During a very recent Temple, spiritual session called an "espiritiual," spirits from the Oriental Court made their presence known, bringing both warnings and instructions and confirming many of my own suspicions. The Court of Oriental Spirits made it clear the Far Left Radicals are indeed ideologically driven and steered by the Chinese Communist Party, the C.C.P, funded by the same moneyed families and conglomerates which aided the communist Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (why I term ANTIFA and BLM neo-bolsheviks) and now are ire-invoking the phantom of Mao, as they also helped set up the Cultural Revolution of Maoist styled communism in China. David Rockefeller said that China was the most successful social "experiment" in human history.
The majority of Oriental Spirits who attend my Temple's spiritist sessions are revolutionaries who struggled against the Qing/Ching Dynasty and those who resisted Mao's Cultural Revolution. They belonged to the Red Door Societies and early Triads. They see what is happening here in America. They are dedicated to helping prevent us from falling into an advanced technocratic-powered communist nightmare of social credit scores and an eternal surveillance state.
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The "queue". |
The Oriental spirits who backed the overthrow of the Qing (Manchurian, they claimed descendency from Ghengis Khan) dynasty and the restoration of the Ming government pointed to the "Queue." The Queue is a distinctive hairstyle that was common among Manchurians. It resembled a horse on the back of which the Manchurians conquered. The forehead, and even at times, the entire head was shaved (except for a coin-sized patch on the back of the head), and the remaining hair was let to grow long. It was braided and represented a horse's tail.
The Qing Dynasty had divided their newly formed government in China into four classes. On top was, of course, the Manchurians. The second was the far eastern Turkish peoples, who they considered a "cousin" race. The third was the Northern Chinese, who had already long been subjected to Manchurian rule and were largely compliant and sympathetic to the Qing Dynasty. Lastly, was the Han people, the Chinese in the South. Here is where the Qing Dynasty encountered its fiercest and most aggressive resistance and liberation fighters. The Court of Oriental Spirits stated that America was "Southern China" to the CCP, who look at us through the same eyes of the Qing Dynasty.
The Qing needed a method of subjection and visual compliance to see who were good slaves, or almost just as bad, those who would go along to get along and who would be unwilling to submit to their tyranny. The mandate that all males in Southern China would adopt the Queue hairstyle went out. Those who did not follow this directive would be decapitated. The Qing emperor sent out thousands of troops to force compliance with this slave-making issuance, who chanted "your hair, or your head."
These spirits confirmed my suspicions that the mask is nothing but a "show" of submission. A visual reminder of a pandemic that by any appreciable metric does NOT exist, and anyone wearing a mask is simply a horse for tyranny to ride in on.
One powerful Orient spirit said,
"The queue made the weak beasts of burden for tyranny, a horse for their own enslavers to explore vast new landscapes of humiliation and exploration on. The mask, however, for the same purpose, does not represent a horse, but a JACKASS".
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One UGLY jackass! |
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Communist Youth Gang, circa the 1920s "Red Spears". |
This will be the largest and most sophisticated child sex trafficking and organ harvesting program in known human history. Not only will this seek to normalize sexual relationships between adults and children, but serve to further collapse society. The amount of manipulative trans-sexualization will be even more appalling than it already is. This will also create what Obama dreamed of, a domestic army, a Hitlerian youth brigade who will patrol the streets, recruit youth who escape the early attempts to snatch them up by CPS, and attack anyone who is not demonstrating their subservience to the emerging communist superstate. The immigrant children will be inserted among the abused and molested youth army, as they will be ingrained with special hate for Americans and can encourage natural-born youth to spy and snitch on their own kind as well as to terrorize them.
The spirits of the Oriental Commission warn that their own children were taken away by the Communists, especially in the rural areas (harder to patrol), with the promise that their children would receive an education and be returned. The education the children received was communist indoctrination and military training. These children came back as card-carrying members of the Communist party. They organized AGAINST their elders, forcing them to accept communism, reporting on dissentients, and murdering members of their village and family for promotion and financial gain. President Ji Jinping was given a pistol and told to shoot his own father in the head to prove his loyalty t the Communist party. The evil little piglet happily pulled the trigger.
Groups of neo-Bolsheviks like ANTIFA and BLM are test groups. Useful fucking idiots who lay the groundwork for future Hilter-themed youth will be unleashed against the American culture, a Maoist "Cultural Revolution" here in the USofA. An army of violent, greedy, low IQ, self-entitled, multi-gendered, angry, self-hating liberal extremist PRO-PEDOPHILE potbellied waddling butterballs eager to stomp and tear down all things good, moral and decent.
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Commie Youth Gang 2020. Not much has changed, other than more STDs and worse personal hygiene. |
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A Hung-man |
Our Temple is one such enclave and Red Door Society.
* A Hung-man was a member of the Hung Society, a Shaolin-based secret society who practiced the Hung-Fist Boxing or Hung Gar. Hung Gar was the last complete martial arts developed by Shaolin. It is widely regarded as the most potent form of Shaolin Kung Fu in terms of fighting evil, defending the innocent, keeping one's self-healthy, and capable of spreading benevolence in the face of bloodthirsty tyrants. I have been ruining the lives of evil fucks for over 20 years with Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and Hung Gar.
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Ogun Balendjo/San Santiago! |
Second, he began to discuss his work as a master surgeon. He sees disease invading the body the same as an army invading a country. The use of a “Public Health Crisis” to subvert and deny people their rights and liberties by your own Government is no different than a foreign occupying army. The COVID-19 Public Health Crisis must be called what it is, an invasion by a nearly invisible enemy who has no political agenda steered and gatekept by a hostile and radical ideology that makes every attempt to politicize it.
Ogun Balendjo says,
"By scalpel or saber, this cancer WILL be cut out. But by which implement primarily? They will make the choice, and we shall dutifully oblige."
Those are words from a MASTER general, warrior, and ancient spiritual being. Do not take them lightly. You should feel chills upon reading them.
Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas el Matador de Dragones.
The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.
Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.
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