Daemon SAGATANA inside the Clinton dream space. Pilfering for dark secrets: Occult, UFOS, and Intergalactic slavery
* DISCLAIMER* I am simply relaying what I have discovered in my own psychic research and astral infiltrations. Nothing I report here can be taken as evidence which could be admissible in a court of law. I make no claims about the authenticity of the information. I present this blog post as a curio and for entertainment purposes only. I intend no slander and everything should be thought of as "fiction", or roleplaying or whatever...
The revelations in the recent Wikileaks are not "bombshell" from my perspective. For months now I have been maintaining an effective practice of nighttime astral infiltration with the daemon Sagatana (Grimorium Verm) of both Hillary's and Bill's (Clinton) private and dream spaces. One could blame it my desensitization of "evil". I am not suggesting or implying that "good" or "evil" are merely illusions, as popularly touted by intellectual troglodytes who have infested modern "Western" occultism. Rather I am admitting I have uncovered so much in the way of villainy that unless it is wicked most foul, I generally disregard it as trivial to my psychic investigations. When it comes to the Clinton crime syndicate, actions such as murder, fraud, and laundering of money are so banal, it is as regular to both Bill and Hillary as breathing or taking their laxative aided shit in the morning. Both Hillary and Bill currently suffer from severe morphine induced constipation, both are in horrible health, in a great deal of pain (this makes me happy) and likely not long for this world.
Sagatana is an upper echelon astral daemon accounted in the Grimorium Verum. A direct subordinate of the daemon Astaroth, the Grand Duke of the Infernal, Sagatana commands brigades of lesser astral daemons. The talents of Sagatana are said to be this, "has the power to make anyone invisible, transport him/her anywhere they wish, to open all locks, to make known whatsoever is taking place inside any private house/residence, and teach all the arts of the shepherds". The last verse "arts of the shepherds", is more useful than one might think...with implications extending far past the immediate.
I have psychically investigated the Clinton family in the past. I even entered a tender dream of Hillary's where she (an early twenties version of Hillary) and I shared a romantic liaison, followed by laying together in a sun room. She whispered to me "love in the wind, we dance forever among falling leaves and kiss for each star in the sky", she placed a book titled "Love in the Wind" in my hands.
Hillary is to a degree, a victim of her heritage and bloodline. She shares blood linage with the Queen of England, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and as such shares an ancestry with some of humanity's most prolific psychopaths, genocidal level serial killers and pedophiles. Degradation is present in every inch of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha spiritual line. It's energetic frame is crumbling from the many generations of sharing their physical bodies with non-physical entities, and being the target for a vast collection of curses set upon them from people whose culture was wiped out and or sold into slavery by the Saxe-Corbug-Gotha.
Hillary Clinton is a haunted woman. She is plagued by vengeful dead, hoards of lesser daemons, and interdimensional entities whose agenda is terrifyingly alien. Hillary's bloodline possesses an aptitude for magical practice, however its long been hindered and damaged. Her medium skills are mediocre, and it is because she is aggressively hounded by spirits, that she displays medium's talents on a regular basis. No longer do the majority of these elite bloodlines maintain authentic family practices. They started hiring out for court magicians, and seers or utilized enslaved sorcerers from the fringe of Europe, the Middle East and African, ensuring they could enjoy the luxuries of decadent lifestyles rather than develop spiritually.
Due to Hillary's latent spiritual skills, she was chosen to step into the role of a mid-level "witch" and support what remains of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha coven (the Sisterhood of Darkness, headed by Queen Elizabeth who is High Priestess). Initiation into the coven started in her early 30s. Through unlocking the guarded parts of her mind with the aid of the daemon Sagatana (Hillary was taught to create mental safe rooms. Inside these rooms are vaults which are locked, and where she places her most dangerous secrets) I saw her initiation. Three summers of excruciating sexual torture at the hands of the Sisters of Darkness at both Windsor and Balmoral castle. In addition to sexual torture, Hillary was required to engage in blood drinking, cannibalism, necrophilia, as well as molesting and sacrificing children and teenagers. These heinous acts solidified her entrance into the coven and guarantees her continuing compliance to the Sisterhood of Darkness.
Following her initiatory summers, Hillary was placed under Monarch condition measures, and her each of her emerging multiply personalities groomed for separate functions. Political, social, occultic, and one other I as of yet cannot identify a purpose for.
