Joe Podesta's hand signs: The FISH.

Joe Podesta
I want to get this information out as quickly as possible. As such I will not be providing background details on the case, or the individuals involved,  like I have done in past posts. I was asked to give my take on the photo of Joe Podesta, his right palm marked with the number 14, and his left palm marked with a FISH. I invite you to begin a through study of Joe Podesta, Comet ping-pong, and Pizza Gate. I believe these Wikileaks validate the information the daemon Sagatana and I uncovered concerning why Hillary was denied the office of President, as well as the child molestation I was shown.

From what I can tell (searching Google and YouTube), and this is driver for my sense of urgency, there is a great many psuedo-occultists pretending to "de-code" or "de-occult" the meaning of this image. None of these so-called decoders, and I mean NONE of them, are even close. However, because they have a minor grasp of low level occultism, many may accept their explanations, and be lulled into inaction by their tranquilizing drivel. If we are to combat these vile villainous scumbags, we are to know the real truth as it relates to the particular situation of child molestation, and not red herrings.

I speak as a PRACTICING ceremonial magician of planetary high magic for now over 30 years.

On the Path of Nun.
The FISH on Podesta's left palm is direct reference to the Tarot's DEATH card, which on the Tree of Life is the Path of Nun, and connects Tipareth/Sun/#6 with Netzach/Venus/#7. Scorpio is the astrological ruler of the Path of Nun. Scorpio also rules over the sexual organs, the bowels and the anus. The infamous subhuman shit-stain and pedophile Aleister Crowley, taught that same-sex sexual magic was the most advanced form of the practice.

Golden Dawn
Aleister also taught that children ten years of age and younger are the carriers of the most pure untainted life force. The Sun is the greatest dispenser of Life Force. We see young children prominently displayed in both the Rider-Waite deck and the Golden Dawn deck SUN cards.

Once you see is hard NOT to see it. 
No one loves the "D" more than Crowley.
This is also true of Aleister Crowley's THOTH deck, where Crowley's rendering of the SUN card is vaguely reminiscent of a person bent over displaying their anus. Seeing that highly phallic shaped images also appear in the THOTH deck (the Devil card), the hinting to of the anus is not so far fetched. Take into account that Aleistar was a anal sex fanatic as well as a pedophile, and it is not only not far fetched but highly likely.

Joe Podesta bares the FISH on his left palm, which is rightly denoting of the left hand path of ceremonial magic, and that of a darker practice. This tells that Joe Podesta and his pedophile-ilk are practicing the Left Hand methods of Aleitser Crowley in this way:

Same-sex sexual magic being Aleister Crowley's most touted method, boys of ten years (or younger) possessing the most pure and untainted life force, and Scorpio showing the location of the anus as path to reaching that store house of power, as well as ruling over the sex organs (the penis to tap into the power) and the occult rituals involving the molestation of young boys now becomes very clear.  

If we are really going to combat the most vile of evil, we need to be educated by actual occultists, not dabblers, pretenders, guessers, or internet "reseachers" who plague Reddit, Forums and YouTube, with well-meaning but ultimately useless and derailing information.

I will share only about the FISH. The number 14 is not so applicable and unless one has the depth of experience to read this situation and decode it correctly, the numerology will only serve to confuse rather than clarify...if there was ever a situation where clarity is needed it is this one.

-Papa Crocodile.


  1. I got curious about what the current police chief of DC is doing about all this... Turns out, Washington DC doesnt have a police chief at the moment because the woman who previously filled that role RETIRED IN SEPTEMBER. Want to know whos running the show? PETER NEWSHAM. Want to know what he did in response to an 11 year old rape victim who came to DC police for help? He allowed detectives under his command to accuse her of making a false report, due to "inconsistent accounts". He was also responsible for the arrest of almost 400 people during the 2002 World Bank-International Monetary Fund protests at Pershing Park. Need i say more about where this pawn stands on the gameboard?


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