2023: The Tiger has now Returned by Kevin Wikse.

 2023 Tiger Kevin Wikse

This morning, among my well-documented predictions, energy weapons and weather manipulation technology (Hurricane Hilary) would once again be focused toward Southern California (I did not foresee the Maui fires, but in a consultation immediately after they began, the Demon Musisin revealed the use of satellite energy weapons to force people off their property and justify its purchase by the elites underneath them very cheaply. Near immediately after my posting, numerous YouTube and Influencers from other social media platforms suddenly felt comfortable parroting what Musisin had said) but also my 2023 year reading, also extremely well-documented, a prediction that "the Tiger (bio-weapons, lockdowns, medical tyranny, etc.) would come back to devour the Rabbit (the year 2023). 

I have published this prediction throughout 2023 and made numerous statements regarding it. 

Today I was told by a contact of mine who is deep inside the HHS (Dept of Health and Human Services) this comes after being tipped off and given an "ACCOUNTING" of the same information that Europe is being readied to roll out a "new" set of lockdowns and is in the beginnings of hyping new COVID cases, which will result in the unveiling of a new-strain of COVID, which will mutate into various other strains, and then merge back together as a "super" virus. 

The United States is next on the docket. Using the previously tested and modified chain of events in Europe, the pro-pedophile and slavery Chinese Communist party-controlled, and treasonous Biden Administration will spearhead an initiative to bring America under another lockdown and medical tyranny and, of course, again on the eve of yet another presidential election cycle. 

The timeline for these events, as told to me, as it pertains to the United States, is as follows:

  1. Hyping "new" cases starting late Sept to Mid Oct 2023. 
  2. Mask mandates back by Nov 2023.
  3. Lockdowns again in late Nov or early Dec 2023. 
  4. The BIG push for FORCED inoculations.

As sad as this is, and my HHS contact confirms this, be ready to defend yourself against even your family members. The fear and hype of a "new" COVID strain will be significant. Neo-Liberal Leftists are the most stupid, violent, petty, selfish, and vindictive humans ever. It is valid to question whether they are still human due to the first round of m/RNA/genetic manipulation of vaccines and boosters. 

You must look at bug-out options if you live in a Democrat-run state. The State governments have already ordered to turn off social programs to force vaccination compliance, encouraging citizens to start employing "social justice" to regain their welfare checks by tracking down and aiding in forcefully inoculating individuals who, for their personal choices, do not want to be vaccinated. 

Non-vaccinated children and the children of the non-vaccinated will be high-priority targets for the Biden Administration, for both extortion and procurement to use for sex trafficking and medical harvesting. A CIA and NAMBLA civilian "Finders" program will be implemented to encourage and incentivize local pedophiles to hunt down and inform on the whereabouts of non-vaccinated children and the children of the non-vaccinated. Precisely like when, in March of 2020, I warned you that children by the thousands would disappear throughout the Lockdowns, and that is exactly what happened and will sadly happen again. 

DO NOT waste your time trying to find cures for this. It is engineered. The individuals behind this care nothing about whether you are actually sick. Look out for your health, of course, but curing this is not the goal of those who engineered it. This situation is an illness of the mind and spirit, not so much the body. They want you vaccinated and locked down by any means necessary. 

DO NOT trust the vaccinated and/or the liberal left, as they will betray, turn on, and sell you out. It is who they are. They proved that to you in damning and spectacular fashion from 2020 to 2022. They will only be worse this time. The media is poised to get incredibly personal. There are rumors there will be nationwide segments, America's Most Wanted style, of specific hit pieces, doxing, and demonizing of high-profile resisters to scare vaccine-hesitant people into compliance. 

Please begin to prepare yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. We might have a chance to turn this around, but it would require divine intercession at this point. We need to be ready, and by getting prepared, "God helps those who help themselves." 

-Kevin Wikse

Kevin Wikse Predicts


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