"Emilio" mastermind behind the kidnap of Johnny Gosch or Emilio my pet dog.

Respect to Johnny Gosch
The case of Johnny Gosch occupies my thoughts on a daily basis. Few child abductions have the innate potential to demolish the very foundations of the global coordinated international pedophile ring and threatens to expose the whole vile affair as that of Johnny Gosch. The lasting impression made by Johnny Gosch's kidnapping has brought the great light of truth to shine into the dark depths of depravity that is human trafficking. For that Johnny Gosch, wherever you are, I thank you and honor all your sacrifices.

A big player in the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch is a man known as "Emilio". Emilio is who allegedly both masterminded Johnny Gosch's abduction and drove the snatch-and-grab car. Assuming Paul Bonacci can be believed, it was Paul Bonnacci forcing the chloroform soaked rag over Johnny's face in the back seat of that car. 

Emilio was a "finder", tasked with collecting underage boys (possibly girls too), for the rich elitist pedophiles who are the drivers behind this disgusting venue of supply and demand. These boys (or girls) are photographed prior to their kidnappings and listed in a catalog distributed among pedophiles with the funds to procure the child. 

Emilio was supposedly a scary man (if you where a tied up 13 year old boy...I do not wish to add any undue formidably to this sub-human piece of rat shit) who enjoyed terrorizing defenseless children.

Paul Bonnacci
Paul Bonnacci, as well as other survivors who latter came forward, quoted Emilio as boasting the FBI wouldn't dare touch him and he could do whatever he wanted to do to children because no one could stop him. It is also reported that he was a transporter of underage boys to sex slave auctions in Nevada (Las Vegas), Arizona (Phoenix and Tuscon), California (Los Angeles and San Diego), Oregon, and Colorado (Denver). Emilio is quoted as saying most children fetched between $50,000-$75,000 at auction (this was back in the 70s and 80s, so I can only imagine the price is substantially higher now). The children where purchased mostly by South American and Middle Easter buyers, and God only knows what suffering and horrors awaited them in these foreign countries.   

Emilio was quoted as saying that Johnny Gosch was sold to the "Colonel" for $35,000, and that Emilio was directed by this "Colonel" to collect Johnny for him. 

Emilio is reported to have died a rather ignoble and miserable death, succumbing to AIDS. I wish to state that this death, as awful I am sure it was, is still better than Emilio deserved.  

In my quest to help rid the world of this brand of utter and intolerable scum-baggery, I was prompted by my spirits to begin a spiritual labor for two ends. The first is to further my own life's purpose or great work, and second to dispatch a great rival of my Godfather i.e. the "Colonel" (who supposedly purchased Johnny Gosch). However to do this I would need to secure a linchpin I could exploit in order to successfully execute this undertaking. 

Emilio would do nicely.

Sen. Ted Gunderson. The greatest whistle blower of our time.
With the bell and candle, the maraca and some tobacco; I opened my Munanzo (Spiritual House/Temple of Palo Mayombe) and called for my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead every Priest or Priestess of Palo Mayombe pacts with at the time of initiation). Employing the methods of trance induction secret to my rama (tradition), I entered into deep mediumistic trance. Along with my Nfume I called for specific spirits to aid me; the straight up bad ass Sen. Ted Gunderson and the courageous child spirit Micheal Hensley.

I began to enter into the correct trance for Vititi Congo (psychic/spiritual sight) and bringing my M'paka (an animal horn filled with sacred ingredients and capped with a round mirror) to my forehead and peered into the Kalunga (great sea of the dead) to view Emilio.

Brave Michael Hensley
I see him in a shadowy and isolated place. He enjoys the solitude, hiding from other spirits who would eat
him or enslave him and spending his time actively reliving the memories of both molesting and torturing children.

For Emilio, things are about to change.

My nfumbe in mpaka and eyes of a spirit guide in water glass.
I bestow my Nfumbe the "chain of Zarabanda", a length of chain prepared in a way that is absolutely secret to my rama (tradition) and given to Zarabanda. With this chain ALL manner of entities can be bound, and dominated. I draw the patipemba of Zarabanda and line it with fula or gunpowder. Igniting the gunpower I send my Nfumbe to take this chain, also with both Ted Gunderson and Michael Hensley, go abduct Emilio (a taste of his own medicine).

I sit in mediumistic communication with my ancestors and mighty dead (dead Tatas and Yayas or priests and priestesses) of my rama. I wait for my Nfumbe to return. There is a bell which my Nfumbe lightly chimes to herald a triumphant return and twenty minutes later... the bell chimed.

Before my physical eyes I caught an exceedingly brief glimpse of my Nfumbe with Ted Gunderson and Michael Hensley. In tow behind my Nfume was Emilio bound in chain, terrified and confused.  I saluted the return of my mighty Nfumbe and heroic spirits Sen. Ted Gunderson and Michael Hensley with cigar smoke and sprays of rum. To Emilio I spit in his face and using the m'bele (machete) of Zarabanda offered him very hard strikes with the flat. The m'bele honestly met with a tangible resistance and I could hear a distant cry of pain.

I sang to my Nfumbe, Sen.Ted Gunderson and Michael Hensley, as well as all the good dead or muertos of my rama the hauntingly beautiful song "Si La Luz, Song for the Dead" (performed here by Merceditas Valdes, who is DIRECTLY part of my rama's line and part of the mighty dead of my tradition) to further honor and give them elevation for their work.