For all the more fantastical occult practices Hillary and Bill are involved in I am not really interested in it. My real focus is the human trafficking, and murder to which they are unquestionably linked. However I am also deeply vested in uncovering both Bill and Hillary's knowledge of and involvement with extraterrestrials. In respects to this blog post I will be detailing Hillary's knowledge and involvement. Despite Bill having been president (Hillary as of the date of this post *11/5/16* she is not yet president), Hillary is more involved with and knowledgeable of extraterrestrials. Bill was liked or at least tolerated, by what is the Majestic-12 of our day, but he certainly was not trusted. Bill is a ruthless thug and abuser of women, however he isn't the black hearted killer that Hillary is. This places Hillary in better standing among intelligence agencies and military industrial complex who head extraterrestrial affairs. Hillary regularly sits in on meeting where these matters are discussed... and it is for these reasons target Hillary over Bill in respects to extraterrestrials and even interterrestrials.
I have sworn oaths of secrecy to both the tradition of Goetic/Ceremonial Magic I inherited, and the daemon Sagatana, in exchange for daemonic tutelage. I will as much as I can, detail the process of infiltrating Hillary Clinton's dream space and what I uncovered.
Around midnight I start preliminary prayers to open my temple, setting myself firmly in the light and vibration of the Most High. I follow with incantations to the daemon Sagatana and prepare to work. Because I have made a pact with Sagatana there is no need to conjure or evoke this daemon. Sagatana remains "evoked" for the life of the pact.
Over the past months, Sagatana and I have developed a ritual practice for both astral and real time O.B.Es (Out of Body Experience). Here is a quick run down of what this preparation looks like.
1. A single mouthful a stout herbal elixir with animal remain channeled by Sagatana.
2. A "wash" for my eyes and ears to strengthen my psychic senses.
3. Donning the talisman I made under Sagatana's influence.
4. Getting comfortable in a high backed chair.
5. I set a prepared plate marked with the sigil of Sagatana, an affixed lit candle, and other offerings on top of my head.
6. Using the breathing pattern prescribed by Sagatana (EXAMPLE inhale for a silent count of 7, hold the breath for a silent count of 4, and exhale for a silent count of 7.)
7. Positioning hand positions (similar to Kuji-in or Buddhist finger knitting) over select locations on my body in a specific pattern (hand positions act as keys unlocking my energy bodies and allowing their energies to increase the power of my projection).
After five to six minutes I feel a sudden expansion. Sagatana and I are now standing bedside, over a sleeping Hillary Clinton.
I see figures back along the periphery of my astral vision. Sagatana has already seen them. These entities are supposed to protect Hillary, but they fear Sagatana, and the spiritual forces I am allied with.
"They deserve no attention", says Sagatana.
I poke Hillary right in the middle of her forehead, and a keyhole appears. With his waxy green finger Sagatana forms a key and inserts it into the keyhole. We are now in a little girl's room surrounded by toy chests, and music boxes.
I see a young girl. Hillary at eight or maybe nine years old. She is playing with a Barbie doll (?) on the floor. She senses she is not alone and looks up to see Sagatana. She begins to quiver and cry. I glance over at Sagatana and his widening smile, I know he finds this amusing. Sagatana begins to harden his already harsh Moorish features, and shift his green skin into a radioactive green-yellow. The child Hillary screams out, over and over, like she was a car alarm.
I begin to see vapors around me, a dirty smoke now envelopes me, and I feel "removed" from Sagatana. The screams of child Hillary are also heavily muted and made into distant background noise.
"No one can see you now, and I will keep them away", says Sagatana. "You look for symbols on the toy chests, and tell me which you want opened.
I am now examining the toy chests. On the toy chests are a single symbol. One has Au and another Ag, I theorize these chests contain Hillary's secrets about Gold and Silver. I look at more toy chests, and I find the symbol of a boat, and another bears the symbol of the hexagram. I now see that there are a few toy chests hidden underneath the bed.
On the first toy chest I see has a skull. I am tempted to have Sagatana open this one, but it is not what I am looking for. Next I see has what I have been looking for, the face of a grey alien. I pull that toy chest out from under the bed and motion to Sagatana to open it.
Sagatana and I are now in the back of a moving bus. Looking out the windows I see we are in a big city and it is dark outside. Around us are a number of very clean cut, military or law enforcement looking men, all dressed in black suits. They sit motionless in the front of the bus, facing forward, and seemingly unaware of Sagatana and I. Are they the actual men in black, or M.I.B? I think to ask, but other questions come to mind.
