to Yosemite Park, and a get a quick glimpse of a handsome young male, maybe mid-20s and clean cut.
He looks mostly average in build, not the circus strongman build I have from years of bending steel, pulling chain links apart by hand, and juggling kettlebells weighing in the triple digits.
Why this stark comparison was made so vividly I am not sure.
He looks to be an avid hiker, camper and maybe even enjoys mountain biking as I am shown a mountain bike separate of him.
I am now seeing him befriending young girls in Yosemite, inviting them to go on hikes or camping trips.
I also now see him drugging, raping and strangling them.
I see him Kayaking, he hides the bodies in a place only reachable through kayaking.
I am being shown that the bodies of four women are hidden there.
I come back to my waking consciousness.
One the white plate the flame as burned a very peculiar image.
I can see a face which is near exactly the fact I saw in my vision, but also other things which make me believe he is being watched and his activities are known to people who could stop him but for some reason do not.
This fits into what I have psychically investigated prior and could have some relevance to the missing 411 phenomena.
I will keep this plate.
I will do more Palo Mayombe magical and spiritual work over it to try to divine further what Watariamba is showing me.
Through this image I can even attempt to dominate him, or worse.
At some point I might take a picture of the plate and post it on a upcoming blog post but only after the work I must do has been completed.
-Papa Crocodile.
ReplyDeleteDifferent Man I suppose but interesting...
Wow... Ok not the same guy but those eyes and some of the facial features... he could be his father. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteNo problem; there is some weird stuff going on with that family, wouldn't be surprised if that was his father! ...