Astrological powers AGAINST pedophiles! The dead crave the death of Pedophiles! Palo Mayombe the tip of the spear!

In the past month there has been a grand increase of arrests made on pedophiles worldwide. The Illuminati is finally drowning in it own blood. Not surprisingly there has been a media blackout ordered on these arrests and a down playing of just how earth shaking these events are. The most horrific and prolific offenders (human traffickers/pedophiles, child snuff film makers), who have been able to avoid capture are in a desperate panic to run and hide.  70+ arrest warrants has just been signed and are about to be executed. I intend to aid this legal action through the fearsome strength of the Congo spirit, and Palo Mayombe.

As of this posting (Thursday, 2/9/2017) there will be a unique trifecta of astrological occurrences tomorrow night. A penumbral eclipse, the crossing of a comet and a full moon in Leo. These raw cosmic forces will provide a treasure trove of occultic "oomf", no doubt being used by many magical lodges, good and evil. I have my game board set, my magical-military orders prepared, and my soldiers readied. Tomorrow night the order to charge goes out. I will send my Nfumbe (a spirit of the dead every priest and priestess of Palo Mayombe makes a blood pact with) over the frima (spiritual signature) of Mpungo Zarabanda (My father, and great indomitable spirit of war) on a wind of fire and smoke, thirsty for blood, ready to kill. I will bolster the power of Mpungo Lucero Mundo  (the great guiding light of the world) that the doors of all who are actively seeking the full destruction of the Illuminati.Global Pedophile Network are open to securing justice, but that the doors of these pedophile sub-human are closed from escaping that same justice.

Make no mistake. There will be blood. 
I have called upon the spirit of Sen. Ted Gunderson. I have called upon the spirit of Michael Hensley. I have made called on the commission of child spirits or "commisiones de los infantiles" who have died and or suffered at the hands of pedophiles, that NOW is the time for justice!!! I have my black dog of Zarabanda on the scent of a few notables I will NEVER stop hunting.

A full report of tomorrow night when I am able.

-Papa Crocodile


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