Project CHERIBUM: CERN, Pole Shift, 2030, Replacement People, Nazis and Non-Human Entity Interferance by Kevin Wikse

 project cheribum kevin wikse

As always, if you are or believe yourself to be a "graduate" (I use graduate for lack of a better term. "Survivor" doesn't seem to fit in this context) of Project CHERIBUM or maybe FLYING EYES, please get in touch with me. I am 45 now at the date of this posting and have many unanswered questions. I fear too much time has passed, and we don't have much time left. This year I am experiencing a significant uptick in flash-back dreams centering on either visitation or, what I feel is more the case, the participation of an NHE or Non-human Entity during our sessions while we were "under." Also, I am being shown the year 2027 for the first scheduled global-collective " contact " experience leading up to the 2030 event.

I grew up in Chino, California, from 1978 to 1992 or 1993. An off-shoot of Project CHERIBUM awaited me in Boise, Idaho, but it was much less developed in Idaho. My last conscious memory of contact with Project CHERIBUM happened in 1996, on my last day of Highschool. I have had no direct contact since; however, indirect contact occurs sporadically, notably before significant events such as the Columbine Shootings, 9-11, Omomuamua, and the COVID-19 Bio-weapon release (for example but not limited to). 

I seek individuals who share the following three conditions and circumstances with me. First, you grew up in or nearby Chino, California. Second, you were enrolled in grades K-8 in or near the Chino, California, school district circa 1983-1993. Third, you can give specific details regarding the "pilot" and other "key phases" I have purposely left out and will never publicly reveal so I can continue to protect myself and others. 

I do not believe, as I was told, "all the others have been put to sleep." This was a threat to cause a chilling effect on me. I am not now, nor have I ever been genuinely afraid of them. I am just finally ready to be public. 

I remember the "pilot" told me I existed in liminal spaces. This phrase of "liminality" came up again as I met my contact in India, with whom I am establishing a Tantra known as "Vimana Shastra Tantra Sookshm Ka." In lucid dreams, I interact with entities that also note I am perpetually in the condition of "liminality" and compare me to Shiva in his wild and disheveled states, such as Bharaiva and Rudra. 

In my last conversation with the "pilot," I was an 18-year-old young man, not a sedated 12-year-old boy. I could now lay a hand on him and felt slight vindication by the fear I stirred up in his eyes as I "expressed" my frustrations. Maybe he cared, or perhaps he did not, however. I believe he was truthful in our last interaction. 

"This world is dead. Here and now is a fabricated lie. A shaky bridge between what was and what will be. Your life begins on the other side of this. You and those like you will one day lament that you didn't stay with the rest of us in the world of ghosts." 

I've had many years to reflect on what he meant. Intuitively, I keep circling back to the Montauk Project, CERN, and the Mandela Effect. In my Remote Viewing, I am shown that a sizable portion of the population from one particular earth's reality, potentially our originating reality, was misplaced, scattered across parallel earth realities due to an event in the late 1970s or 1980s. I am shown a collapsing tangent timeline somehow "collided" with our stable timeline, causing a temporal catastrophe that impacted numerous parallel realities. 

Many of us are presently experiencing parallel realities that, while compatible, are of a lower grade (from where we initially began), tittering toward a negative vibration. As crass as this will sound, this tracks because this earth's reality has no shortage of exceptionally stupid unhinged people, many of whom appear soulless and NPC-like. Is this earth's reality as fond of artifact people as it is artifact things? 

In my Remote Viewing, I am shown a breakaway, presently underground, civilization, a population of a small nation numbering around 80 million (totaling 80 million and stashed in enclaves worldwide). In America, they are primarily located under (near) Mount Shasta in California and occupy spaces stretching toward and along the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. They are occasionally allowed to make trips in small groups to the surface world to begin acclimation to above-ground living.

I am shown that they are human but genetically divergent. They result from pure-blood breeding programs between various "elite" families from around the globe, with carefully selected "outsider" genetics. I am comfortable with saying the Missing 411 phenomenon is linked with this. They are subject to the most advanced and high-level genetic modification and gene editing/enhancement, perhaps even cybernetic integration. 

I am shown them patiently waiting to become replacements for a human continuity project after an upcoming extinction-level event, namely the 2030/Pole Shift. The COVID-19 weaponized vaccines are a soft kill, de-population tool, which will ensure the foreseeable end of the presently dominant human race, as they will be unable to recover their numbers after the event, and as I correctly predicted in 2017, the sterility and stillborn rates after a weaponized vaccine was foisted onto the public using a public health emergency as justification, would and has skyrocketed (again I predicted it years before it did and has now happened). 

I have been shown this to be a type of "chemical deluge" or flood to kill off outdated, weak, genetically inferior "humans" to effectually delete their DNA code from continuing and make room for a superior race. If you thought the Nazis were just about hating Jews and were defeated in WW2, and did not stage a fifth-column victory strategy pretending to lose so they could go underground to focus extensively on their genetic and interdimensional research while Operation Paperclip allowed them to infiltrate into the highest levels of Science and Education inside America, only to emerge after a natural and catastrophic cycle Governments and the Vatican have purposely kept their people in the dark about, to actualize their dream of a "New World Order," then a Pfizer booster shot is probably just what you deserve. Likely, you have already had a few. 

As keen as my Remote Viewing is, I cannot peer into Operation CHERIBUM or FLYING EYES specifics. I am met with tremendous resistance. My recent dreams reveal the visitation/participation of an NHE or Non-Human Entity, which is at least part of the resistance. From what I can glean from my dreams, this entity would appear or project itself as we went under. I don't consciously remember being told about its involvement. It seems to be attached to the "pilot" as if he was a host to it or served as an anchor point as it projected. 

I will continue trying to get past it, whatever it might be. 

This may be a fruitless attempt, but I believe a valuable and powerful collaboration between myself and other graduates of Operation CHERIBUM or FLYING EYES is not only possible but necessary for the Great Work I am involved in. 

It is becoming increasingly clear the "Big Bad" has been successful, at least in its most sinister plot, as I named it and publically revealed in 2009, the "Global Extermination Plot." My focus is no longer on increasing awareness; this is now pointless. It is now about preparation and contingencies. The small collective of former military and intelligence community members I am part of are in regular communication. A plan is presently being formulated. You are not alone. You are not crazy, no matter what anyone else says, and you have a strong ally in me. Please, come forward and contact me. 

I will leave you with one more phrase "seneice."  

You are safe with me. 

For those not involved in Project CHERIBUM or FLYING EYES, I am open to collaborations with anyone able and willing, but please do not engage in falsehoods. There truly is no need for that. 

-Kevin Wikse, Remore Viewer, consumate humanist and graduate of Project CHERIBUM a.k.a FLYING EYES. 

Remote Viewing


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