My pit bull spirit. 
Bathing my N'kobo with rum and water I began a long and severe interrogation of Emilio. I threatened him with more strikes from the M'bele (Machete) and sic on him the spirit of a fighting dog/pit bull (I was given the skull of) if he did not answer every question I asked accurately.

The breakdown of the interrogation followed like this; I asked Emilio a question and noted the outcome of the n'kobo (shells). I then asked "the dead" to verify his answers. If there was deviation between the outcome of the shells, I would punish Emilio and the punishments would continue until the outcomes of n'kobo matched. As it was clearly established I had no sympathy for Emilio, and that I was true to my word about what would happen if Emilio did not answer truthfully... after a few different n'kobo outcomes.... the n'kobo outcomes matched each and every time.

While I cannot divulge all the questions I asked I can give a general run down of a few of them.

1. Did you kidnap Johnny Gosch? Yes.

2. Is (*************) the "Colonel" who purchased Johnny Gosch? Yes. ( I won't reveal who this person is as I want no one and nothing to warn them that I am coming for them.

3. Did Paul Bonnacci help in the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. No.

4. Did you have an accomplice? Yes (I see a tall, lanky man with pock marks on his face with sandy brown, shoulder-length hair). 

5. Did Paul Bonnacci know Johnny Gosch? Yes.

6. Did Paul Bonnacci rape Johnny Gosch? Yes.

7. Did you molest Johnny Gosch? Yes. (I struck Emilio with the m'bele again out of outrage).

8. Did the Colonel send you for Johnny Gosch inparticular? Yes.

9. Did you die of AIDS? Yes.

10.. Where you protected by higher-ups in the FBI? Yes.

11. Was (**************) a person in the FBI who protected you? Yes.

12. Was the CIA involved? Yes.

13. Did you work for the "Finders"? No.

14. Did you know Ottis Toole? I knew of him.

15. Did you know Henry Lee Lucas? No.

16. Did you work at all with the Hand of Death cult? No, I had heard of them.

17. Is NAMBLA involved? No, but organizations like them.  (Be sure I am sending some awful things to the president of NAMBLA).

18. Did you ever take orders from George Bush Senior? No.

19. Did you know Jeffrey Dahmer? Yes.

20. Was Lawrence E. King Jr. the head of a large pedophile ring? Yes.

21. Did you receive orders for children from Sen. Barney Frank? No.

22. Was there anyone helping you kidnap Johnny Gosch? Yes.

23. Will you show me who these people are? Yes (Through the M'paka Emilio showed me the face of a very tall, ugly and gaunt looking man. I am in the process of divining this man's name. It's sounds like Paul or Phil, Paisly). I think it's the same person from Question# 4. 

Satisfied with knowing for sure the identity of the "Colonel" and other details I cannot share, I gave Emilio on last one last surprise...

Patipemba of Zarabanda with ignited gunpowder. 
I asked Emilio if he ever brought any kidnapped children to a cage or basement and said "here is your new home". He said that he did. I pointed to my M'paka and said "here is your new home" as I ignited the gunpowder over Zarabanda's petipemba one more time. Emilio, clad in the chain of Zarabanda, and in the mighty clutches of my indomitable Nfumbe, was by the immeasurable strength of Zarabanda forced into the M'paka where he is presently enslaved to work for my Nfumbe.

Emilio may or may not ever leave the m'paka and be free from his enslavement. This is up to Nzambi (Congo name of the most high God). The only way Emilio may exit the m'paka is if he does a great many good works, redeems himself for all the villainy only a sub-human putrid piece of shit could commit, and through these spiritual labors elevating himself up and out.

This process of enslaving a spirit in Palo Mayombe is called "making a dog".

I will offer many opportunities for my pet dog Emilio to do good works and great deeds. Magickally ending the "Colonel" and then making the "Colonel's" spirit a dog will be one of them....

-Papa Crocodile


  1. This is why I love you brother! Fuck yes!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. DUDE I LIVE NEAR SAN ANTONIO. I believe that the nazi influence is HUGE in texas, the city I live in was ESTABLISHED BY GERMANS. Not to mention, the bush's ranch and germanic lineage here in ol tejas. Bexar county sheriff's office USED to have a dept that focused SOLELY on human trafficking and since been retitled VIOLENT CRIMES UNIT. In otherwords, this group must now deal with a myriad of other crimes, rather than having the PRIVILEGE to focus all their efforts on exploiting the pedophillic scumbags in our area.

  3. Ummm, I'm really not sure what to think if this...but, can you ask for the two other boys who were kidnapped in Des Moines as well?
    Or maybe call them up? Their names are Eugene Wade Martin and Marc James Warren Allen. Little Eugene was takes 2 years after little Johnny, and little Marc was taken 4 years after. Three young boys, one town, a seemingly definite connection. Also, can u ask about or see Eugene's parents? Donald Martin and Janice Martin. These poor parents died without ever knowing what happened to their baby...

    P.s. im not familiar at all with your spirituality or beliefs, so I'm sorry if this comment was offensive in any way....

  4. Why would Emilio say that Paul Bonacci didn't help with the kidnapping when the evidence indicates that Bonacci did? I wonder if Emilio actually told the whole truth...


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