Case #9: To the shadows! Psychic investigation into the death of Phillip Marshall with the Goetic daemon of shadow Morail.

Phillip Marshall and his two children
I wish I could be a FULL time conspiracy and paranormal investigator.

I open with that statement to reflect the sad fact I did not hear about the death of former pilot and conspiracy researcher Phillip Marshall along with his two children until recently (we are talking over three years after).

I should have known the day of... I did not and I am upset by that.

I am grateful that I have blog readers who like me, are part time researchers also.

One such reader requested I look into the death of Phillip Marshall, and hos two teenage children.

He sent along a brief synopsis of the events.

I accepted, but in return I requested one thing from him, to not send me any more information on the matter.

Here is what I knew going into the investigation...

Phillip Marshall was found shot dead.

Phillip Marshall's two teenage children shot dead.

Law Enforcement has labeled it a "murder/suicide". 

Phillip had just, or was about the release a bombshell book about 9-11. 

The event occurred near Sacramento, California.

I have done a lion's share of journalistic and psychic investigations into 9-11.

False Flag day
I was officially "9-11 truth" the morning of September, 11, 2001.

NOTHING about that morning made any sense.

The news media outlets where in an obvious disconnect between the "script" and the actual happenings.

I watched helicopters fly OVER the Fox News logo (that doesn't happen, that NEVER happens... unless it is purposeful and premeditated manipulation of film).

I made a point to note what the EARLIEST reports where saying. These reports are not yet fully synced with the official "script".

These early reports included:

1. First responders.

The first responders reported BOMBS exploding in the basement (my intuitive sense is the 1993 bombing of the WTC originating in the underground garage, which was meant to topple the North Tower into the South Tower, was the a failed attempt but used by the same cabal of globalists to prepare and stage 9-11-2001) of the WTC towers.

Watch here as some ASSHOLE "reporter" from Channel 7 tries to lead the first responders/firefighters with, "you mean the plane" over and over again, while he is explaining the second and third explosions in the lobby.
Translation: BOMBS.

BTW those firefighters are what ACTUAL wounded people look like, not this crisis actors monkey brained bullshit only social retards believe are real trauma victims such as in the cases of Sandy Hook Hoax and the Bogus Boston Bombing.

2. The White Doomsday Plane.
The White Doomsday Plane

The White Doomsday Plane was not only reported but caught on film circling around the WTC towers.

The white doomsday plane is like Air Force One... only a lot better.

The question remains.. who the hell was IN the doomsday plane?

"Call BOYS" took a midnight tour of the White House. Let that sink in.

Then president (G.W Bush) was "reading" (he can read?) a book about goats to Florida school children (I hope they took a head count of those school kids before and after that crusty fuck left the classroom. Both him and daddy Bush have a serious "love little boy butt hole" problem.
The look of desire for little boy flesh...

Why was the doomsday plane over the site of the "attack" in the first place?

Official protocol is to take high ranking governmental and corporate officials AWAY from danger, not to place them directly over it.

Unless of course they where active spectators, and like all psychopaths, drawn back to the scene of their crimes.

3. The BBC corespondent Jane Standley reported that Building 7 (not hit by a plane) had fallen nearly 25 minutes BEFORE it did.

BBC's Jane Standley. Information on her present whereabouts are "sketchy".
That was not the first time the BBC displayed stellar precognitive ability.

On 11/22/1963 the BBC reported Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in a Dallas movie theater an hour BEFORE Harvey even entered the movie theater.

But I digress.... lets get to the point.

The magic sigil of the Goetic Daemon Morail
The daemon Morial is the epitome of shade and shadow.

Morail, like the daemons Guland and Musisin (Grimorium Verum) have ties to the Sub-lunar astral realm, known in Palo Mayombe as the "World's Shadow", is the space between the astral world and the realm of the dead (Moon (astral) and Pluto (underworld)).

When summoned the daemon Morail is often seen in the company of "Shadow People", and seems to have an unnervingly strong influence over them.

Morail is said to "make anything invisible", or "able to conceal all things".

The metaphysics behind this astonishing maneuver is that Morail has the talent to pull the "shadow realm" over a person, or situation as if it was a blanket or rug.

The Shadow realm is a place of dissolution, distortion and disintegration.

Overlapping the Shadow realm creates an obscuring psychic/spiritual fog around the person, or situation.

This clouds the cognitive ability, and mental facilities of anyone focusing on that "concealed" person, place or thing. Rendering them "invisible" to logical or coherent intellectual processing.

The eyes might "see" it but the brain does not recognize it.

