Jokes on you: Warning of Killer Clowns and Massing shootings. Oct 4th 2019 and two to three weeks after.

2015 KIller Clown sighting. 
Two weeks ago, I had a series of intense lucid dreams concerning the re-emergence of the 2015 to 2016 Killer Clown or just Clown sightings which seemed to happen most in the eastern United States (I believe this to be tied but I am not ready yet to present my thoughts on it). In these dreams, I would be walking along the night darkened small-town streets in "somewhere" middle American. Off to my left several clowns, clowns made up to be intimidating or frightening lurked across the street from me. Some of the clowns carried weapons, baseball bat, a sledgehammer, and the like. They glared at me as I made my way farther down the road.

The sight of weapons and the excitement of possible violence brought me to a state of heightened awareness and elevated my dreaming consciousness to the point where I realized I was dreaming, thus propelling myself into a lucid dream. When my dreams became lucid, I assumed a much more impactful role. Clowns with weapons should not be occupying the streets of a city looking to intimidate and terrorize American citizens. We already have enough criminal clowns in the form of police officers and Antifa doing the same thing.

The clowns are now all brandishing guns, small automatics like the Uzi and FN P90. I wonder if they realize know that I am lucid, my threat level (towards them) has increased. The clowns begin firing. Not at me exactly but at the "town." I move between parked cars, and I am returning fire with a handgun I didn't realize I had earlier. Try as I might, I could not sustain the dream, and I wake up.

However, on the third lucid dream (which started out precisely the same as the other two), I was able to shoot one of the clowns. For some reason, everything else dissipated into darkness, the other clowns, the street, and the town. I am in a wide-open and pitch-black area. There appears to be a spotlight shining over the clown I struck. He is breathing erratically. The wound is a sucking chest wound, and he is dying.

I have no sympathy for his condition. I want answers, and I will get them. I put my knee into his stomach and my pointer finger into his bullet wound. He convulses in pain, but I steadily apply more pressure. I ask him, "Why, and who sent you?" He spits blood at me. It is dark, almost reflective green in color. I wonder if he tastes like a limeade, and I am tempted to drink his blood right out of his chest wound. My education in the vampire mysteries of Palo Mayombe, Kimbanda, Goetia and now the Petro Loa, tell me that this would be very risky. I decide against it.

Orange man bad, right? 
The dying clown becomes the Joker. The Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, and says to me, "We are coming, and the joke is on you." Perhaps he is right, but I am seeking answers, and if he doesn't spit them out, I am prepared to rip them out. I proceed to force my hand through the narrow bullet wound and deep into his chest cavity. His pain is very apparent. With my other hand, I begin to pry open, his chest and peel back "substance."

This is a lucid dream being not a real person. The insides reveal a sizeable cavernous opening that goes down 30 or 40 feet and space is just as ample. Green gelatinous ooze is thick but not sticky. There are tiny sparks of light flaring up and dying away inside it. Floating among this a fist-sized orb. I call a spirit guide of mine to retrieve it for me. After some investigation and maneuvering the sphere is in my hand.

I bring the heel of my boot down hard on the face of the clown. His head caves in far easier than a human skull (I am guessing) and feels like stomping on a ball made of paper mache. The clown's head is mostly hollow, filled with confetti and glitter. The confetti has typed words on it, but only fragments of sentences. I think this might have been an instruction manual at one point, that was shredded inside the clown's head. I wish I could puzzle it back together, but the fruitlessness of the task seems obvious.

James Holmes (?)
I turn my attention to the sphere. It seems made of glass, like a crystal glass. I peer into it and ask, "Why and on who's orders?" For a fleeting second the face of James Eagan Holmes, the CIA patsy for the 2012 Aurora Colorada theater shooting psyop (The Dark Knight rises/Batman), appears and just as quickly fades away. I am no longer able to maintain the dream, and I wake up. Interesting side note, at the time, James was compared to the Joker by the media.

I find this third lucid dream very troubling, and I immediately begin putting feelers out to see what associates connected to intelligence, as well as fringe, organizations think. The feedback has been concerning. There has been chatter suggesting planned mass shootings are in effect, supposedly going to be initiated by the new Joker movie opening 10/4/19 (10-4 being radio lingo for "go" or "affirmative," an interesting coincidence).

The movie itself is supposed to be especially "triggering" to a specific psychological type. That most commonly possessed by white liberal male incels who join Antifa. As of today, brief warnings are being put out that the Pentagon acknowledges that Joker could spurn or by used as a backdrop for fabricated violence. This could be an attempt to hype the movie's influence and inspire a mass shooter, making the actions look organic and not stagged.

Either way, both my lucid dream two weeks ago and the feedback I received this weekend seem to indicate that a more profound and darker agenda is at play here. The Democrats pushing for Trump's impeachment and eventual removal and the looming crisis in new developments in the middle east, this could be a well-situated powderkeg just ready to explode. All it would need is the right spark...

Joker looks like a Redbox kind of movie anyway. Skip the theaters and be safe. As always I hope I am way off base here.


Papa Machete que ganas todas las batallas

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.

Papa Machete que ganas todas las Batalas is a world-renown circus trained Strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Remote-Viewer, Psychic Investigator, researcher, Voudou and Palo Mayombe Priest, author, activist, and adventurer. Spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete Who wins all Battles, Papa Machete welcomes all people, of any race, gender, orientation or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity and are willing to stand for what is truly right, not just what is popular.



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