Case#1 Highway of Tears

*DISCLAIMER* I in no way represent or work with either Missing 411 or David Paulide. I am a priest of Palo Mayombe and a concerned individual inspired to help find answers. These are spiritual and psychic investigations done by me using authentic spiritual/magical/religious methods. These methods where passed down to me by my Godfather. These procedures are not found online or in any book. You must have the proper spiritual initiations, license and training to preform them. As these are indeed only spiritual and psychic investigations they in no way serve as actual evidence or proof of anything. For legal reasons, and I am sure other reasons as well, my findings must be considered as entertainment only.********

Aptly dubbed the Highway of Tears, this road of abduction and murder is a 453 mile long section of Highway 16 between Prince George and Prince Rupert. British Columbia, Canada. The Canadian Police list the number of victims to be officially 18, but a number of aboriginal organizations conservatively place the number of victims as closer to 40, and some still claim the number to be in the hundreds. 

The murders are said to have taken place between 1969 to 2011. However this timeline is conflicted by native peoples who say that the abduction and murder of their women connected to this stretch of Highway has been occurring since 1950 and continues as of this date 8/12/2015. 

Palo Mayombe is an Afro/Cuban religion which focuses on the veneration and elevation of the dead. As such Palo Mayombe forges strong links to the dead of whatever soil the priest or priestess practices on, and primarily the spirits of the native peoples who once lived there. 

Myself being a longtime resident of the Pacific Northwest I felt an abrupt sense of urgency to conduct a psychic research and spiritual investigation of the Highway of Tears when I heard David Paulides mention this on a internet radio show (I forget which one). 

Palo Mayombe utilizes what is called Vititi Congo or "Sight of the Congo", a method of remote viewing focused with what is called an M'paka which is a animal horn filled with ingredients both sacred and secret to the religion of Palo Mayombe, then capped with a round mirror. 

The M'paka is held by Palo Mayombe to be the actual "eye" of an M'pungo (a powerful deity like Congo spirit, and or the dead). 

The priest or priestess uses the M'paka to view through the eyes of the M'pungo or dead that he or she asks to go look at a specific person, place or event. 

The M'paka may also be used as a two-way portal between the world of the living and the various realms of the non-physical worlds (the realm of the dead or Kalunga  and the shadow of the world or La Sombra Mundo, being the most common). 

I sat in front my M'paka and I called out to the spirits of the deceased, and those spirits of aboriginal women who where murdered on the Highway of Tears in particular. 

The spirits of two women soon appeared within my spiritual vision within the M'paka.

Both women looked to be in their late teens or early twenties. 

After giving them the traditional greeting and offerings, I asked if I could speak with them concerning their deaths related to the Highway of Tears.

One of the women then hide behind the other. She did not wish to speak to me directly, and I got the impression that the other woman would be speaking for both of them. 

Something of note, as the one woman hide behind the other I received information that they needed support one another not just emotionally but energetically in order to speak concerning this topic. There is something that has been attempting to silence their voice (and the voices of other victims) in death.

 I was told latter by the two women there has been attempts by members of their tribes to speak with their dead about the murders but something has been interfering and making them unable to speak. 

Neither wanted to reveal much about the lives they lived prior to their deaths. 

I had the impression that one felt  ashamed of what she was doing and the other for her own reasons did not want to elaborate about herself in much detail. 

One (I promised I would not say which) was an underage prostitute and the other was a targeted victim. 

In asking the total number of woman murdered on the Highway of Tears their reply was "more than a 1000", but no exact number was given. 

They said the Canadian Police had been instructed to ignore the reports of missing native women and some where in fact active participants of what these two women called the "thinning", claiming it is still operating today under a more stealthy guise. 

The two women went on to tell me the "thinning" is a secret type of  multi-pronged military operation on the native people carried out by "your" corporations. 

I pressed them to tell me more about these "corporations" and the answer I received was "the part of your governments that make money but your people don't know about, and don't want to know". 

I asked them if by "your governments", if they meant the Untied States and Canadian governments. 

They said, "yes".

I asked if these parts of the governments where linked with private corporations, and they said, "yes".