In addition to concealment, the daemon Morial maintains frightening occult mysteries concerning acts of sorcery which manipulates people, and objects via their shadows.

In my tradition of daemonology, Morail has a magical canopy (cloak) made under his auspices.

The magician drapes him or herself with Morail's canopy ensuring that they are enveloped by the realm of shadow and immersed in influence of Morail.

It is this canopy I will employ to preform my psychic investigation into the death of Phillip Marshall and his two children.

At midnight I dress my Goetic temple with candles, incense and cigar smoke.

Thick vapor clouds collect in the air...a swirl of sweet tobacco, and myrrh.

Neutralizing the astral space of my Goetic temple with the LBRP or Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, I then bring myself into alignment with the Sun, Moon and Stars through the Middle Pillar Rite.

I give readings from the Grimoirum Verum, The Black Hen, A.E Waites's Book of Black Magic and the Book of Saint Cipriano.

I then recited opening prayers to the Most High, and invoke in descending order the hierarchy of spirits from highest to lowest.

Making the appropriate evocation, I give libations of Black Rum and offering of Black Cavendish smoke to the daemon Morail.

In a small brass brazier, I place a fired charcoal, and sprinkle a pinch of a loose narcotic mixture over the hot coal before draping myself (along with the brass brazier) with the canopy of Morail.

This is not a divination method suitable, nor recommended, for anyone outside of my Goetic linage.

For starters this process invites Morail into a minor possession.

Second the narcotic blend recipe is secret and I will not vouch for any other blend.

Third this is a "clambake" with what could be a dangerous narcotic.

The magician must remain coherent enough between both the partial daemonic possession trance and narcotic influence, to regulate continued application of mixture over the hot coal.

Waiting for the narcotic to take hold  I sing songs to Morail, and slowly sway back and forth, while maintaining Morail's sigil vividly in my third eye.

What feels like an icy hand reaches into my head, and I hear a response to my summons in a hushed breathy voice.

The daemon Morail has come.

I shift my psychic focus to an image (same picture from the beginning of this posting) of Phillip Marshall and his two children.

I am taken over by the sense of fading out, and the already dark, becomes even darker.

And then suddenly...

*These are the exact notes that I wrote down upon regaining consciousness.

I am now entering a side door of a nice looking house. Phillip is walking around a corner, he is following a dog telling it to stop barking. He is startled to see me, and jumps back. I shoot him immediately. He falls hard. The dog growls and I shoot it too. The dogs yelps. His daughter comes into the room asking "dad is everything ok?" I shoot her before she sees me. I take a quick walk into the kitchen. I see his son, who looks to see me. He opens his mouth to speak, but I shot him in the head before he can. He is stuck trying to say something for a second before he is gone. I take a quick walk through the house. I feel like there is no further witnesses. I leave the way I came in.

I sent my findings to the individual and I started my own journalistic investigation.

This is what I learned in my journalistic investigation.

The family dog was shot.

Phillip was found next to a door he never used.

Phillip appears to have been shot first.

These are thing I saw in my psychic investigation being validated by journalist research.

I believe it is obvious that I was seeing through the eyes of the killer.

Comparing my psychic investigation to my journalistic findings, these are the suppositions I now maintain.

If it was murder/suicide why did Phillip Marshall shot the dog? 

The dog being shot supports the assassin theory.

The assassin would kill the family dog to protect him or herself  and or silence the dog from barking.

Phillip Marshal was shot first, and died first, thereby he could not have shot his children nor the family dog.

I could hear Phillip, and his daughter speak, as well as the dog make a yelp, but I could not hear gun shots. 

None of Phillip Marshall's neighbors heard gun shots.

If Law Enforcement is to be believed then Phillip Marshall might have utilized a silencer. 

But why bother if it was a murder-suicide and where would Phillip gain access to a silencer in the first place?  

A silencer does seems likely however, and further supports the assassin theory. 

I am waiting back from my follow conspiracy and paranormal researcher on his response and findings based on what I experienced with the the Goetic daemon Morail.

I will post any further finding or reactions as they happen.

-Papa Crocodile


  1. Interesting! but chilling to say the least, I wonder why you were granted the perspective of the gunman? it does the job and gives you insight into how it actually all did play out. But... why should that fuck have an anonymity? maybe someone who works fromin the shadows? ah beyond me. Just food for thought.

  2. Whuh that great findings tata. Stuff like that just doesnt happen, some pilot commits suicide and takes other lives with him....yh right, the spartans didnt have depression for a reason. A healthy lifestyle has no suicide in it...

    Keep it up Tata, we the crowd are watching you in both respect and support :)!


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