Yet MORE confirmation about my COVID-19 prediction.

Ask yourself why NO other occultist predicted COVID-19? Why no other Spiritual Temple houses the heroic souls that the Temple of the Machete who wins ALL Battles does? We are a credit to our Godfathers, and our Godmothers. Where the majority play fucking pretend, my hands are actually stained with the blood of truly evil men. Ready for the truth? You don't receive the high-level security clearance from God nor the matching mission orders unless you have earned the right. The Temple of the Machete who wins all Battles, the Shed of Rebellion, stands as the tip of the spear in the fight for humanity. 

I know, for some of you, yet MORE confirmation of my occultic predictions being spot-fucking-on, is soul-crushingly painful for you. But, I got to admit, I enjoy the crunching sound you make and the stink of you shitting yourself. 

Get ready to hurt and reek. 

China admits to developing a plan for a weaponized Coronavirus to release against the United States. 


But, wait, BEFORE you read it, re-read what I wrote BACK in 2018

Blog Post

"OCH was able to clarify for me things that GULAND had hinted at. Mainly any vaccines coming from China will have (and will continue to have) very sophisticated forms of weaponized viruses and DNA unraveling sequences. In addition, they will piggyback and tie new DNA strains/sequencing into your old and unraveled DNA. This DNA will be from animals such as monkeys, pigs, birds, bats, and insects. This new DNA sequencing will be the bridge between you and extremely deadly diseases carried by the aforementioned animals. These diseases were once exceedingly difficult if not impossible to transfer between humans and animals. 
No more.
Disease-X is coming out of China. Disease-X was test run n Madagascar and is tied into the Bubonic Plague. George Soros as well as the Bush, Cinton and Obama crime syndicates/families have all sold out to the Chinese run global domination plot (which the Western run Anglo-Saxon run conspiracy or Illuminati, believes they secretly steer...they might be right to an extent).OCH has agreed to help anyone prepare the perfect medicine", to help guard against Disease-X, repair your DNA, and keep your influential powers/sphere of influence STRONG!"
Papa Machte que gana todas las Batallas El Matador de Dragones
The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow. 

Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.


  1. I had a huge reveal in a dream last night, Allan kardec appeared. Departed information to give to you after a spiritism session. (Psalms and sanse ) I can do some brief mediumship in my books. but it’s about the spirit working in a persons “personal blind spot”, to cause some might say, spiritual OBSESSIONS.. and the medium being given intel like this. Ah very hard to dictate, just be aware, and alert of what and why, I can kind of compare it to how working with say belcan loa might channel information vs a pure demonology or Solomonic work on goetia… or Grimorium Verum with how spitits MAY give or impart the information. channeled via the medium. Some spirits come with a pact from other magicians and at this point it’s not about when or who~ more so being aware of how the computing methods of 2021 are being waged as an attack, humans targeted in ways that are novel & the moon child of a sworn enemy you have spoken of,. C. Michael, author, and high black flame occultist is who left this idea in the ether. Mind war and the later work is clear in how deep psychology meets military is modem internet bringing out the divide conquer mentality, not in warfare of militia but this digital mind surveillance that is quantitative data traded to build a complex algorithm. COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE, COGNITIVE COMPUTING & DIGITAL SURVEILLANCE CAPITIAL...

    A picture is will IDEALLY Or MAYBE leading to social credit scores and global digital identity in a post covid world.
    digital detox and remain wary of the new war fare smd how it may be appleof by being a blogger, or on reddit and quora and all social media, remember the pacts you made with what you aimed (eso when it comes to attacking). A lot of the infernal spirits may be Feeding a weakness or johari blind spot in the medium. I can’t tell you where this is said. I had a powerful dream and it was DIRECT. around the infernal spirits feeding obsession in the medium while the higher vibration (think sanse spiritism in the most elevated to protect). I tried to make this as “clear” in language as I can.

  2. Very hard in writing this on a weirdo medium I don’t have any tech rm. and have been on a digital detox, for over 10 days, if not more, this took a long time to depart. Hope it reaches you well, :)

  3. Weirdo medium pun not intended but I am now considering that it may be a dream and mediums ship session of a new (ish) for me nature.or Sanse spirit Psalms and Solomonic magic, or the after math, lol
    I am trying to dictate on a device I don’t own. It’s weird bc the sense of what I’m using to write. Not complete sentences come back in what I am typing...responding erasing it by the refresh page. Reminded me why I HAVE NO ISSUE OFF THESE ONLINE MEDIUMS, . So adore a digital detox forever,I hope this is not a comment of half explaining myself, which is my experience. Damn. lol, stipulates my point intended making no sense at all, lol. Sanse smd spiritual sessions of pure vs the demonology medium channeling and the obsessions on false or less elevated??? the “spirits” was the topic, Allan kardec came to my dream, a clear appropriate appearance of a guy (Allan kardec).who told me to first direct what was a page of reference to my own books and then about things in the templeI. The dream to be replayed to YOU, FOR SELF STUDY... Re the nature of obsession In your own self shadow/psychology amd how the internet war may be a cause of 2021 concern, modern warfare, Very hard to write but the msg;had to be expressed :)

  4. I assume they obfuscate their plans with their own dark magic as well. Hardly anyone saw this coming.


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