The #pizzagate swings open a little wider. Daemon Guland the kidnap drone connection to missing 411?

The effort of last night was an expenditure that I will not soon forget. My body is certainly not sympathetic to the merits of my spiritual and physical labors. Regardless I accept the punishments metered by righteous actions.  In light of last night's events, responses, and findings I have assembled my war cabinet to discuss options:

My Congo father Zarabanda,  the indomitable spirit of war. 

My Nfumbe, my war dog para-excellence. 

My Father of Dominican Voudu Loa Ogun Feraille, the dragon slayer. 

My Tata Exu, Exu Caveria, the Skull faced Warlord and right hand of Omolu. 

My Exu friend, Exu Capa Preta, the Black Cape, occultic adviser and black magic master. 

The daemon Sergulath, master tactician and formation breaker. 

The daemon Guland, aerial and biological warfare specialist.

The daemon Musisin, spymaster and theft of state secrets. 

In addition there are a number of other daemons, Congo and Indio spirits as well as Ghede which also sit at this table who would rather not be mentioned. 

In a meeting of spiritual and infernal congress, my focus was directed back to the infamous Comet Ping-Pong, of #pizzagate. 

Majestic Ape
1. I am very interested in the true identity of front man(?) Majestic Ape from the band "Heavy Breathing", who often played at Comet Ping-Pong. I do not think that question has yet been fully answered. I do not think it is Amanda Kleinman or James Alefantis, or rather I should say neither of them specifically. It could be the mantle of Majestic Ape is shared by multiple individuals. This is a nagging issue for me and it is being whispered in my ear that unmasking Majestic Ape will uncover bombshell importance.

2. The work of Doug Garth Williams has been sent my way. I am told (I have not yet verified) he is close to James Alefantis. Dough created commercials for Little Baby's Ice Cream, and I admit the commercials are both unnerving and intriguing. However it is not the commercials for Little Baby's Ice Cream which are on the purvey of everyone else that caught my attention. It is Doug's other, and lesser known videos, along with the possible (and it seems highly likely) connection between Little Baby's Ice Cream and Comet Ping-Pong that has me concerned. 

Doug's videos can be seen on his Vimeo and his YouTube channel

The first of his videos that stood out to me is entitled "Back and Forth". 

The video starts out with a man (played by Doug Garth Williams) hearing a repetitive sound from behind a wall. Using a can of spray paint he "paints" a hole in the wall to see (investigate) what is happening. The noise turns out to be a ping-pong ball (Comet Ping-Pong reference?) being bounced on a paddle. There the man sees "himself", who is appears just as equally startled to see himself, and quickly spray paints the hold closed again. 

The can of spray paint is an artist's medium. 
1. Is this suggesting that through art, the actions of those hidden behind the wall of secretly till be discovered?
2. Through art like minded individuals (pedophiles or "pizza culture") can identify each other?
3. Through art identifying symbols can be hidden or very least disguised, from a public not trained to look for them?

The art in Comet Ping-Pong references UFOs and aliens. Even in the name, Comet Ping-Pong... comet... makes an outer space reference which associates UFOs and aliens. Conveyed in the video is the idea of parallel realities or an alternate dimension. Remembering what I have been told about the off world human slave trade... is it possible (bare with with me on this) that Comet Ping-Pong could be a type of nexus point where the veil between two dimensions (leading to the same place but in different dimensions... like the man seeing himself, and himself looking up to see him) is thin and trafficking humans, in this case children, is made easier? Are the UFO and aliens in the art work at Comet Ping-Pong suggesting an off world presence?

The second video that I found noteworthy is entitled "Moon Pong", no YouTube for this one (as of the date of this posting), it is found on Doug's Vimeo

In the video a man creates the illusion that he is using the moon as a ping-pong ball between to paddles. 
1. The moon and it's association with the magics of the Lunar planetary sphere which encompasses glamours and illusion. What we see is not what we are really seeing. Comet Ping-Pong an illusion, but a multilayered one, and on that weaves truth in to further it's deception. 
2. The moon once again references "outer space" and all things associated with it (UFOs, Aliens, alternate realities, and comets). 
3. The back and forth (name of the previous video, and made two years after this one) of the paddles with the moon in the middle could reference a shuffling back and forth between two dimensions. Alternatively a struggle between two oppositional forces for control and domination, but over what is a very board topic. 

3. The daemon Guland (my aerial and biological warfare specialist) influenced my attention towards a video on the Instagram account of Little Baby's Ice Cream. The video may or may not be connected to Douglas Garth Williams, but it certainly connected to Little Baby's Ice Cream. The reason for Guland's intercession soon become clear. In the video a drone specifically designed for the snatch and grab abduction of people, grabs a little baby doll and flies off with it. Guland has been telling me the existence of this snatch and grab drone for months now, even providing me with images I sketched. I had dubbed it Night Owl or Night Hawk, and I believe that many of the Missing 411 cases where people have been found dead from strange falls, or have been talking on cell phones with friends or loved ones, suddenly they are screaming and their screaming is heard getting further away (they drop their cell phones), is due to this Night Owl or Night Hawk drone. 

I have written extensively on this blog about the elite's deep investment into human trafficking and how humans where executive ordered into being classified as " commodities", an order signed by then president Bill Clinton. As drones are set to redefine the world in terms of delivery of products, travel (human carrier drone), and all manner of communication as well as surveillance, it is no stretch that drones will also be used for highly nefarious purposes. 

The daemon Guland warns that similar snatch and grab drones come in land, and sea/aquatic based models too. 

For now I will let me self rest. But if any of of this information sparks an interest or you yourself see connections please follow them and make them known.

-Papa Crocodile.


  1. Hehe, something small and probably trivial. If I remember clearly weren't the aliens in toy story found in pizza planet?

  2. Nothing new about these evil monsters, more is hidden, I sent you emails I hope did reach you

  3. Nothing new about these sick monsters, more is hidden, I sent you emails I hope did reach you.


  5. Oh, and here's this

    New drone that carries humans.
    Complete with a product sponsor by samsung. Filmed by a former CNN employee


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