"Can they see us?", I ask Sagatana.
"Yes they can. They are just not reacting to you in a way you would understand", replies Sagatana.
I stand and approach the man closest to the bus driver, she is a larger dark skinned woman, who also seems unaware Sagatana and I are on the bus. I stand directly in front of this man, and lock eyes with him.
"You aren't human are you", I say to him.
His face loses the stoic stare and he looks right me.
"No, none of us here, expect for you are human. You risk your life and your family's life by what you are doing and what you have done. We know who you are and have watched you, even caused you harm from time to time", he says. His stare reflects the dead seriousness of his words.
"What I do I do for the good of my people, and besides you are just a guarded memory of Hillary's", I reply.
"I am more than a memory. I am a being of great multiplicity. I am fully conscious of all the places I exist within the entirety of time and space, of which there is a staggering number. Hillary knows me as she has spoken to me before. I am a consultant to the pentagon and the corporate powers controlling your government, who are the final deciders on how to respond to the different extraterrestrial agendas now active upon your planet", he says as his face changes into translucent purple sphere, and his body dissipates.
Sagatana and I now stand in a void of dark space in front of a softly glowing purple sphere.
The conversation is a long one, but I will give you a run down of the most important points. From my understanding all of this is what Hillary knows and keeps secret... until now.
1. There is no less then 194 alien races active on this planet.
2. There is no less than 32 off world federations who are politically active, and directly influencing world events.
3. Nearly every country has an alien race (or races) who have adopted that country's culture and will side with them in the event of military conflicts. Currently the races who sponsor South Korea, and China, are moving against one another.
4. The Anglo-Saxon Conspiracy, or Illuminati, have made human trafficking deals and entering into the intergalactic slave trade with Reptilian, Insectiod and Grey races. In exchange these races promise to supply the Illuminati with advanced technology that was previously barred from humans. Factions within the NSA, CIA, and military industrial complex are coordinating efforts to fill the supply order for human slaves however they are running into problems. The number of human slaves wanted outweighs acceptable loss in terms of what the government can explain away as missing people due to serial killers and the like. Bill Clinton in his presidency signed an executive order making all US citizens "commodities" with a trade value of a couple million dollars each. This was done to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank/Illuminati for use as slaves, sex slaves, organ harvesting, human sacrifice and snuff films, but also insane medical and military research. This has been expanded to include now off-world influences.
The original plan was to begin a massive cloning program in deep sea and underground military bases, however these clones are now being allocated to fight off world wars, and human clones often lack authentic human emotional responses. The alien races who desire human slaves delight in misery and despair which is why they want a living beings not A.I androids. There was also a human farming program, a breeders initiative, but many of these alien races want slaves now; they are not willing to wait till the human child is mature enough to understand instructions and care of it's self. They will not care for a human infant. The races who want human babies only want them for consumption.
One answer to this heavy demand for human slaves which has been moderately effective is time travel. Using CERN based technology, humans are being kidnapped from the future time line, so not to mess up the past and continually destabilize the present.
5. The Reptilian and Insectiod races censor information concerning the state of earth to the larger intergalactic community and mask their level of involvement. There is a sizable contingency of confederations and alliances of alien races who have never heard of earth or humans. Earth unfortunately is an isolated planet, and that vulnerability is being insidiously exploited.
6. Aside from a handful of extraterrestrial races who are friendly and sympathetic towards us, the majority of races are indifferent or downright hostile to humans. We are largely on our own to hold out against both off world influences and traitorous humans who sold out their own kind.
7. Many of the five star generals have sworn allegiance to off world warlords, and are traitors against this country as well as this planet.
8. The vast majority of what is discussed in UN meetings are the agendas of politically active extraterrestrials and the world government leaders who have aligned with them.
9. The NASA program to colonize Mars is a facade. Mars is, and has since the early 1990s, been colonized by humans. The world elite have fantastic palaces on Mars. The humans volunteering to colonize Mars will be set to work toiling in mines and doing slave labor for the elites who will live there.
