Night Eye of the Congo sets it sites East and "sees" the Great Bell of Dhamazedi

It has been a while since my last blog post and for valid reasons. None of which I can make public... but I can say my focuses (much of which are openly discussed on this blog) are at the very heart of my reluctant sabbatical.

I received an interesting request, and one I must admit intrigued me, so I took up the challenge.

I will be honest, I never heard of the Great Bell of Dhamazedi, nor much if anything at all related to Myanmar (that I know of).

So in essence I am taking the request at face value and preforming my psychic investigation from the stand point of an icy cold read indeed.

Myanmar is a country nestled snugly between India and Thailand.

The King of Myanmar named Dhamazedi commissioned the manufacture of what could be the largest bell of recorded human history (some 300 tons of Gold and Silver) as a gift for his I am informed.

A Portuguese warlord by the name of Filipe de Brito Nicote (seriously it would be exceedingly difficult to find even one country on par with the number of native dirt bags produced by Spain and Portugal in the 1600s) and Burmese mercenary, Nga Zinka, successfully lead a capture of the bell and fled with it to the Bagon's and Yangon's notoriously murky (zero visibility) rivers' convergence point.

Due to the bell's tremendous weight, the raft (pulled by Brito's ship), meant to float the bell was split apart and the bell pulled Birto's ship down with it.... serves the asshole right.

The bell has been lost now for about 400 years.

I was emailed a drawing of a map with no other indicators other than outlines which denoted where land is and water is.

I was asked to see if I could, using my mpaka (a sacred horn, filled with secret infringements, and capped with a round mirror) with my Vititi Congo (second sight, or remote viewing srcying) divine the location where the bell could be found, and then mark it.

At midnight, I preformed my prayers and made offerings of tobacco and rum.

I called my nfumbe (a spirit of the dead all priests and priestesses of Palo Mayombe pact with at their initiation) and prepared my other spirits.

Using my rama's or tradition's method of trance induction using tobacco smoke from a cigar, coupled with specific inhalations and exhalations, I entered into the correct state of trance for mpaka work.

Asking Zarabanda (the guardian of my mpaka), to see that I may see the current location of the great bell of Dhamazedi.

A strange image bubbled up in my third eye.

The Nats. Magical venerated Buddhist dead of Myanmar. 
A temple hallway, and on each side of the hallway, was lined with very notable looking Asian spirits for as far as I could see.

These spirits I would latter discover resembled what are called the "Nats", Asian dead who are linked to the Buddhist spiritism and magic associated with Myanmar...venerated dead who have great power over specific functions of human life (the venerated dead, is extremely central to Afro-diaspora magical religions and magic as well).

It was as if they (Nats) recognized the power of an outside force coming into their sphere of influence, and graciously allowed Zarabanda to peer at the whereabouts of an item of great spiritual significance to them and they people they attend too.

Now all I could see was the hand drawn map, and a red dot indicating (I believe) where the bell might be found.

I immediately came back into my waking consciousness.

I noted the location, gave a description of what I saw and sent it back to the sender.

What they replied back to me with was interesting.

They first told me about the existence of the Nats, and the people lining the hallway, could very well have been the Nats.

Second they provided me a map with two additional dots.

Red- Where I saw as the location of the bell using Vititi Congo and my mpaka.

Green-  Where the bell is conventionally thought to be.

Purple- Where a research team claimed to have found the bell, but the claims where proven false.

I cannot say for certain if the bell is exactly where I saw it using my methods, but I feel good about my findings.

It is my hope that in the very near future this Bell is found, so the Nats along with the country and people of Myanmar can be reunited...their spiritual linage fully restored.

-Papa Crocodile.


  1. Wow thats great accomplishment Tata. To be able to help those people in such an honorable way. My respect!
    I see that Vititi Congo is pretty useful :P


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