The Daemon Guland gives natural remedy for possible Cholera epidemic in Haiti.

Signature of the daemon Guland.
This weekend is heavy with Goetic workings and the black and red tables of my Goetic Spiritist Temple are extremely active. I was planning to post about my workings with the Loa and my Nfumbe, but the daemon Guland came through last night with information that I think can be tremendously helpful. Guland is a daemon accounted for in the Grimorium Verum. Guland is said to both cause and heal all diseases. Guland holds all the mysteries of Goetic vampirism, including remote viewing (real time projections), and astral travel (astral projection).

The U.N. currently seeks to re-occupy Haiti using the threat of a Cholera epidemic as it's justification.  This is another example of a weaponized truth. Yes, Haiti has a very real Cholera problem, and Hurricane Matthew is NOT making it any better. However, the U.N. does not need to invade. As crass as this might sound.... a couple hundred people killed in Haiti is NOTHING. Its sad, and its tragic, however near 300-400 people die everyday in Haiti from all sorts of things. The U.N. will only bring militarization, violence, oppression, financial theft and extortion, and worst of all... trafficking of humans as well as sexual exploitation. Haiti does not need the U.N. interfering.

Haitians know  U.N. "peace keepers are just an occupying army.
There is a great deal of evidence and even a rare admittance from the U.N. itself that THEY played a major role in the Cholera outbreak which killed or as I like to say MURDERED thousands (yes THOUSANDS) of Haitians. So...really... what the fuck is the U.N. doing going back into Haiti to protect Haiti from Cholera??? That is like having John Wayne Gacy come watch your kids cause he knows a thing or two about how children end up molested, tortured and murdered.

Nature. Way better than anything the CDC cooks up. 
Guland says that a drink made of ginger (ground into a paste), lemon juice, and pulverized onion, all mixed into coconut water will help remedy Cholera in the body. These ingredients are cheap and abundant in Haiti. Most importantly they do not need to use water which may be tainted with Cholera. Haiti does not need the help of the C.D.C indiscriminately jabbing people with dangerous unproven vaccines, the U.N. invaders or any other  HOARD of "Aid" or "Relief"  workers.... all of who constitute the REAL plague which threatens Haiti.

Cholera while deadly is nothing compared to the disease known as foreign governmental "assistance".

-Papa Crocodile


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