10. There is a mass geo-re-engineering program that is creating an alien friendly atmosphere here on earth. These beings are interdimensional, and more energetic than physical. They do not like the brightness of our sun, and humans are still to healthy for them to inhabit full time. The plan is to have the sunlight reaching the earth further reduced 30% by 2030. This will wrack human health as the sun is the largest distributor of vitamin D. These interdimensional entities will t be given free reign over the earth and all living creatures left here. The elites have made deals to evacuate to off world facilities. This race of interdimensional entities have made promises to the world elites that in exchange for the planet they will buy them out of debts owed to the Reptilian and Grey alien races.
After a very lengthy discussion I find myself fading away. The power sustaining the link between my consciousness and astral body nearing total depletion. Sagatana and I are now once more standing bedside over a sleeping Hillary Clinton. Sagatana points out a door and we walk towards it. I am now aware of my physical body sitting in a chair. My breathing is slightly irregular and there is a strong vibrating in my heart center.
I remove the prepared plate from the top of my head, beginning a series of gentle exercises to fully settle my awareness into my physical body, and end with a middle pillar ritual with kabbalistic cross. I begin jotting down all I have learned.
Offerings made to Sagatana can be left at the back door of an abandoned house, and better if they are left over his encircled sigil drawn with chalk.
This blog post does not at all cover the information about interterrestrials Hillary is aware of, and who have enormous leverage over the IMF and world banking systems.
More to come, including Bill Clinton's involvement with the occult, ritual sacrifice and UFOs.
-Papa Crocodile.
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Sagatana is an upper echelon astral daemon accounted in the Grimorium Verum. A direct subordinate of the daemon Astaroth, the Grand Duke of the Infernal, Sagatana commands brigades of lesser astral daemons. The talents of Sagatana are said to be this, "has the power to make anyone invisible, transport him/her anywhere they wish, to open all locks, to make known whatsoever is taking place inside any private house/residence, and teach all the arts of the shepherds". The last verse "arts of the shepherds", is more useful than one might think...with implications extending far past the immediate.
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She was quite lovely once... |
Hillary is to a degree, a victim of her heritage and bloodline. She shares blood linage with the Queen of England, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and as such shares an ancestry with some of humanity's most prolific psychopaths, genocidal level serial killers and pedophiles. Degradation is present in every inch of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha spiritual line. It's energetic frame is crumbling from the many generations of sharing their physical bodies with non-physical entities, and being the target for a vast collection of curses set upon them from people whose culture was wiped out and or sold into slavery by the Saxe-Corbug-Gotha.
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Total genetic break down... |
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Sisterhood of Darkness |
Following her initiatory summers, Hillary was placed under Monarch condition measures, and her each of her emerging multiply personalities groomed for separate functions. Political, social, occultic, and one other I as of yet cannot identify a purpose for.
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Saxe-Coburg-Gotha |
I have sworn oaths of secrecy to both the tradition of Goetic/Ceremonial Magic I inherited, and the daemon Sagatana, in exchange for daemonic tutelage. I will as much as I can, detail the process of infiltrating Hillary Clinton's dream space and what I uncovered.
Around midnight I start preliminary prayers to open my temple, setting myself firmly in the light and vibration of the Most High. I follow with incantations to the daemon Sagatana and prepare to work. Because I have made a pact with Sagatana there is no need to conjure or evoke this daemon. Sagatana remains "evoked" for the life of the pact.
Over the past months, Sagatana and I have developed a ritual practice for both astral and real time O.B.Es (Out of Body Experience). Here is a quick run down of what this preparation looks like.
1. A single mouthful a stout herbal elixir with animal remain channeled by Sagatana.
2. A "wash" for my eyes and ears to strengthen my psychic senses.
3. Donning the talisman I made under Sagatana's influence.
4. Getting comfortable in a high backed chair.
5. I set a prepared plate marked with the sigil of Sagatana, an affixed lit candle, and other offerings on top of my head.
6. Using the breathing pattern prescribed by Sagatana (EXAMPLE inhale for a silent count of 7, hold the breath for a silent count of 4, and exhale for a silent count of 7.)
7. Positioning hand positions (similar to Kuji-in or Buddhist finger knitting) over select locations on my body in a specific pattern (hand positions act as keys unlocking my energy bodies and allowing their energies to increase the power of my projection).
After five to six minutes I feel a sudden expansion. Sagatana and I are now standing bedside, over a sleeping Hillary Clinton.
I see figures back along the periphery of my astral vision. Sagatana has already seen them. These entities are supposed to protect Hillary, but they fear Sagatana, and the spiritual forces I am allied with.
