Operation Gotham Shield. A wolf in sheep's clothing? Put-Satanika says asteriods. New York-New Jersey: Be on guard.

A quick call to caution for my friends and loved ones in New York/New Jersey. Operation Gotham Shield is touted as a "drill" and/or "response" to a Nuclear detonation/EMP blast over Manhattan. Mainstream media does not seem to be reporting on this. The C.I.A run snopes (the husband and wife who by looking at them I imagine they smell like the water hot dogs where boiled in) are however reporting on the story. They are not saying Operation Gotham Shield is a hoax, but rather no secrecy surrounds it, and no conspiracy exists. Information from F.E.M.A claims Operation Gotham Shield has been planned for over a year, and is not a response to North Korea's recent missile displays. In my opinion that is the kinda of coincidental circumstances which reveal pre-planning and foresight.... not in the good way.

Another "drill" was run on the morning of 9-11-2001, a military exercise to had hijacked planes being flown into high profile landmarks. Through an AMAZING coincidence a terrorist attack, suspiciously similar to the format of the military exercise, went live during the "drill". I am wary of ANY military drill, or F.E.M.A response exercise, as they have a certain pretense to suddenly go live.

What Operation Gotham Shield is actually about...I don't know. Its not being well covered and there seems to be a purposeful confusion being added to the narrative. What is being reported states that no agencies will be physically present, and it is a matter of theorizing or a speculative exercise. But then other reports are saying there will be boots on the ground. Somewhere there is a steering of misinformation and calculated red herrings being layered into what little in being reported. If an EMP blast occurs...or God forbid a Nuclear explosion, enough people will have not heard about Operation Gotham Shield that the media could (at least for a little while) hoodwink a large portion of the population into believing America has been attacked by Russia or North Korea.

The daemon Put-Satanika from the Grimoirum Verum, via daemonic consultation, says that there are corresponding astrological-atmospherical happenings the government is attempting to cover up using a "sky born" direction. Put-Satanika pointed to incoming asteroids and a massive Solar flare... which could mimic an EMP blast. Put-Satanika was difficult to control during my consultation with him Friday night (4/21/17) and I am not exactly sure he was speaking about Operation Gotham Shield, but 4/24/17 and 4/25/17 are dates Put-Satanika fixated on. There could be a correlation.

If you live in New York or New Jersey, please be cautious.

-Papa Crocodile


  1. What ever happens (IF something happens), I imagine that the images of the staged event will be used to create fear and control over the rest of the country.

    Please let me know if the daemons say anything about Ft. Hood


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