I then asked if these parts of the United States and Canadian governments where working together. They replied,  "yes they where", and then, "yes they are". 

The goal of this "thinning" operation is first and foremost to reduce the native population, sow fear, and make tribal leadership look helpless (this could convince the dwindling native population to start demanding the Canadian government have more power over tribal affairs). 

Second this is a money making venture.

The United States government (while they did not specifically say the C.I.A, but with their undeniable history with drug importing and exporting, I am going to assume from the America government they where referring is an element within the C.I.A) and the Canadian government (what the Canadian C.I.A equivalent is I do not know) ran cocaine up from South America/Mexico, up through California, Oregon and Washington (they kept showing me Highway 1/ CA-1/ or PCH, and I could hear Hole's Pacific Coast Highway) and up into Canada eventually running the length of Highway 16. 

The two women where very clear however this entire stretch of road (starting from Mexico and running the length of what is called the Highway of Tears) is one of murder, misery and both human exploitation and trafficking. 

Focusing back on just the known Highway of Tears I pressed for more details.

The women explained that the Canadian police and government officials where aware of and would even encourage (provoke) known serial killers that used the Highway of Tears as a hunting grounds, even promising to leave them alone if they targeted mostly aboriginal women. 

Certain Canadian policemen and special forces soldiers where instructed (and rewarded)  to start abducting and murdering aboriginal women in the 1950s to create a future scare/panic and lure copycat serial killers to begin killing off aboriginal women. 

These serial killers could then be arrested and leveraged into helping with the trafficking of both the cocaine and the human trafficking of aboriginal women for sexual slavery (the two women told me that aboriginal women where imported or sold, to buyers in U.K, Russia and Israel). The two women then showed me clips of what a believe to be snuff films for very wealthy buyers in America and Canada where these aboriginal women where used. 

The cocaine provided rather handsome revenue by selling to the natives, and served in keeping them financially drained, and chemically dependent. 

This gave the local authorities reason to arrest aboriginals and imprison them. They would then recruit the most violent of the aboriginal males to become pimps and dealers within their own tribe.

This further helped breakdown tribal communities and gave the Canadian government access to aboriginal children while making tribal leadership look ineffective in administering to their people. 

One of the women I was speaking with was forced into prostitution by a male of her tribe who had been recruited to be a type of "strongman" around where she lived. She would not disclose how she died.The other was targeted by a serial killer who used this highway as his hunting grounds. She also would not give details about her death.

They told me that many bodies of aboriginal women are scattered in the wilderness along this highway. 

It was was made known the police did not consider their abductions to be a high priority. 

The killers did not feel pressured to do anything other than throw their corpses into the forest as they knew their remains went uncatalogued and undocumented.

The "thinning" began to be re-engineered in early 2000, now well hidden behind a manipulated facade of news reports and a procession of "captured" serial killers (whose motives where made to seem vaguely racist) responsible for all the carnage making the Canadian government look effect in solving the problem they created in the first place. 

What the "thinning" does now I could not get out of the two girls. I was not able to tell if they simply could not speak on the matter or if they did not really know as I could feel our connection dissipating. My energy levels where drained as this spiritual investigation was a lot to see, hear and process. 

I am still concerned about what it is interfering with their own tribal spiritual practices in being able to speak with their ancestors and or tribal members about their deaths and the events surrounding it. 

I finished the session by offering these two women and all those murdered on the Highway of Tears a white candle and water. I asked that they may have progress and elevation. That they should find their way to their ancestors and be held in the embrace of love and memory. 

Perhaps at a later date I will revisit this case and delve deeper into what the "thinning" does now and what it is that is rendering the victims unable to speak via their own tribal spiritual practices about what really happened and is happening.  

-Papa Crocodile 

For more information and to offer support to the victims and their families of the Highway of Tears murders please visit Highway of Tears


  1. I am a psychic also and see in these dreams that these men have killed hundreds of American Indian women. What is so frighting is they are still out there.

  2. I came looking for the post about you encountering men in a field as a child and being protected by an entity - also about a submarine story about elite human traffickers- you did not call them that however all that info adds up now !


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