"They deserve no attention", says Sagatana.
I poke Hillary right in the middle of her forehead, and a keyhole appears. With his waxy green finger Sagatana forms a key and inserts it into the keyhole. We are now in a little girl's room surrounded by toy chests, and music boxes.
I see a young girl. Hillary at eight or maybe nine years old. She is playing with a Barbie doll (?) on the floor. She senses she is not alone and looks up to see Sagatana. She begins to quiver and cry. I glance over at Sagatana and his widening smile, I know he finds this amusing. Sagatana begins to harden his already harsh Moorish features, and shift his green skin into a radioactive green-yellow. The child Hillary screams out, over and over, like she was a car alarm.
I begin to see vapors around me, a dirty smoke now envelopes me, and I feel "removed" from Sagatana. The screams of child Hillary are also heavily muted and made into distant background noise.
"No one can see you now, and I will keep them away", says Sagatana. "You look for symbols on the toy chests, and tell me which you want opened.
I am now examining the toy chests. On the toy chests are a single symbol. One has Au and another Ag, I theorize these chests contain Hillary's secrets about Gold and Silver. I look at more toy chests, and I find the symbol of a boat, and another bears the symbol of the hexagram. I now see that there are a few toy chests hidden underneath the bed.
On the first toy chest I see has a skull. I am tempted to have Sagatana open this one, but it is not what I am looking for. Next I see has what I have been looking for, the face of a grey alien. I pull that toy chest out from under the bed and motion to Sagatana to open it.
Sagatana and I are now in the back of a moving bus. Looking out the windows I see we are in a big city and it is dark outside. Around us are a number of very clean cut, military or law enforcement looking men, all dressed in black suits. They sit motionless in the front of the bus, facing forward, and seemingly unaware of Sagatana and I. Are they the actual men in black, or M.I.B? I think to ask, but other questions come to mind.
"Can they see us?", I ask Sagatana.
"Yes they can. They are just not reacting to you in a way you would understand", replies Sagatana.
I stand and approach the man closest to the bus driver, she is a larger dark skinned woman, who also seems unaware Sagatana and I are on the bus. I stand directly in front of this man, and lock eyes with him.
"You aren't human are you", I say to him.
His face loses the stoic stare and he looks right me.
"No, none of us here, expect for you are human. You risk your life and your family's life by what you are doing and what you have done. We know who you are and have watched you, even caused you harm from time to time", he says. His stare reflects the dead seriousness of his words.
"What I do I do for the good of my people, and besides you are just a guarded memory of Hillary's", I reply.
"I am more than a memory. I am a being of great multiplicity. I am fully conscious of all the places I exist within the entirety of time and space, of which there is a staggering number. Hillary knows me as she has spoken to me before. I am a consultant to the pentagon and the corporate powers controlling your government, who are the final deciders on how to respond to the different extraterrestrial agendas now active upon your planet", he says as his face changes into translucent purple sphere, and his body dissipates.
Sagatana and I now stand in a void of dark space in front of a softly glowing purple sphere.
The conversation is a long one, but I will give you a run down of the most important points. From my understanding all of this is what Hillary knows and keeps secret... until now.
1. There is no less then 194 alien races active on this planet.
2. There is no less than 32 off world federations who are politically active, and directly influencing world events.
3. Nearly every country has an alien race (or races) who have adopted that country's culture and will side with them in the event of military conflicts. Currently the races who sponsor South Korea, and China, are moving against one another.
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Insectiod |
The original plan was to begin a massive cloning program in deep sea and underground military bases, however these clones are now being allocated to fight off world wars, and human clones often lack authentic human emotional responses. The alien races who desire human slaves delight in misery and despair which is why they want a living beings not A.I androids. There was also a human farming program, a breeders initiative, but many of these alien races want slaves now; they are not willing to wait till the human child is mature enough to understand instructions and care of it's self. They will not care for a human infant. The races who want human babies only want them for consumption.
One answer to this heavy demand for human slaves which has been moderately effective is time travel. Using CERN based technology, humans are being kidnapped from the future time line, so not to mess up the past and continually destabilize the present.
5. The Reptilian and Insectiod races censor information concerning the state of earth to the larger intergalactic community and mask their level of involvement. There is a sizable contingency of confederations and alliances of alien races who have never heard of earth or humans. Earth unfortunately is an isolated planet, and that vulnerability is being insidiously exploited.
