My Tumblr. Because it takes time to write a blog post.

I am a busy guy. I don't have time to play pandemic or pretend that there is not a massive global pedophile network. I don't have time to put on a facial maxi-pad and pretend it is anything other than a visual reminder for a plague that doesn't really exist, not in the way that it is reported. I got a formidable "to-do" list. Entertaining the idea that there are biologically more than two genders or the notion that identity politics matter in any way shape or form, is NOT on my list. I got REAL shit to do. I wish I had more free time. I would blog every day or at least every other day. It takes time to write a blog post, and while I am not stopping anytime soon, sometimes I can say more with less. 

As such I am introducing my Tumblr.

The same one-of-a-kind occult information and super-accurate predictions delivered with the razor wit and hard-knuckled two-fisted gin-joint bouncer sense of humor I have become both loved and hated for. 

Want a real kick in the ass? Find my Tumblr post where I state that there will be a food price increase of 70%+ globally, check the date. Then realize what is happening in North Carolina right now with the staged pipeline hacker bullshit, and how that will translate to a massive food price increase. After that, for the love of Saint Fuck, please, please, please get you and your family ready. 

If other Temples had this level of clout, they'd be making public predictions too. 

-You know who I am. 

Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.


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