6. Aside from a handful of extraterrestrial races who are friendly and sympathetic towards us, the majority of races are indifferent or downright hostile to humans. We are largely on our own to hold out against both off world influences and traitorous humans who sold out their own kind.
7. Many of the five star generals have sworn allegiance to off world warlords, and are traitors against this country as well as this planet.
8. The vast majority of what is discussed in UN meetings are the agendas of politically active extraterrestrials and the world government leaders who have aligned with them.
9. The NASA program to colonize Mars is a facade. Mars is, and has since the early 1990s, been colonized by humans. The world elite have fantastic palaces on Mars. The humans volunteering to colonize Mars will be set to work toiling in mines and doing slave labor for the elites who will live there.
10. There is a mass geo-re-engineering program that is creating an alien friendly atmosphere here on earth. These beings are interdimensional, and more energetic than physical. They do not like the brightness of our sun, and humans are still to healthy for them to inhabit full time. The plan is to have the sunlight reaching the earth further reduced 30% by 2030. This will wrack human health as the sun is the largest distributor of vitamin D. These interdimensional entities will t be given free reign over the earth and all living creatures left here. The elites have made deals to evacuate to off world facilities. This race of interdimensional entities have made promises to the world elites that in exchange for the planet they will buy them out of debts owed to the Reptilian and Grey alien races.
After a very lengthy discussion I find myself fading away. The power sustaining the link between my consciousness and astral body nearing total depletion. Sagatana and I are now once more standing bedside over a sleeping Hillary Clinton. Sagatana points out a door and we walk towards it. I am now aware of my physical body sitting in a chair. My breathing is slightly irregular and there is a strong vibrating in my heart center.
I remove the prepared plate from the top of my head, beginning a series of gentle exercises to fully settle my awareness into my physical body, and end with a middle pillar ritual with kabbalistic cross. I begin jotting down all I have learned.
Offerings made to Sagatana can be left at the back door of an abandoned house, and better if they are left over his encircled sigil drawn with chalk.
This blog post does not at all cover the information about interterrestrials Hillary is aware of, and who have enormous leverage over the IMF and world banking systems.
More to come, including Bill Clinton's involvement with the occult, ritual sacrifice and UFOs.
-Papa Crocodile.
Mind blowing!!! Your information never ceases to amaze me and it makes want more from myself....
ReplyDeleteThis needs to fucking stop now. How many of us will it take to rid them off? It dawns on me that we have forgotten our heroes of the past and in effect forgotten the heroes inside everyone of us. Bring them back I say!!! obviously one of their intelligence networks failed because it's exposing the truth. I admit I am a victim and sometimes ashamed that I've 'woken' and gone back to sleep in my ignorance everyones so used to being a slave and controlled. But i know where to channel my anger now. i need to ride with St. G. I want them gone theres really no words to describe the exploitation of OUR race and OUR planet and OUR spirits I want it over.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that she was intended to win the election. There have GOT to be others that are beginning to see this horrid plot unfold on all humanity. Maybe even some of these old scum bags have looked upon the true horror that will come of their families, REGARDLESS of what promises these trans-plutonian FUCKHOLES make. Once the upper echelon of rich people (just below or at the bottom of the illuminati) figure out that these transplutonians will eventually come for EVERYONE or ALL humans, they'll realize they've been killing off their GREATEST defenders.. They are weakening the very fist they would come RUNNING to for protection. The fist of a rumbling, raging THUNDER GOD. MAY THOR BREATHE INTO THE STORMS ON ALL PLANETS THAT THIS IS HAPPENING TO. I HOPE THE WEATHER MACHINES FUCK UP AND CAUSE THORS LIGHTNING TO IMMOLATE AND PURGE THEIR INSIDES FROM THE RECTAL CAVITY, UPWARDS.
ReplyDeleteThat's just how lightning will form. From the Ground up.
WOW...this is one heck a bomb Papa crocs..It links everything together in one huge mindtornado, I almost don't want to believe it myself ... Hope you are alright from all this. And keep us updated with further info, keeping my eyes glued for more!. Take care and thanks again.
ReplyDeleteHi iam spiritualist ive awaken and now practicing into a mystic im on my own also studying now the satanic ways of the occult can you guide me through my learning and more understanding i can not help the populace of mankind till i mastered my skills